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Shockwave is the best.

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#1 BloodCeles

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 19:26

All I can say is...just wow. I wanted to try out other mods to see what they have and I found out REAL fast how different shockwave is compaired to the others.

I played contra and all I can say is that mod just plain Sucks. At first it seemed alright besides a few points. I was just playing easy comps just to get the hang of the mod and new units. They attack more then they do in the normal game and they are alot more brutal. Then I faced up against the nuke general. After that I exited the game and just trashed the folder and reinstalled the game.

The nuke general is unreal compaired to the one on here. The nuke rocket troops can destroy anything. Three of them destroye my patroits and my barracks before they died(they shoot mininukes like the nuke cannons). The nuke cannons shoot like twice there range. They start off with nuke migs. They get the hammercannon and the hammercannon can shoot across the whole map(which it better not in this.) They get a double barrel nuke cannon. They get a assault nuke troopcrawler(starts with 4 nuke red guards and 4 nuke rocket troops. you can guess how much that pwns) and lastly they get RAD turrets which pretty much kills anything in one hit(think about three times the damage as shockwave laser turret.)

After seeing that. I don't need to see any other mods. I think I'll stick with shockwave.
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#2 Rayburn


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Posted 01 August 2006 - 19:32

Nice to see you being such a loyal fan, but you better don't bash other mods here...Stay objective plz.
Personally, I don't like Contra either. It's jsut my personal opnion, but I think that the AI, even the "Easy" one is way too brutal and it SPAMS artillery. Another thing I don't like that much is that you need ranks to get BUILDINGS, not only unlocks...The rest is nice. I like some of the ideas they have...


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Posted 01 August 2006 - 19:34

I sust like blowing the shit out of everything in contra. :D
Thats what its for!
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#4 Stinger


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Posted 01 August 2006 - 19:36

I got bored of every other mod I tried after less than an hour - not mentioning names - but no other mod even comes close to this one.

#5 BloodCeles

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 19:42

Yeah, I liked part of the mod, but hated alot of it. Just nuke was Way to stacked and overpowered. So, I tossed it. I'm gonna try ROTR and Project Raptor. I dought they'll be better then shockwave though. So, we'll see. For now. Be back later. :D
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#6 Stinger


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Posted 01 August 2006 - 19:46

ROTR is good but the AI is no different than Zero Hour's so it isn't very challenging in that respect and doesn't add much in the way of extras to the existing Generals.

I've not tried Project Raptor before so cannot comment there.

#7 Moosy Crisp


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Posted 01 August 2006 - 19:47

I haven't tried any other mods because my computer is so junked that it wouldn't handle more than one. Shw is good for me. I'm sticking with it.

#8 Prophet of the Pimps

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 19:52

moving this to the general gaming discussion area since its more about otehr mods then shockwave. :D

Also. Don't mess with contra. it was the first good mod i played and after the experience of reborn, contra was the only thing that kept my hopes alive on stable zero hour mods.

On Side note ROTR has balance issues and the gameplay really really is altered and its just isn't fun if you are a zero hour purist like me.

Project Raptor is unit whoring. there isn't much strategy gameplay since the money making mechanism in the next version is drastically altered but the vast number of units to play with are fun when you are in a "How should i fuck up the AI today" kind of a mood.

every mod has its own charm and it isnt actually fair on any mod to be compared with another unless they are targetting the same niche.
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#9 Soul

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 19:55

They made the AI hard for a reason to make it more challenging ask them yourself and they have super units some with unlimited range the is no easy normal or hard on that mod although it may say that it's not true I asked them myself why it was so hard.
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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#10 Prophet of the Pimps

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 20:00

the complex AI is also the cause for the uber lag issue even on uber high end machines.
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#11 lordbane2110


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Posted 01 August 2006 - 20:10

Well i do like shockwave, but is it the best hmmmm, well it certainly adds a lot of strategy and depth to the original zero hour

but as it isn't finished yet i'm not going to pass judgement

i do think there is definetely some good mods out there

Shockwave is the most professionaly done

Project Raptor is fun as it is pure spamming

Contra is Fun but only for rushers

Rise of the Reds, while a good mod shouldn't be judged properly yet either as they have yet to add the 3 generals and rebalanced the mod

and as for being able to play more than one mod on zero hour, well that was the reason modtoaster was invented

my top 5 list of mods would be this though

1. Shockwave 0.92
2. Mid East Crisis
3. Reborn V4
4. Rise of the Reds
5. Project Raptor Beta 7

although i am looking forward to Vietnam Glory Obscured, and Halogen

#12 Futschki


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Posted 01 August 2006 - 20:21

I dunno ... All The Mods WAS fun and Sure ShW Is The best Ever here is my 2 best mods :
1.shockwave 0.92
2.reborn V4 (only if they werent stolen Stuff :D)

but I think playing the same game for 3 years is annoying even if there is shockwave so now I am just waiting for c&c 3 maybe Some changes.
and I wonder If there will be a shW mod for c&c3
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#13 BloodCeles

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 20:27

So far mine is...

1: Shockwave v.92(.93 when it comes out.)
3: Not sure of a third. Wont say contra. I really don't like how they stacked the nuke gen, plus the ranking system thing sucks.

Trying project raptor now.
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#14 lordbane2110


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Posted 01 August 2006 - 20:31

honestly people should get MODTOASTER

as i have 24 different mods for zero hour on it and it means less hassle with having to uninstall and the like

plus you can import 0.92 of shockwave so waiting for 0.93

which seems to be taking ages, will give you the shockwave loving you need

#15 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 21:16

My first mod for Zero Hour was Shockwave, but I had tried to d/l others (namely Contra and RotR). I couldn't get the other two to work, mostly because I was lazy, but also because I wanted to d/l Shockwave. Since Shockwave's install was straight forward it won out for me. I have however, played RotR, and when I played as the Russians, I found them to be vastly overpowering. The Sentinel could kill troops in one shot, not to mention the fact that it was amphibious. I did like the fact that the Russians were back, but I quickly went back to Shockwave since the gameplay was better and there were more toys to play with. I've wanted to play Contra for a while now, but with Ion's Domination mod becoming a possibility, I'll just wait until there's a beta for it :D .


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#16 Soul

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 21:32

My fav mods in random order

Project Raptor
Rise of the Reds
Zero Hour Retarded
Looking forward to Halogen
Energy Mod

Well that's it.
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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#17 Nuke General

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 22:01

I am 100% loyal to shockwave, I tried other mods but got bored in an hour, to me shockwave is like another great expansion to generals.
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#18 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 22:38

Shockwave is....

....the expansion EA should have made, had they not had their heads in the sand :D .

....an expansion of an expansion pack.

....an enhancement to Zero Hour.


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#19 hui tian

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 23:03

Shockwave rocks my world compared to ROTR, which unfortunately is the only mod i have played otherwise

balance is truly what makes this mod shine, and that's where ROTR falls (although ROTR is still working otu kinks i think)

though i am waiting for the Vietnam war mod (Glory Obscured) as that looks like a new game in itself, i will probably not get ModToast cuz none of the other mods seem anywhat apealing to me as of yet

#20 Whitey

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Posted 01 August 2006 - 23:13

1) Tie between MidEast Crisis and Operation: Restore Justice. Restore Justice adds realism though it is not complete and still needs a lot of work. MidEast crisis has all real stuff pretty much and its Israel Vs. Syria. It does lack realism though.
2) Blitzkreig II. Good, fun, mostly realistic game. Though it lacks the modern age I love so much.
3) DefCon. Solid gameplay, good balance (though there are some issues there), and a cool ranking system. It is set way in the future and incorporates a good amount of realism with it. There are no big mechs and such like most "futuristic" (really SciFi) games/mods have. The mod lacks voices though, landing it at 3.
4) Shockwave 0.92. Though this mod is by far the most expansion-pack like of all mods; it is not my type of mod. It tends to keep away from realism and sticks to an utterly fake future setting around the time of zero hour/generals. Though it has a shitload of new sounds and units, I can't help getting bored of it after a short time. To put it out plain and simple: the mod will kick ass when its done, but for now, its just another mod.
5) Contra. I love this mod, but the balance sucks and the AI is near impossible. I never get to rank 5 because the AI is so hard. Either I try to crush them right away, or die in minutes...

#21 DerKrieger

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Posted 02 August 2006 - 00:16

Top Three mods:
1. Shockwave
2. ProGen
An Act of War looks badass too: http://mods.moddb.co...-an-act-of-war/
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#22 BloodCeles

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Posted 02 August 2006 - 02:14

 Switchblade, on 1 Aug 2006, 17:13, said:

5) Contra. I love this mod, but the balance sucks and the AI is near impossible. I never get to rank 5 because the AI is so hard. Either I try to crush them right away, or die in minutes...

Tell me about it. That mod needs Alot of balance, and the AI's are to hard. I understand the AIs need to be more challaging, but when your a first timer to the mod. How you suppose to learn the stuff when your getting pwned? Plus, the general powers can destroy your whole base and the ranking system sucks.

I beat the first 2 games I played, then lost the third. The first one wasn't really a challage. The second one was me vs the flame general. I did fine mostly then when it came to the the end, I had a CC, 6 powerplants, barracks, warfactory, 2 airfields, and the Stragety Center. When I attacked flame gen and managed to destroy her base with only 2 buildings left. I heard "my base is underattack". Then I look at my base and see there's only two power plants left. Both in red. Then I fought nuke gen. That was a waste of time, I lost before I started.

I mostly hate mods with out balance. When they overpower sides and give units with like no weakness. It's kinda lame.

I tryed the project Raptor mod. It's alright. Not two good and not to bad. Same with ROTR.

What other mods are out there that I could try?
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#23 Whitey

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Posted 02 August 2006 - 02:20

MidEast Crisis, it is a masterpiece

Restore Justice, if you like realism

CNC: Europe

CNC: Holland

Blitzkreig II

Imperial Assault (If you like starwars, I don't personally.

Russian Invasion

The First Tiberian War

#24 Prophet of the Pimps

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Posted 02 August 2006 - 07:52

oh russian invasion is fun but it is a pain in the ass to play because its building structure is different from the rest of the zero hour sides. so the building phase is not compatible.
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#25 MentalAss

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Posted 02 August 2006 - 08:55

Well I'm a one hundered percent Shockwave fanatic aswell.

The only other mods I'm looking forward to are:

1. Red Alert Regeneration
2. Halogen
3. The Capellan Solution (C&C Generals Mod)

Edited by MentalAss, 02 August 2006 - 08:56.

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