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Things best not said

Foxhound's Photo Foxhound 16 Sep 2006

To ShW staff: "Man the Netherlands SUCK! I hate it there SO MUCH! I'd rather get cancer than go there!" (sorry!)

To Indians: "Jesus, why are you guys so obsessed with goddamn cows?! I mean-" (you'd never get finished with this one)

To Americans: "For god's sake, your country is the WORST place I've EVER BEEN TO! Your president sucks, your national intelligence sucks, and worst of all, your politics suck! And don't get me STARTED on your driving skills, math skills, and standards of politeness! JESUS!"

To Africans: "Why are you guys always killing each other and spreading AIDS? It's retarded, and so are you!"

To Russians: "GodDAMN you people drink a lot! I'm surprised that you people haven't lost half your population to drinking issues!"

To any European: "We should invade those French pussies! They don't do a thing for us!"

(I'm kidding with all of these obviously)

killua's Photo killua 16 Sep 2006

MMM I think almost every european would agree to invade france. They just really suck Ask any earopean dude about the french :)

So that statement does not count.