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steroids + nikey sneakers upgrade

Alie's Photo Alie 21 Aug 2006

for vinilla GLA(or a general) GLA workers could get a upgrade for steroids, that makes them get bigger and occasionaly saying "GIVE ME YOUR LUNCH MONEY!" in the brute's voice. the upgrade will boost how many credits you get from resource gathering. then after the worker's shoes upgrade they can upgrade to counterfit nikeys from the black market, that would make them run faster what do you think?

Soul's Photo Soul 21 Aug 2006

Awsome and all you have to do to the worker model for the steriods upgrade is increase there mass around there arms and torso man will that look funny.

Sgt. Nuker's Photo Sgt. Nuker 21 Aug 2006

Well, in Shockwave, the shoe upgrade gives the worker the ability to carry more. If they get Nike shoes, they should be able to do both (as in walk/run a bit faster and carry a bit more, like $100 worth). I'm against the steroids idea simply because it's a bit too YR and IMO, YR ended up being too focused on genetics and mind control. I like the latter idea, just not the first one.


Major Nuker

Prophet of the Pimps's Photo Prophet of the Pimps 21 Aug 2006

give them jordan air. :locky:
Posted Image

that would be kick ass. :D

Jordan's Photo Jordan 21 Aug 2006

Those shoes are ugly. I don't like the steriods upgrade, or the brand name mentioning. This is a mod, not a board of advertisement.

Still, generic running shoes would be cool.


Edited by Jordan, 21 August 2006 - 20:27.

Waris's Photo Waris 21 Aug 2006

Makt them catch big Air too.

Jordan's Photo Jordan 21 Aug 2006

It would be cool to have a jump ability, there it would fire a shockwave under his feet, propelling him into the air. Maybe he can run 80, and can leave the ground. But, make the upgrade per unit, and cost 750 dollars.

Futschki's Photo Futschki 21 Aug 2006

yes good idea

amazin's Photo amazin 24 Aug 2006

it should be after you get worker shoes original though