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[Resources] Public Particle FX'es

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#26 CoLT


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Posted 11 May 2008 - 12:09

That means the texture is missing. Ion posted a file that might contain the texture. Otherwise rename the texture in the particle system's code to a texture you have (if it looks right).
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Posted 12 May 2008 - 08:47

may i know where's the file?
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#28 CoLT


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Posted 12 May 2008 - 10:33

I think Ion lost them. :P Just use a different texture. You can find them in either Textures.big or TexturesZH.big. All of the particle textures would be prefixed with "Ex" iirc.
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#29 smooder

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Posted 12 May 2008 - 16:15

I could post some of the nice arage FX's if you want?


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Posted 13 May 2008 - 02:02

alrighty. looking forward
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RIP CommanderJB

#31 Mr Doom


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Posted 03 November 2008 - 05:41

Nice smoke effect.
But can anybody create large smoke particle?
I dosen't know how create :D
But this smoke effect i created
But i need larger

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#32 Zeke

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Posted 04 November 2008 - 14:55

ermm, if you made that, why not make it bigger yourself?

#33 Failure


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Posted 03 April 2009 - 13:31

Jesus Christ, what smoke texture is it.
Also, tweak the Size and SizeRate parameters if you want it bigger.
Or send me the code.

#34 Libains

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Posted 03 April 2009 - 13:39

While this is a pinned topic and thus necromancy is totally acceptable, I will point out that the user you are responding to posted over 6 months ago, and likely has moved on by now :popcorn:
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#35 Failure


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Posted 03 April 2009 - 13:59

Oh, didn't noticed this, sorry man :popcorn:

Can this topic still be used to relase particles?

#36 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 03 April 2009 - 14:05

Yes, if you want to release some of your own, feel free.
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#37 cccdfern


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Posted 07 August 2009 - 11:36

is there a way to edit the fx while seeing what it will look like?
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#38 JJ

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Posted 07 August 2009 - 11:42

There's no instant way in ZH, but you can do what I do, put the particle in a map.ini, then edit the map.ini. Changes will appear every time you restart the map.

#39 Kris

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Posted 07 August 2009 - 11:52

or use the particle editor for vGenerals.

#40 Whitey

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Posted 11 August 2009 - 00:57

Though to be quite honest, once you have the hang of the things, at least in my case, it becomes more efficient to just edit the particles and FX together outside the game.

#41 Nem


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Posted 11 August 2009 - 01:02

 Boidy, on 10 Aug 2009, 20:57, said:

Though to be quite honest, once you have the hang of the things, at least in my case, it becomes more efficient to just edit the particles and FX together outside the game.

This man speaks the truth! Combine a good particle knowledge with quick start and testing time can be cut down significantly.

#42 adamstrange


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Posted 18 August 2009 - 21:26

I just tried to use the Tank Muzzle flash effect but it keeps giving me this error-
ASSERTION FAILURE: token WeaponFX_120MM is not a valid member of the index list
strange...as wonderful as it may be...i'm still...up here...floating...and no one even seems to notice.

#43 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 18 August 2009 - 23:29

Hmm make sure you copied it correctly. It should be ; FXList WeaponFX_120MM
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#44 Failure


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Posted 19 August 2009 - 09:15

Use the particle editor from generals demo, put it inside generals folder add crap to it's shortcut, edit then save and just delete two lines in the code to make it usable in zh.
And going trial and error does not save any time, atleast with editor you can create the base and then just pimp it in zero hour, than just blindly put random numbers in notepad.
It's not a bad thing to use editor. Nem, I would like You to try making particle in World in Conflict without the editor. Good luck.

Edited by Failure, 19 August 2009 - 09:16.

#45 Nem


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Posted 19 August 2009 - 15:17

Mind pointing out where I said it was a bad thing?

#46 Whitey

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Posted 19 August 2009 - 21:52

Protip: Those numbers aren't random. If you can come to terms with what they mean, it's relatively easy to piece particles together without error in the first place.

#47 Failure


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Posted 20 August 2009 - 08:53

 Nem, on 19 Aug 2009, 15:17, said:

Mind pointing out where I said it was a bad thing?

You didn't, sorry, but hell why are you people so much against this editor?
It really helps new people, and it helps me too if I have to create detailed stuff, shit, I use it almost always since I don't like trial and error technique.
Maybe I'd get used to trial and error since it is cnc3 time now :)
For example in World in Conflict you will win an entire internet if you will create particle without using editor.
I understand that those are two different engines, and a good particle coder-bla bla bla, but really, Nem have you even tried this editor?
Why am I so much defending this? Because I've seen how it helped people such as Chrizz/Chris and Boidy/Rorshah/Cboidy get to the top of particle coding.
That's all from my side I don't want to continue this, since everyone has got their own opinions which I'm not going and I can't change :P

@Boidy, I know, but many new people have this problem and they run the game many pointless times after changing random numbers to see what are they related to, I know that after some time they'd get used to it, but still after you will make the particle how you want it to be, you have to pimp it. I'm doing it opposite way, I'm getting the base particle in editor so I'm not worried about errors/typos and I'm pimping it in zero hour.

#48 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 20 August 2009 - 10:12

 Failure, on 20 Aug 2009, 9:53, said:

 Nem, on 19 Aug 2009, 15:17, said:

Mind pointing out where I said it was a bad thing?

You didn't, sorry, but hell why are you people so much against this editor?
It really helps new people, and it helps me too if I have to create detailed stuff, shit, I use it almost always since I don't like trial and error technique.
Maybe I'd get used to trial and error since it is cnc3 time now :)
For example in World in Conflict you will win an entire internet if you will create particle without using editor.
I understand that those are two different engines, and a good particle coder-bla bla bla, but really, Nem have you even tried this editor?
Why am I so much defending this? Because I've seen how it helped people such as Chrizz/Chris and Boidy/Rorshah/Cboidy get to the top of particle coding.
That's all from my side I don't want to continue this, since everyone has got their own opinions which I'm not going and I can't change :P

@Boidy, I know, but many new people have this problem and they run the game many pointless times after changing random numbers to see what are they related to, I know that after some time they'd get used to it, but still after you will make the particle how you want it to be, you have to pimp it. I'm doing it opposite way, I'm getting the base particle in editor so I'm not worried about errors/typos and I'm pimping it in zero hour.

Boidy has always edited them without the editor IIRC.
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#49 Whitey

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Posted 03 December 2009 - 01:07


Also, here's a nuke. It's the ginormous one featured in this PotD:

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Given that the code is years old and has been stored by Nem, I can't guarantee everything is totally working or not, or at all. But it should, in theory, be.

It was made for cinematic purposes, and so, eats the system alive when used with real-time rendering.

If you find a use for it, just be sure to credit me, thanks.

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  • Attached File  Nuke.txt (36.6K)
    Number of downloads: 35

#50 Failure


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Posted 22 February 2010 - 14:00

It's not top quality nor 100% perfect.
But I like it, so I thought I'll put it here.

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Download ( with explosion sound )
Attached File  BigExplosion.zip (114.52K)
Number of downloads: 60

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