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Basic Worldbuilder F.A.Q.

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#1 Revan

    The Sneaky Cannon Fodder in the Background

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Posted 27 October 2006 - 21:09

This thread is designed to help you with the most common asked questions by newcomers to mapping, if you have any question not on this list, first check the Advanced F.A.Q. and if it isn't on there, post it.

Q: I'm getting an assertion failure when I click button XYZ and I'm asked if I should Ignore, Retry or Cancel.
A: It's completley harmless if you simply press Ignore, probably some error which is getting caused by EA's lazyness.

Q: How do I manipulate terrain?
A: You can use the 3 Buttons which look like Brushes in the bar above the viewing screen. The one without any symbol is for a height you specify, the one with a - is to lower terrain, the one with a + is to raise it. You can specify how big the brush should be, how big the feather should be (this is responsible on how steep the cliffs will be) and how much it should change.

Q: How do I texture a map?
A: Press either the button to texture one field, which looks like 2 black squeres and if you hover over it it'll be marked with "one tile" or the button to texture multiple tiles which looks like a checkerboard and is next to the "one tile" button and marked with "Large tile". If you click one of those you get a large selection of textures. Try not to use too many though, as that will cause lag.

Q: Where are the cliff textures?
A: The best textures for cliffs are in the "mountain rugged" folder.

Q: How can I do streets?
A: Streets are done in Road tool option in the upper right of the toolbar.

Q: How do I make good looking Ramps/Cliffs?

 nipthecat, on 22 Jul 2007, 2:36, said:

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This is far from finished yet, it'll be updated with time.


Question: How the hell do i take screenshots of my map in worldbuilder?

Answer (by AllStarZ, edited by me :D ) :

Step 1: Press the Print Screen button on your keyboard while looking at your map

Step 2: Open Photoshop or Paint (Paint will do :D )

Step 3: Press Control+V

Step 4: Save it as JPEG or PNG


Is there any tutorials on how to put AI in my map? :D

Yes, there is...Try this URL: ZOMG Clicky It was done by RVMECH For Generals still works for ZH If i remember correctly :D
NOTE: that site includes some detailed mapping tips and info :D

Ok, well I'm sort of a n00b at mapping, and I have a few questions about AI and where they build their base defenses.

Does the AI mainly build base defenses in the outer perimeter or the inner perimeter?

Does where the AI build it's outer base defense correspond to where their base's entrance is? (CenterPath, Flank, BackdoorPath)

Can a base have more than one Flank or BackdoorPath?

Can you tell the AI to build only AA defenses in certain places (Like in places around the base where ground troops wouldn't immedietly get to) around his base, and defenses vs ground in other places (like their base entrance)

Thank you for your time.

1. The AI builds its defenses in the outer perimeter and build's its base in the inner perimeter.

2. The AI doesn't build ots base defenses corresponding to the base entrances for the other AI. The AI just builds its defenses according to its scipt.

3. You can have a forked AI attack path for the Flank, BackDoor, and Center attack paths. As in you have on path to the enemies base and at the halfway point it divides into two paths that both end in the enemies base.

Like how the AI builds its defenses in the outer perimeter, the AI builds its AA defenses according to how it is scripted.


Edited by Revantheemperor, 03 November 2007 - 12:08.

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