It’s hard having “best” friends online, you don’t know who people are, and I for one like a few drinks and a good smoke in the woods with my mates.
I have no predispositions to whom I converse with as long as they are cool with who they are, and who I am.
MSN buddies so far are abourror, Dr.ШBAPЗKOPФ, E.V.E and Sic, Who all seem very cool and send me good tunes when I’m board @ work.
X fire buddies are BillyChaka, {LP}Admiral-(NL) and SonicBoom and The Dr. Have so far played Warhammer 40000 dark crusade with Billy and Sonic. (Badly from me)
If you want to MSN or X-fire me, just do it.
However these names are now familiar too me, and I very much value, not necessarily agree with, what they have all said in the forums I have read and posted since I joined.
Alchemist, Alias, AllStarZ, Ascendancy, Bob, Caleb, casojin, Chris, Chrizz, CodeCat, Comr4de, cozmoisme, Crazykenny, cryptkeeper, Dr.ШBAPЗKOPФ, Eddy01741, E.V.E, fierfek99, Forerunner, Forgotten_Soul, Foxhound, Golan, Grim Reaper, Jean-Luc Picard, Judgement , Lord_Atlantis, Machairi, Mathias, MI-28 Havoc, MLRS, Moosy Crisp, Mr. Airforce, Mr. Pokey, Nemesis, Nightshadow, Overdose, Prophet of the Pimps, RaiDK, Razgriz 1, retry_1, Revantheemperor, RI-Ravager, Rumpullpus, Scopejim, Short Stuff, Sic, Smooder, spiderspag, Spirit of Command & Conquer, Stinger, TehKiller, Teron, Tic-Tac 1098, The Dr, The_Hunter, Waris, Zancloufer27 and zeke . . . . Phew, think that’s them all. :dizz:
AllStarZ, casojin, CodeCat, cryptkeeper, Dauth, Forerunner, Forgotten_Soul, Golan, Jean-Luc Picard, Machairi, MI-28 Havoc, Nightshadow, Overdose, Prophet of the Pimps, Rumpullpus. Short Stuff, Sic, Smooder and spiderspag. For the interesting and topical “Deep end” discussions.
The_Hunter for doing what he does! And being a Nederlander, as I lived in Leiden for a few years, and have friends and family in Holland.
Bob and Major Nuker have been instrumental in helping me understand E studios.
MDW for help and such a cool Dr Strangelove sig!
Alias because he’s Australian, and I loved my year in Australia so much I don’t even mind you beating us @ cricket anymore, lol.