As The Weeks Go On, Ill Get Into More Difficult Scripting And Such

AI Scripting
1) Create The Inner And Outer Perimeters Useing The Area Triggers
*For Each Player (IE. 1,2,3,etc...) They Need An Inner And Outer Perimeter.
* When You Make An Area With The Area Trigger Button, You Have To Name It, The Inner and Outer Permiter For Each AI Player Is already written, just scroll down and choose which name for it.
* Inner Permiter is the smallest area you wanna make for your AI, each player should have this, It is where that player will build its most important buildings, If an enemy enters this area, the AI will go berserk trying to protect it. (Big Enough For Them To Build, but not too big)
* Outer Perimeter is the Second Largest area in order to have an AI Map, Again Each Player should have this. This is rather large and go around the whole area of the base you want the AI To build on. This Area Is Where Their Base Defenses and More useless buildings will go, If they see an enemy in this area, they will react, but not go berserk because their not a threat yet. (Big, but only covers the base of that player.)
2) Combat Zone
*This is the area in which fighting will happen.
* The biggest Of all the area on the map, there is only one, it covers all the map.
* Also uses the area trigger button, but doesnt have its name on the scroll list. So Type It Exactly Like This
3) Attack Routes (All Of these use waypoint paths pointing into base.
*CenterPath is the route the easy AI take, which is the most taken. (Will often be the most guarded.)
(Say the player this route is for is player one. The routes name should be, not on the scroll list though, down on the first box, CenterPath1)
*Flank is the route medium AI Will take (Less guarded but still not best way to go.) (Should Be named, if the AI is player 1, Flank1)
*BackdoorPath is the route the hard AI will take. (Least guarded) (If the AI is player 1, should be named, BackdoorPath1)
4) Adding the AI
*Go to player options, and click the button that says, Add Skirmish Players.
* now AI Can be any player. and will not be white at all time, and un-moveing.
That's This Weeks...
Scripting 101
Edited by Revantheemperor, 03 November 2007 - 14:12.