[how to] Make forceshields in ZH
Started By Sgt. Rho, Nov 13 2006 09:26
6 replies to this topic
Posted 13 November 2006 - 09:26
Here ill show 2 ways to make forceshield in ZH,requires some coding skills.
1st way:
Make a new weapon with the following data:
Name: ForceShield Weapon1
AceptableAimDelta = 360 ;turret doesnt need to turn to the target to fire
PrimaryDamage = 999999 ;so it kills everything which aproaches^^
Damage type = Unresistable ;there is no protection against it
DelayBetweenShots = 0 ;it can stop infinite missiles...
Now, give your unit the point defenselaser update and set the weapon as ForceShield Weapon.
2nd way:
Make a new weapon with the following data:
ForceShield Weapon2
PrimaryDamage = 999999
DamageType = Unresistable
DelayBetweenShots = 0
Now give your unit a FireWeaponUpdate and set the used weapon to FirceShield Weapon2 (by this way,it will deactivate if it fires the normal weapon
1st way:
Make a new weapon with the following data:
Name: ForceShield Weapon1
AceptableAimDelta = 360 ;turret doesnt need to turn to the target to fire
PrimaryDamage = 999999 ;so it kills everything which aproaches^^
Damage type = Unresistable ;there is no protection against it
DelayBetweenShots = 0 ;it can stop infinite missiles...
Now, give your unit the point defenselaser update and set the weapon as ForceShield Weapon.
2nd way:
Make a new weapon with the following data:
ForceShield Weapon2
PrimaryDamage = 999999
DamageType = Unresistable
DelayBetweenShots = 0
Now give your unit a FireWeaponUpdate and set the used weapon to FirceShield Weapon2 (by this way,it will deactivate if it fires the normal weapon
Posted 13 November 2006 - 11:41
Sorry Helge for hijacking your thread
But the Point defense Method is not a good way to make a shield, might work but will have sideeffects....the ECM tank logic will work with little or no sideeffects....i think 
Make a weapon with a "AcceptableAimDelta = 360" so it will turn when targeting stuff and then give it a PrimaryDamage of 99999 and give it the weapon the "SUBDUAL_UNRESISTABLE" Damage type so every thing that gets near the tank gets disabled and last give it a Reload Time of zero and give it a "AntiSmallMissile = Yes" and a "AntiBallisticMissile = Yes" and last a "AntiProjectile = Yes" so every weapon that get near gets killed
Example Code:
If you want to spice up the weapon and give it somekind of special effects just like the Microwave have just add a "Firefx" in the weapon.
after that you must define the "SUBDUAL_UNRESISTABLE" damage too the armor of the unit you want to get affected by it ;
Example Code:
and last if you want to replicate the ECM tank's missile jammer ability... just add the "FireWeaponUpdate" on the unit and in the "Weapon" tag define the Shield Weapon (eg: like the "Shieldshit" i made) so when the tank is idle it will turn on the shield but when attacking it will turn off the shield so it can be killed.
Example Code:

Make a weapon with a "AcceptableAimDelta = 360" so it will turn when targeting stuff and then give it a PrimaryDamage of 99999 and give it the weapon the "SUBDUAL_UNRESISTABLE" Damage type so every thing that gets near the tank gets disabled and last give it a Reload Time of zero and give it a "AntiSmallMissile = Yes" and a "AntiBallisticMissile = Yes" and last a "AntiProjectile = Yes" so every weapon that get near gets killed
Example Code:
Weapon Shieldshit PrimaryDamage = 9999.0 PrimaryDamageRadius = 0.0 AttackRange = 65.0 DamageType = SUBDUAL_UNRESISTABLE DeathType = EXPLODED RadiusDamageAffects = ENEMIES NEUTRALS;should NOT Have ALLIES or your stuff get killed too. WeaponSpeed = 999999.0; dist/sec DelayBetweenShots = 0; time between shots, msec ClipSize = 0 ; how many shots in a Clip (0 == infinite) ClipReloadTime = 0 ; how long to reload a Clip, msec AcceptableAimDelta = 360; Don't need to turn at all. AntiSmallMissile = Yes AntiProjectile = Yes AntiBallisticMissile = Yes FireFX = FX_MicrowaveTankEmitter;can be placeholder but can be replaced if desired End
If you want to spice up the weapon and give it somekind of special effects just like the Microwave have just add a "Firefx" in the weapon.
after that you must define the "SUBDUAL_UNRESISTABLE" damage too the armor of the unit you want to get affected by it ;
Example Code:
Armor ProjectileArmor Armor = DEFAULT 25% Armor = FALLING 0% Armor = LASER 100% Armor = SMALL_ARMS 25% Armor = MICROWAVE 0% Armor = GATTLING 25% Armor = HAZARD_CLEANUP 0% Armor = KILL_PILOT 0% Armor = SURRENDER 0% Armor = SUBDUAL_MISSILE 100% Armor = SUBDUAL_VEHICLE 0% Armor = SUBDUAL_BUILDING 0% Armor = WATER 200% Armor = SUBDUAL_UNRESISTABLE 200% End
and last if you want to replicate the ECM tank's missile jammer ability... just add the "FireWeaponUpdate" on the unit and in the "Weapon" tag define the Shield Weapon (eg: like the "Shieldshit" i made) so when the tank is idle it will turn on the shield but when attacking it will turn off the shield so it can be killed.
Example Code:
Behavior = FireWeaponUpdate ModuleZOMGShield!_01 Weapon = ECMTankMissileJammer ExclusiveWeaponDelay = 1000; If we fire a real weapon, we turn this module off for this long End
Edited by Chris, 13 November 2006 - 11:51.
Posted 13 November 2006 - 20:11
I've done the pdl version, and it works for me.
Also, another juicy little tidbit of info. If you want to make the shield sphere shaped, like a giant translucent blue ball, make the radius of the weapon the same as the sphere's radius, but maybe about 10 shorter. They use the same measurements.
If the sphere radius is 220, make the PDL radius about 210.
Also, you might want to add a minimum range to it, just to help balance it out. What this will do is create a "wall" of shield coverage, and once the enemy drives through that wall, they can attack normally.
For example:
Sphere radius: 220
Max Weapon Range: 210
Minimum Weapon Range: 200
I haven't tested the minimum and maximum ranges part, but in theory, it should work.
Also, another juicy little tidbit of info. If you want to make the shield sphere shaped, like a giant translucent blue ball, make the radius of the weapon the same as the sphere's radius, but maybe about 10 shorter. They use the same measurements.
If the sphere radius is 220, make the PDL radius about 210.
Also, you might want to add a minimum range to it, just to help balance it out. What this will do is create a "wall" of shield coverage, and once the enemy drives through that wall, they can attack normally.
For example:
Sphere radius: 220
Max Weapon Range: 210
Minimum Weapon Range: 200
I haven't tested the minimum and maximum ranges part, but in theory, it should work.
Edited by Jordan, 13 November 2006 - 20:13.
Posted 13 November 2006 - 21:42
It works, ask detonato,he should know it.....^^
Posted 17 June 2008 - 19:56
how did does the min and max range work???? i tried and it didnt work:(
Posted 17 June 2008 - 20:31
Do not post in old threads!
But seeing as this is a modding related question, and seems genuine, I'll allow this to remain open.
However, next time you are in desperate search of an answer, please try sending a private message to the original poster, who may be able to help you out.
But seeing as this is a modding related question, and seems genuine, I'll allow this to remain open.
However, next time you are in desperate search of an answer, please try sending a private message to the original poster, who may be able to help you out.
Edited by Stinger, 17 June 2008 - 22:00.
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