This tutorial explains how to manipulate terrain, lets get started shall we?

1. Mountains
First im gonna teach you how to make mountain and ridges.
Begin with clicking the mound tool:

Now i Terrain Brush Option tab will pop up, here you can configure how fast the mountain grows and how steep:

Put the options like this:
-Brush Width on 6
-Brush Feather on 5
-Brush height on 7
Now click and hold the Left Mouse button to make a mountain like this:

Looks quite nice already, but its quite steep and then textures will appear blocky so lets fix this shall we?
First click the smood tool:

Now another tab will pop up, configure it as followed:
-Brush Width on 10
-Filter Radius on 1
-Feather Rate on 6
Now hold you mouse a drag the mouse over you mountain untill it looks similair to this:

It looks a little empty doesnt it? Well next stop will be texturing.

2. Texturing Mountains
First make sure you followed the above tutorial
Now open the texture browser and this window will pop up:

Now you see quite allot of textures, but we are going to use some specific ones

Open the Mountain Rugged tab and click on the texture: CliffMediumType16 for a good looking cliff texture

Now click and hold your squared browser over the sides of your mountain, but dont drag it over the top, at the end it looks similair to this:

Ha good looking Ay?
Now we are going to texture the top, look into the Mountain Rugged texture browser and look for GrassMediumType17.
Now texture the top of your mountain untill it looks similair to this:
It starts to look really nice doesnt it?
Well the only thing thats isnt looks nice is the edges of the texture, but whe can fix that as followed.
Click the Auto Edge Out button and click the cliff texture:
Now it looks like this:
Damn thats a sexy mountain

First click the Grove tool:
Now make the same list as i did:
Click and hold you mouse and make a box on top of you mountain and release it, now it looks like this:
Congrats, you made a good looking mountain

Edited by Revantheemperor, 03 November 2007 - 13:47.