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war in shockwave

retry_1's Photo retry_1 30 Sep 2005

*retry_1 has joined the game*
hops into a halo plane and encrcles the map waiting for a n00b to join my game

Red_Leader's Photo Red_Leader 01 Oct 2005

joins game,


walks away

Jazz Man's Photo Jazz Man 01 Oct 2005

*Jazz man Enters battle as DOCTOR THRAX*
"Anthrax! dose a body bad!! :)"
*Deploys WarFactory and sends out his Toxin Tractors*
*Starts Building his Palace*
Edited by Jazz Man, 01 October 2005 - 03:39.

retry_1's Photo retry_1 01 Oct 2005

still circles map in a halo plan while ordering my men around from the plane seed i have a sutible air fort and watches my feild of airfeilds grow

renegade's Photo renegade 01 Oct 2005

*joins the battle as general juhziz and makes lots of tunnels and stingers and makes a fully built base (no super weapons please) and then watches them fight*

nexus1689's Photo nexus1689 01 Oct 2005

jumps in as Gen Shi Tao the nuke and begins building his war factorys and produces a battalion of battlemasters very quicly and then my poropganda center is finished and creates nuke cannons and over lords and begins to roll towards jazz mans base

Jazz Man's Photo Jazz Man 01 Oct 2005

*Finshs Building Palace*
*Build Stinger Sites and a Jarmen kell, and 3 hijackers*
*Deploys them in a Defesnive postion*
*Starts building a Scud Storm*

CodeCat's Photo CodeCat 01 Oct 2005

*Infects all of your computers with Windows XP*

(stupid music plays)


moab_there_butt's Photo moab_there_butt 01 Oct 2005


ohh... crap... i forgot to get a command center and workers along with tanks.... at least im invisible...

maybe ill convert a dozer to my cause :)
i will allie with anyone :)

*sneakes into jazzman's palice and steals adv. sniper rifel and leaves 1500 bucks*


*spots retry_1's plane and snipes out the pilot and watches retry_1 bale out*

muhahahahaha again :)

i will now fade into the shadows and not be seen by peaple... and things... and stuff... yha.

Jazz Man's Photo Jazz Man 02 Oct 2005

*Finishs ScudStorm*
*Reinforced buildings
*Toxin Rockets
*Gamma Purchard.

nexus1689's Photo nexus1689 06 Oct 2005

my nuke cannons fire all in a single row BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM and raina fiery hell down on jazz mans newwly completed scud storm ...and its destroyed then my tanks rush his base going throught the buildings weavinb in and out destroying all int their path and blow his base up and then they rest gathering their strength and replenishing their numbers

ultra1437's Photo ultra1437 04 Nov 2005

*Ultra joins battle as Laser General*
*sets up War Factories and Airfields*
*Starts Building Strategy centre and 4 stealthfighters*
"Lasers Make Superior Weapons General"
*buys Laser Defences for aircraft*
*strategy centre completed and builds laser paladins*
"Lasers Will Keep It Clean"
Edit- "oh Black Lotus Could you Lend me Your Hacking Skills Please?"
*Black Lotus hacks ImmoMan's Computer and Installs Windows XP Nightmare Edition*
Edited by ultra1437, 04 November 2005 - 00:39.

Jazz Man's Photo Jazz Man 04 Nov 2005

*Deploys Biobombs and damages tanks with armor eatting acid.
*Rebuilding scud storms
*Fortifed buildings..

Deathstrike's Photo Deathstrike 04 Nov 2005

ultra1437, on Nov 4 2005, 02:37 AM, said:

*Ultra joins battle as Laser General*
*sets up War Factories and Airfields*
*Starts Building Strategy centre and 4 stealthfighters*
"Lasers Make Superior Weapons General"
*buys Laser Defences for aircraft*
*strategy centre completed and builds laser paladins*
"Lasers Will Keep It Clean"
Edit- "oh Black Lotus Could you Lend me Your Hacking Skills Please?"
*Black Lotus hacks ImmoMan's Computer and Installs Windows XP Nightmare Edition*

Ultra uses the Revive General's Power to resurrect a month-old thread :)

ultra1437's Photo ultra1437 04 Nov 2005

Deathstrike, on Nov 4 2005, 02:40 AM, said:

ultra1437, on Nov 4 2005, 02:37 AM, said:

*Ultra joins battle as Laser General*
*sets up War Factories and Airfields*
*Starts Building Strategy centre and 4 stealthfighters*
"Lasers Make Superior Weapons General"
*buys Laser Defences for aircraft*
*strategy centre completed and builds laser paladins*
"Lasers Will Keep It Clean"
Edit- "oh Black Lotus Could you Lend me Your Hacking Skills Please?"
*Black Lotus hacks ImmoMan's Computer and Installs Windows XP Nightmare Edition*

Ultra uses the Revive General's Power to resurrect a month-old thread :D

:) and yes i did. anywhoo,
*ImmoMan starts up his computer and BOOM!*
*ImmoMan is destroyed.*
*sets up 3 laser cannons and waits for them to load.
Makes stealthfighters attack random units on map.*

Balougahfitz's Photo Balougahfitz 04 Nov 2005

*Electrobomb as joined Generals Power side position at Rigley Air Base*


*Sends SCHEWNTY BAGAZILLION planes out and destroys all tanks, vehicles, infantry, ponies, piles of marshmellows, and Superweapons*
Edited by Balougahfitz, 04 November 2005 - 21:27.

ultra1437's Photo ultra1437 05 Nov 2005

*sets up 5 rows of Laser defence turrets (W/ power required) before the planes get to my base*
all planes en route to my base (except mine :) ) are destroyed.

Balougahfitz's Photo Balougahfitz 05 Nov 2005

*goes into worldbuilder, and uses his ghey moding 'skillzzzz' to make SCHEVENTY-FOUR GABAZILLIONNADAGAHANADA!! planes invincible and all belong to Electrobomb*

*Send his fuckload of planes out and destroys every tank, vehicle, infantry, laser, missle, defence, superweapon, pony, car, and building except the player held buildings, then run away off map and remove all his AWESOME planes*

ultra1437's Photo ultra1437 05 Nov 2005

*goes into worldbuilder and makes all of my buildings invincible*
Let's see ya get outta this one!

Jazz Man's Photo Jazz Man 06 Nov 2005

*Gose into world building, sets building invincible.

and builds 3 elite toxin tractors also invincible.

let the games begin..

ultra1437's Photo ultra1437 06 Nov 2005

*goes into worldbuilder and gives self 40 fab auroras, all invincible along with the corresponding airfields all invincible.*
"fuel air bombs armed and ready"
*sets toxin tractors back to uninvincible state and sends auroras after them.*

Jazz Man's Photo Jazz Man 07 Nov 2005

*sets invincible on tracters

*Bans the use from worldbuilder from now on in this thread

retry_1's Photo retry_1 08 Nov 2005

uses awesomezorz topic creator powers to find loophole in ban and turns everything back to normal and fixes loophole NOW NO WORLDBUILDER. then hacks into elecs airfeilds and controls his planes to defend his base from the toxin tractors sneraking up on his rear flank (welcome in advanve)

ultra1437's Photo ultra1437 10 Nov 2005

Hacks Everyones computers and installs Windows XP Nightmare Edition on them then shuts down and restarts them.
Guess what happens next?

Kris's Photo Kris 10 Nov 2005

i guess ZH got corrupted :)

*quickly reformats pc and reinstall ZH and*...*mods ZH to make a uber lord :D* mwaahahaahha