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Attention Judges!!

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#1 Sgt. Nuker

    Greenskin Inside

  • Global Moderator
  • 13457 posts
  • Projects: Shoot. Chop. Smash. Stomp.

Posted 03 December 2006 - 04:28

Since there will be several judges and the public will not be voting on the maps (unless I am mistaken), I thought it necessary for some kind of standardized outline to be instituted. The categories are Overall Appearance, Gameplay, Texture Quality, "Tech Goodies", Build Space, and Miscellaneous. The following is a template for said outline:

Note: Points are awarded on a 1-5 scale, 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest. Some categories are optional and will be denoted as such. Maps with these optional categories will be graded on a 100 point scale, while maps without said categories will be graded on a 90 point scale. Award points based on how well the questions are answered.

Overall Appearance

Does the map have a theme?:
How well is the theme carried out?:
Is there weather effects?

Total points:


Is it easy to gain map control?:
How easy are choke points to defend?:
How well is the AI coded?:
How well are paths/waypoints followed?:

Total points:

Texture Quality

Do any textures look out of place?:
How "correct" are the cliff textures?: (optional)
Are the shorelines smooth?: (optional)

Total points:

Tech Goodies

Are there tech goodies present?:
Do the structures work?:
How well do the structures fit the theme?:
Do the structures give an unfair advantage to one player?:

Total points:

Build Space

Is build space limited, and to what extent?:
Is buildspace equal for all players?:
Does the build space contain adequate resources?:
Does the area contain an unfair defensive advantage?:

Total points:


Was the map entertaining to use?:
Was the map so detailed it was a factor in lag?:

Total points:

Cumulative total:
Optional cumulative total:


~ ~ ~

If an area doesn't apply to a map, i.e. it does not have one of the optional areas, put "N/A". The same goes for the "optional cumulative total" if the map does not have any of the optional areas. PM me if you do not understand any of the areas or are unsure of something.


Major Nuker
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