First and foremost, this section of the forum is NOT a joke. I say this because some of you , I'm not mentioning names, have spammed almost every other post. The spamming MUST end, and it will end NOW. Having fun is okay, but you guys need to learn to draw the line somewhere, and I'm here to tell you where that line is. We have a perfectly running Spam section for all your spamming needs. If you have a job to do, do it in a timely manner. Remember, quality is better than quantity.
Second, if you know you will be away for an extended amount of time, let one of the higher ups know. Better yet, make a post that you'll be gone (including the dates if known), either in this section of the forum, OR on the E-Studios forum itself. That way we aren't going around thinking you fell off the face of the earth. This also preserves your position in the Guild. 2 former members of the Guild were let go because of inactivity (well, one was kicked, the other was demoted). Don't let this happen to you.
Thirdly, there will be a new system to deal with infractions against the rules:
The first time is merely a warning. I use "merely" lightly, as you should heed the warning as if it were your last chance.
The second time will result in an all expenses paid vacation from the Mapper's Guild. Use this time wisely to think of your deeds and come back.
The third time (God forbid) is your absolute last time you will be seen here, at least as a functioning member of the Guild. Your rank/membership will be stripped and your hopes of being a member again will be dashed.
Lastly, but certainly not least, have fun with your work. If you're stuck for ideas, ask someone to help you out of your creative slump. Remember, as a Guild member, you are part of a "family", and families help one another. Again, keeping in mind that quality over quantity is the key.

Those are the rules. Read 'em, learn 'em, like 'em

In faithful service,
Major Nuker :nod: