Q: How can you do railroad crossings with streets?
A: The only way is to split the road into 2 pieces and lay them on the border of the railroad so the railroad isn't covered by a street.
Q: How do I make waves?
A: Use the WAK editor. This editor can be found in the same folder as your generals.exe.
More information regarding WAK editing:
<a href="http://forum.cncreneclips.com/index.php?s=...st&p=192974" target="_blank">http://forum.cncreneclips.com/index.php?s=...st&p=192974</a>
Q: How do I make wrecks stay?
A: The easiest way to do this is to just give a unit 1% health and make it indestructible,unsellectible. There are other ways to do this, but this will either cause all your wrecks to stay on the map. (More lag = Not fun)
More information regarding making Wrecks stay:
<a href="http://forum.cncreneclips.com/index.php?showtopic=18101" target="_blank">http://forum.cncreneclips.com/index.php?showtopic=18101</a>
Q:My map is all black or smaller than I want it
A: use the border tool to adjust the borders, note: they're difficult to move and usually it's only possible in one corner. If possible, refrain from using border tool as it can screw up things quickly
Q: How do I make cars follow a waypoint path
A: put a car on a map, name it and go to scripts, define "IF: True" "Then: Unit: *thecarsname* follows waypoint path *insert waypoint path you defined here*.
Q: How do I make a vehicle capturable?
A: Name the vehicle to for an example ''flyingbeez'', It can be anything, make a new script.
Name the script to something like Unmanned (So you can remember it easily).
Then go to the "Actions if True" tab, and add a new effect. Go to "Unit -> State -> Unmanned". The dialogue box at the bottom should say "Make Unit ??? unmanned." Now click the ??? and find your unit that you named "flyingbeez" from the dropdown box. Once that is done, click ok and when you play on that map that unit that you named "flyingbeez" will be unmanned and capturable by any infantry unit.
Q: How do I make a certain NPC unit move elsewhere when your or somebody else's unit has moved into a certain area?
A: ***If***
''Unit ??? enters area ???''
''Move unit ??? to waypoint ???''/''Unit ??? follows waypoints, beginning at waypoint path ???''
Q: How do I make a cloud of toxin or radiation appear on my map without having to use Nuke Cannons or Scud Launchers?
A: Radiaton and toxins, are under "Civilian System", but you must check the indestructible box so that they won't disappear after a while.
Q: How do I make a unit ignore changed Z axis settings?
A: Script -> Unit -> Move -> Set unit to be held in place, ignoring Physics, Locomotors, etc; Set Held status for Unit '???' to TRUE
Q: How do I make a searchlight move?
A: Select Searchlight -> Set the model to the Night version.
Q: How do I make a ferry work:
A: All you need is a single waypoint called PING_Ferry and two unnamed waypoint paths with named start points and named end points, FerryStart01/FerryEnd01 and FerryStart02/Ferry End02. Note: naming doesn't tolerate spelling errors. Don't mess with it. Same goes to your (not only to you, Dimanti but to you all except a few) naming of skirmish AI waypoint paths, they are a mess what means they do not work.
Its not known if a ferry works in skirmish maps. The ferry must be faction civilian and to make a ferry available to the human player you need to transfer control of the ferry to <Local Player>. And only one ferry at a time on a map is possible.
Q: OMG I HAF R33CH7 T3H 3ooo 0Bj3c7 C00NT!!! Wut I doos//?
A: The only thing you can do in such a case is to reduce the amount of detail in such a map.
It's known that when you reach a certain amount of objects, your units will cease moving.
Q: How do I make a waterfall?
A: A good way is to use a dam. Use a map.ini to take away the geometry, so it's just an invisible object. Place one, and make it dead or have not much health, but also make it unselectable and indestructable. That way, the water particle fx still appears, but you see no dam.
Q: How do I make a certain upgrade available to a player from the beginning of the game free of charge and instantly upgraded?
A: Script properties: Player > Science > Grant a science to a given player AND Set science availability to available.
Q: How do I prevent the mission briefing from displaying the MISSING message first?
A: Add a file called map.str to your map folder. The map.str is in fact a text file you can use Notepad to create. Just save the txt file as str.
INTRO_01 "Mapname \n © Scriss 2007" END
Q: How can I make a script repeat itself every x seconds?
A:Go to " Scripts " and just do a normal Spawn Unit Scipt.
Then go to Script Properties, deactivate the Option
Q: How can I modify unit weapons in the map.ini?
A: You can't, the map.ini doesn't support all parameters.
" Deactivate upon Success "
Q:What is the mold mesh tool used for?
A:you can model terrain and save it as a certain gmax extension, then import that.
Then go to the right you find the Option " Evaluate Script ".
Select the bottom Option " Every ___ Seconds " and put in the desired Number.

Then the Script should repeat itself.
This is far from finished yet, like the basic F.A.Q. just give me a while to make it more complete.
Edited by Revantheemperor, 02 November 2007 - 17:47.