Community Status Updates

cccdfern → Pav:3d
ahh, best avi on the forum, I could watch it all day, no idea why though, just looks so cool.

2nd_2_None → Ghostrider
Ohnoes i was found *hides* too late for that huh? darnit :D we need to hook up for some Shw/L4D again brah ... fo sho :D

Ghostrider → 2nd_2_None
I see you peekin at my profile Mr. 2nd... good to see you're still alive ;)

SquigPie → MR.sugar
Welcome to the Forums Sugar!
Just go to the Introduction Forum and say hi!
Just go to the Introduction Forum and say hi!

CJ → Sicarius
+ 1 Profile view
+ 5 Stars
Oh wait... They've removed the star system :(
+ 1 Profile view
+ 5 Stars
Oh wait... They've removed the star system :(

CJ → Sicarius
You there, how many times will I have to tell you to stop spying on my profile? D: