Community Status Updates

Sgt. Nuker → Camille
Phix'd your youtube video. It's okay, you can pay me whenever you like. ;)

Major Fuckup → Warlock
"Want a Piece of me Boy?"
Yes hold still *whips out a scalpel*
Yes hold still *whips out a scalpel*

SquigPie → CommanderJB
Hi there,
I don't know if you can read this. Since I'm not sure if they have internet conenction in heaven, but...I try to write something, you know, just something, something deep, something thoughtfull, but, I don't know you, I don't know you at all, I don't know what kind of man sat behind the keyboard. what kind of man was inside your head. but I know what you showed m
I don't know if you can read this. Since I'm not sure if they have internet conenction in heaven, but...I try to write something, you know, just something, something deep, something thoughtfull, but, I don't know you, I don't know you at all, I don't know what kind of man sat behind the keyboard. what kind of man was inside your head. but I know what you showed m