As you all know The "Command & Conquer Zero Hour Shockwave" Project was/is under the Top 5
Mods for Vanilla ZH. Well, i play this Game since its Release and i must say that by now, i tried every Mod out there, and since the Vanilla Zero Hour Community get´s smaller and smaller (I just say Hacks´n Glitches) its time for me to left the old Days behind.
Well, I and some of my Friends tried to do a Mod for ZH to, SAGE sucks I need to say, apart from that it isnt that easy as it looks.So we cancled the Project. The others are off at this Time and they wont come back to play this Game, but its like a Drug to me

Well to get to the point, some of you may ask themselves why did i choose Shockwave?
Well, lots of People over here in Germany told me about it, and as a Golden Oldie Gamer of Command & Conquer its quite hard to realize that CnC will never become that great what it was in the past :easucks:
It´s not that other Mod´s are not fun to play, but i tested Shockwave now like - let´s say since 3 Months before the release of 0.93 and

To My Person:
My Name is Eva Elendson, my Dad American and my Mum is German. At the Moment we live in Germany but could change in a Year. A Few Years ago I went to the Police Academy but now I work in a Computer Hardware Shop. (My Boss Sucks

Ergo Proxy FTW!
So yeah, thats all. Yes One more thing - I Love Döner XD
I voted for the Mod and my Decision now is clear.
Im looking forward to a Nice Time here at E-Studios
and yeah maybe a bit Late but - A Happy New Year to all!