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Rate the last game you played

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#251 Pandut

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Posted 18 February 2009 - 19:52

Doom II - 10/10

Awesome Classic :xD:
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#252 Zancloufer

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Posted 18 February 2009 - 20:41

Half Life - 9.5/10

Half Life is probably one of the most unique FPS games I have played. It has a simple, but decent story, and doesn't use rigid cut scenes to get those points across. Nice selection of enemies, some being actually fairly intelligent. Liked the trigger happy guards you could get to follow you around, I swear those guys are insane. I've seen one take out entire squads of soldiers actually. Weapons are quite nice, but ammo can be a bit wavy at times. Usually you have too much of it available, or not enough.

One thing that did score a bit low was both, (a) the really long opening. I mean, it's over freaking 5 minutes on the tram. That time is longer than all of the average FPS's cut scenes combined. And, (b) the game at times can be a bit too difficult, even on easy. There are some crazy environment hazards, and a few of the really tough enemies are freaking insane. Not to mention you don't get much in the way of hints, and there are alot of problems you have to solve yourself (though it's kinda cool you can fuck yourself over quite easily).

#253 Reaper94


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Posted 18 February 2009 - 21:54

Disciples 2 The Dark Prophecy


Good game :), pretty nice graphics considering its age.

View PostRaiDK, on 3 Jun 2009, 10:09, said:


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#254 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 18 February 2009 - 22:25

View PostZancloufer, on 18 Feb 2009, 15:41, said:

Half Life - 9.5/10

Half Life is probably one of the most unique FPS games I have played. It has a simple, but decent story, and doesn't use rigid cut scenes to get those points across. Nice selection of enemies, some being actually fairly intelligent. Liked the trigger happy guards you could get to follow you around, I swear those guys are insane. I've seen one take out entire squads of soldiers actually. Weapons are quite nice, but ammo can be a bit wavy at times. Usually you have too much of it available, or not enough.

One thing that did score a bit low was both, (a) the really long opening. I mean, it's over freaking 5 minutes on the tram. That time is longer than all of the average FPS's cut scenes combined. And, (b) the game at times can be a bit too difficult, even on easy. There are some crazy environment hazards, and a few of the really tough enemies are freaking insane. Not to mention you don't get much in the way of hints, and there are alot of problems you have to solve yourself (though it's kinda cool you can fuck yourself over quite easily).

Have you tred MGS4?
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#255 JJ

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Posted 19 February 2009 - 10:46

#256 Chyros

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Posted 19 February 2009 - 11:45

^ I think you posted in the wrong topic, JJ - this ain't LPTPW :) .

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#257 NergiZed

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Posted 19 February 2009 - 14:33

Fallout 3. I spent 116 hours on my first profile, and I'm starting a second. Also just got Operation Anchorage, excited about the Pitt and Broken Steel. 9.5/10

Edited by NergiZed, 19 February 2009 - 14:34.

#258 Nevermore


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Posted 19 February 2009 - 16:03

Warcraft III -DotA all-star game -9.3/10
awesome game for me..
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#259 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 21 February 2009 - 16:15

The last game I played? Your mom.

No, just kidding.

The Godfather: The Game (Xbox)

GAMEPLAY: 9/10 This is the perfect GTA clone. You drive shit, kill shit, and accept missions and shit. EXACTLY GTA, but in the 40's New York City. You get to create a character, which is always a welcome addition. Always. Mine has a face which looks like me and wears a pinstripe suit with a pinstripe vest and a red necktie. Anyway, the vehichle selection is not that great though. Just about five different car models driving around the streets on NYC in different color schemes. The missions are some of the scenes from the first film (Yes, even the horse head scene.) but not in any linear order. Which is fine with me. You also get to extort businesses and take over rackets, which rake in rediculous amounts of cash which you can spend on weapon upgrades and ammo to help extort more businesses. Oh, and you get an experience meter (Actually, it's a respect meter.) and when it fills, you get a point which you can spens on skill upgrades. I have only one point to go until I max out ALL of my stats. By the way, the game is very addictive. I have spent around 40 hours on the game over the course of a month. It's a long game, and the story missions are only the beginning.

GRAPHICS: 8/10 I just want you to know that I am not a person who really cares if a game has good graphics. (Believe me, the original DOOM has shitty graphics, I just play games for the gameplay.) The player character's model looks very, very nice and the other characters have O.K. models. The explosion and fire effects are GREAT for its time. (Early 2006) In fact, this is actually somewhat of a bad thing because sometimes it slows down the game a bit. Just a little bit, though. The action is always fluid and fast. One other complaint I have is that the dying animations look out of date. But graphically, The Godfather is great, even when played on an older generation system.

SOUND: 9/10 Expect some the Godfather's original score punctuating your gameplay experience. Also, a couple of new tracks are thrown in. (Or at least ones I didn't hear in the movie.) The Godfather movie has one of the best soundtracks ever heard in a movie. (Some would argue Dirty Dancing held that title.) Anyway, the pedestrian diolouge is sometimes quite funny. Oh, and if you're playing this around anyone with an ounce of morals, mute the TV immediatley. The enemies spew streams of swear words, especially when you are preforming the "Executions." Not that you care! I don't.

Put simply: Get this game. Bu be sure to watch the movie first. Play it for the gameplay, not the graphics, but the graphics are just the icing on the cake which we call "The Godfather: The Game"

Oh, and by the way, the new Godfather game is coming out in a few weeks. It's based on the second film.
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#260 General

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Posted 28 February 2009 - 07:38

Warhammer 40k : Dawn of War II = 10/10

Even though I didn't completed it yet it is so far 'Awesome'. Despite I like base building and it lacks it, it is still cool.Despite I like more sides and it lacks it compared to previous titles, it is still cool. You see how much I used ' despite ' . This game imho revolutionary !

#261 WNxMastrefubu

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Posted 28 February 2009 - 07:50

super smash brothers brawl 9.5/10.

absolutely AMAZING GAME online though.....
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#262 DerKrieger

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Posted 16 March 2009 - 17:14

Games I played in the past few months:

Fallout 3: 9.5/10: One of the best RPGs ever made; still not as good as Mass Effect or Fallout 2 though. Lots of cool new stuff and Bethesda maintained to update the game for the 21st century while keeping the Fallout feel.

Resident Evil 5: 9.75/10: I'm not quite sure if I liked it as much as 4, but RE5 is damn fun, and you can play it with a friend, to boot. It's rather short and the inventory system is cumbersome to use in the midst of battle, but the graphics are fantastic and the gameplay is top-notch.

Gears of War 2: 9.75/10: A big improvement over the fun, yet forgettable predecessor. Cool new weapons, epic boss fights, and the new Horde mode are the greatest highlights. Few things are more fun than having you and four friends play Horde mode on a lazy weekend night.

Far Cry 2: 1/10: Boring as hell, and the weapons were unrealistic and worthless. The enemy AI was good and it was cool that you could blow up shacks and set fire to the savanna, but the game just was not fun at all. Leave the FarCry spinoffs to Crytek, guys.

Red Alert 3: 8.75/10: Much superior to the mediocre C&C3. Though I haven't played it online yet, it seems to be much more balanced than C&C3. It's not as good as RA2 but still is worth playing.

Crysis: Warhead: 9.5/10: A worthy expansion pack to the masterpiece that was Crysis. It has all of the strengths of Crysis with none of the weaknesses (bugs, better performance). It's a bit short, but the multiplayer component is a big improvement over Crysis's promising but slightly flawed multiplayer.

Left 4 Dead: 9.0/10: A fun multiplayer romp, but gets old quickly.
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#263 Chyros

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Posted 16 March 2009 - 18:06

View PostDerKrieger, on 16 Mar 2009, 19:14, said:

Left 4 Dead: 9.0/10: A fun multiplayer romp, but gets old quickly.
I agree that the coop mode gets old quickly. The versus mode is very good though IMO, have you tried it?

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#264 DerKrieger

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Posted 16 March 2009 - 19:13

View PostChyros, on 16 Mar 2009, 19:06, said:

View PostDerKrieger, on 16 Mar 2009, 19:14, said:

Left 4 Dead: 9.0/10: A fun multiplayer romp, but gets old quickly.
I agree that the coop mode gets old quickly. The versus mode is very good though IMO, have you tried it?

Co-op is very good when playing with friends; Versus mode is quite fun as well.
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."-- George S. Patton
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#265 Overdose

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Posted 17 March 2009 - 12:42

Latest new games I've played:

Saints Row 2

Fun game, fun missions, fun coop and lots of humor. Online versus mode is a letdown. The gangsta thing is a turn off though. True organized crime members doesn't say words like 'homie' and 'crib'. They'd likely get shot for it. 8 Straight jackets.

Lost Planet: Extreme Condition

Superb graphics (dx10), lots of weapons, fun mech and vehicle combat. Terrible story and characters and likely the worst cast of villains I've seen in a modern game. 8 straight jackets.

World in Conflict and Soviet Assault

This game is a must buy. Its the most fun war game I've ever played. It makes you feel like you are in a war as well. Superb campaign, blissful graphics (dx10) perfect online, great musical score, truly professional voice acting, awesome story, great characters, good community and more. You have not played a real war game until you play this. 10 straight jackets.
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#266 MR.Kim

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Posted 20 March 2009 - 00:56

Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage 9.5/10

Kind of pretty short game play and some bad bugs, but still great game. I like new weapons call Gauss Rifle & Shocksword. I can't wait next DCL "The Pitt" myself.

Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War II 9/10

After deafeat campaing, truely awesome. Tons missions, lots of wargears(specially terminator armor & heavy bolter), and brutal combat system(better than DoW).

#267 Admiral FCS


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Posted 20 March 2009 - 05:04

RA3 9/10
Pro: Co-op, co-commander, importance of sea & expansion
Con: Few units (I love the RA2 sidebar), too few missions, AI varies too greatly, AI being too smart (Or me being too dumb, duh), gets bored after some while

RA3 Uprising 8/10
Pro: Commander challenge, Pacifier/Archer Maiden/Harbinger, Yuriko campaign
Con: Even harder AI, ridiculous par time on Commander challenge, too few missions, gets bored after some while, too dumb friendly AI and too strong enemy AI, no co-op/co-commander, no multiplayer

#268 Pav:3d


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Posted 22 March 2009 - 17:46

Resident Evil 5 7/10


For me, there were not enough varied enemies, and the bosses were too samey too, twice you encounter the bat thing, and twice the uroboros, and between them there is not much else. mid to late game its the same goddamn enemies (Machine gun zombies + Electric stick zombies, over and bloody over)

Nice selection of weapons, but you get new ones far too quickly, I had just upgraded my AK to quite a degree and then I get some new machinegun. You get the usual pistol/shotgun/better shotgun/rifle/machinegun/grenade launcher/boss only rocket launcher and the seemingly made useless magnum.
Usually if you didnt reserve it for boss fights, ud be dead, but now you can just use "precious" magnum rounds on mini-bosses and to a lesser extent regular enemies

Overall it was quite fun, very similar to RE4; More action, less puzzles, infact there were barely any puzzles, about 5 that I can remember. So if you liked that then ull like RE5. Personally Id prefer it to have more strategy and puzzles like with RE0 and remake (havent played any of the old RE's I do hope they remake them) as it feels far more rewarding.

I didnt like how the team mate mechanic worked, it didnt work half aswell as RE0
Since there you could control your partner to a degree and also swtch between them, in this she was just an AI drone that required no skill to control. And ffs, the amount of times she stood BEHIND me and tried to shoot through me just irritated the crap out of me, a simple fix would be to just let her shoot through me instead.

I hated the money/upgrade system, its a shame they carried it over from RE4. I would much rather find upgrades through killing mini-bosses and bosses.

The driving sections could have been done without, its just not very fitting imo, and brings it more to the generic third person shooter variety.

Apparantly the next RE will be a reboot of the series, hopefully it will bring back the old style frustratingly rewarding gameplay, but I have my doubts...

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#269 Liten

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Posted 23 March 2009 - 20:27

Red Alert 3: Uprising 8/10

I havn´t really cleard everything, but from what i´v seen, it´s really worth the money (not to mention the download time D:)

Challenge is Ok, but i find it hard to beat the Par Time (Seems like EA never played tested them <_<)

Campagins are Great, but it was too few missions ( I want more Yuriko Campagin D:)

EPIC UNITS ARE OMGWTFLOLOLLL Using these new, high tech units are Awsum! ^^

Recommended for purchase: Yes, if you are a Singelplayer only person
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#270 Ion Cannon!

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Posted 31 March 2009 - 11:05


The campaign is excellent, although it can get tedious, most of the missions are the same and the boss fights are all clones. Wargear is also a bit silly, its randomly based, so you could get something excellent or something useless. For the first half of the campaign on 3rd difficulty I had to use cover, at some point the wargear surpassed this and I would just charge my invincible FC into everything while Avitus opened up with a 1900 damage assault cannon. While it was still fun, it took the challenge out of the game. It also annoyed me they use the same maps multiple times. While during the later stages they do change aesthetically, it would still have been nice to have 10-15 locations per planet.

Skirmish I don't like, not enough units, both in variation and number and no base building. It just doesn't feel right. I want to field 100 troops, not 15.. There is also way to few maps, 6 maps... I mean come on! Sure the community will make more but thats no excuse...

Campaign 9/10
Skirmish 4/10
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#271 Rayburn


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Posted 31 March 2009 - 11:37

Battlefield Vietnam - 9.5/10
Pretty cool; it feels more diverse than BF2 because the classes and vehicles are more varied. It does need more than 4/6 people to become fun.

Counterstrike 1.6 - 8/10
A bog-standard LAN-classic which is still quite enjoyable when played with the right people

Stronghold Crusader - 7/10
A good game but it's hard to get into; not the most interesting thing to play on a hasty LAN session

Battle Realms - 2/10
An irritating setting, awfully ineffectual counter system, terrible voice overs, sluggish pacing and WAAAY too much micromanagement. You basically have like 12 'different' buildings each of which does exactly ONE thing and ONE thing only: Upgrading a bad unit to a slightly better unit to another better unit to a fairly decent unit to a good unit and so on. Throw in a pop-limit of 30 as well as some overpriced, useless support powers and you're in for a lesson in boredom...and intolerant hatred if there's ONE guy in your entire group who thinks that the game is the dog's bollocks and insists on playing it all damn day.

Edited by Rayburn, 31 March 2009 - 11:48.

#272 MR.Kim

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Posted 31 March 2009 - 14:33

Fallout 3: The Pitt 9.8/10

Past steel yard city and truning to raider town,but I don't feel like old Fallout style somehow(maybe, I didn't play Fallout 1 & 2).
It's great exlpore new areas, new armors, and new weapons. About new creatures, they're almost looks like Gollum. :)

#273 General

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Posted 17 April 2009 - 10:22

Mass Effect: 10/10

Just completed it and from the beginning to end, it was awesome! Best storyline I've seen since MGS4. ( I completed it with full Paragon male character , now gonna test it with a female character on the path of Renegade :sly: )

Edited by General, 17 April 2009 - 10:22.

#274 Golan

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Posted 17 April 2009 - 12:06

Fallout 3

Graphics: 7/10
Some solid work but lacking personality. Aside from a couple of clear oversights (incorrect rigging, texture errors etc.), the graphics aren't bad but neither are they particularly good. It also lacks diversity, so you will often encounter very similar looking situations.

Setting: 9/10
Very interesting setting. Nice mix of retro and futuristic elements as well as fictional and "real" components. It offers lots of humorous and serious issues and is both entertaining and meaningful.

Game World: 6/10
The main problem seems contradictory at first: it's both extremely crowded and extremely empty at the same time. Crowded, because you rarely go for more than a couple hundred meters before running into the next location. Overall, the map is only about 5x5 kilometers big - you can literally walk from one end of the world to the other in about an hour. Empty, because even though there are lots of locations, they are largely meaningless. Most only serve as mindless farming dungeons and as beacons for fasttreveling (which makes the world appear even smaller). The few settlements have little to no depth, 3 out of 5 towns have less than 10 inhabitants.

Characters: 2/10
There is absolutely NO character development whatsoever for any of the major characters. The only REAL secret about one of the main characters is revealed right in the very first settlement you go to. Most characters are either lawful good or chaotic (stupid) evil and spend the entire storyline on autopilot.

Story: 2/10
Seriously, this game DEFINES the word plothole. There's so many inconsistencies, coincidences, DEM moments it really makes your head hurt. Your arch enemy is a schizophrenic moron (some may argue that this is due to the writer staff being schizophrenic morons), everyone's got his very own omg-awesome-world-domination/-salvation plan that doesn't make any sense whatsoever, you can skip HALF OF THE STORYLINE without loosing ANY vital information and most of the time you. just. kill. things.

Atmosphere: 7/10
There's some great immersion in the Fallout world, you can really get lost in it - the first time you play it. After that, you realize how repetitive and dull it is, but the first time it's really great.

Quests: 4/10
There are only very few quests in the game that are really interesting. Most just come down to "A says go there, kill/talk to B, come back, decide for A or B". There's always a clearly evil and a clearly good solution, rarely a middle-ground. The bigger quests either consist of a series of those mini-quests or are paper chases.

Combat: 6/10
Fun, but very inballanced. There are a couple of absolute rape-the-dog tactics that will let you annihilate armies of enemies, while others are simply suicide. Without different damage types, the best bet usually is to take the biggest gun and sneak-crit kill whatever you see.

Non-Combat solutions: 3/10
This one sucks, really. While gunning down every damn mothafucka in the room is ALWAYS a viable option, only few quests can be solved by talking only. The couple ones that can will however also offer the required talk option without having leveled any diplomacy skills, so the only real use of these is talking people into giving you more money for your work.

RPG-Elements (leveling, skilling, ...): 2/10
Let's face it, this is REALLY bad in F3. First of, your basic stats (strength, perception, intelligence, etc.) are of little impact to gameplay, the points you can take at the beginning of the game are more than enough to max without having to min. The important stuff are the skill points, but there's so many skill-items in the game that you can increase each skill by 2/3 of its maximum (60 of 100) without having to level up a single time! If you play your cards right, you can reach the maximum skills well before the first half of the game. The perks, which were very important in F1 and F2, are now available in abundance - there's about 5 good ones and you can get them all without any problem.

Overall 7/10
It's a fun game, but lacks serious polish. If you enjoyed playing F1 and F2, make sure to test the game before you buy it!
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#275 amazin

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Posted 17 April 2009 - 20:11

hmm ive been trying and replaying some games lately...

HL1: 9/10
considering it came out in the 90's it has aged pretty darn well, plus a decent story, varied enemies and weapons (i did get really sick of fighting alien grunts though, no strategy at all, just pump them with gauss or shotgun shells)

HL1 Opposing force: 8.5/10
Not quite the classic that HL1 was but has some interesting new additions when it comes to enemies and weapons (the crowbar may be iconic when it comes to games now, but Shepard's monkey wrench is a hell of a lot more fun). the story streches on a little bit, but i really liked the ending (i wonder if Shepard will make an appearance in episode 3?)

Fallout 3: 9.5/10
Not perfect, and im not a very big fan of RPGs but i must say that i really enjoyed this game, varied weapons, extremely immersive gameplay, and beautiful graphics make it one of my favorite games of all time

Far Cry 2: 7/10
Overall, it is a fun game, but major glitches and lack of variety REALLY bring this game down.

RE5: 8.7/10
A pretty big step down from 4 (not even scary, very short campaign, less weapons, no more getting cash from beating bosses) but still follows the general formula, so it is a good game in its own right, the great graphics and coop are really where it shines though.

Rainbow 6 Vegas 2: 8.5/10
A solid tactical shooter with good graphics and fun gameplay options. Terrorist Hunt and co-op campaign are great, but the short campaign and small amount of people online kinda suck, and the game would be 100 times better without grenades. (you dont even know the meaning of the term grenade spam until you play a game of R6V online with grenades enabled.)

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