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What we Know thus far.

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#1 Prophet of the Pimps

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Posted 19 February 2007 - 11:54

Just gathering a database of all the facts about C&C 3 Modding for easy reference

Fact Sheet:
C&C 3 will be using the updated sage engine which is the one that was used in Generals and BFME

C&C 3 is likely to have an XML based 3d model format called w3x and the current w3d standard as of now is rendered obsolete. Non of the current importers work and we will probably have to wait till EA gives us one or some modder makes one. Also since this is XML based means that small things like renaming Bones can be done using a text editor also making our jobs much more easier.

The AI files too will be based on XML and EA has claimed that it is extremely easy to edit. Although we cant make much of EA claims for now we have one good news that we are now free of the World Builder when it comes to AI editing since a simple text editor should be enough but we might need a specialised tool for really effective editing.

EA and Beta Testers have claimed that load times in C&C 3 is better then that of older sage games due to the shift to XML.


This is what i know for now. will keep this updated once we get more information. The demo that is slated for release on Feb 20th might help gather more information. If you have any information about C&C 3 Editing feel free to post it in this thread and i will added it to the Fact sheet.

Edited by Prophet of the Pimps, 19 February 2007 - 19:51.

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#2 Mighty BOB!


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Posted 27 February 2007 - 02:39

So, now that the demo is out, does anyone feel like trying to snoop around the internal files and get some "pre-modding" experience and figure them out? Empire at War had mods for the demo the day after it came out.

Edited by Mighty BOB!, 27 February 2007 - 02:39.

WOL nick: migtybob

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We are living in a post-common sense society.

#3 Chrizz

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 17:08

NOTE: the demo is NOT moddeble. they hided the DemoArt.big file i can open and extract everything but no sounds music or whatelse.

Online Servserv:
http://servserv.gene...m/servserv/cnc3 aka they still use CCGenerals online servers

Engine Info:
They use the Upgraded SAGA Engine with faster load time aka they fixed there loads into a STREAM engine
thats why they also uses .XML files

INI Editing:
They still use .INI files for some assets

They also use TGA files for map textures. but a difrent TGA file it cant be opened in Adobe Photoshop CS3. it seems they use a special compression of the TGA's

Shader Editing:
They also use Shader files named .FXO files

Map Editing:
they use Libary's for the game with XML scripts Maps will still be buildeble in the Worldbuilders and saved as *.map files.

Menu Editing:
The files are still .WND

They NOW use .BIN file and .BIG files for Compressed Archives.

Not .BIK anymore changed to .VP6 Files "You still can use *.BIK files in C&C3"

They still use the path's of "CC3Map"\Art\W3D or \Textures aslo still INI map files

Conclussion. If u can find the Compressed file with Assets of the game u can start modelling and skinning.
but im not sure u will. im still busy to find out. And demo is not open for extracting assets of it.

Edited by Chrizz, 01 March 2007 - 23:49.

#4 Prophet of the Pimps

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 18:19

Thanks Chrizz.:cool:
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#5 Slightly Wonky Robob

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 18:20

Indeed, i had ago at finding all the stuff but no luck, that was the main reason of me downloading it, i cant play it :cool:
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#6 Amdrial

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Posted 27 February 2007 - 18:20

Ah, that's a great hold-on for us mappers! :cool:
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#7 Chrizz

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Posted 01 March 2007 - 20:43


Note: You can get 800 Polygons more on Tanks / Meches and Buildings.

From 1300Polygons To 2200Polygons

From 860Polygons To 1400Polygons

From 700Polygons To 1300Polygons

From 800Polygons to 1200Polygons

From 300Polygons to 640Polygons


Texture Formats will be at *.DDS and *.TGA
Texture Resolutions used at CC3 are 128x128 and 265x265 and 512x512.

Note: Because we are at the HD Resolutions most people play on 1280x1024 or higher.
That means people has bigger screens and can see more and they want Detailed Textures.
And C&C3 is using one of these!

Texture Maps:
They will use Color Maps High Mapsfield and Normal Maps.

Color Maps:
color maps are the just normal skinned textures with color.

Highfield Maps:
are the grayscaled maps of the color maps but smoothed so they dont have sharp pixels.

Normal Maps:
Are the bump maps of the game its just the highfield map but recollered with the nVidia DDS Utills "See Picture"

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MORE COMING SOON = Im building a Modding Guide of C&C3

Why im making the guide because EA uses a new technology in RTS i want to learn and test stuff in the new game engine of cc3.

#8 Chrizz

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Posted 01 March 2007 - 23:47

The *.W3X (*.W3D) File Overview:


"This Sample is real based names of the cc3 demo"
Sample for GDI gujugg.W3X <> gbcony.W3X
Sample for NOD nu_fanatc.W3X <> nbhand.W3X

You also can use the "_" for better overview of the files like above nu_"name".W3X nb_"name".W3X

In the DEMO build of C&C 3 Tiberium Wars they use *.W3X Files for there 3D Models Ingame.
It seems its same as *.W3D compression but they added a other extension name so we cant import the files.
EA will maybe change the formatnames in the FINAL release game to *.W3D but thats not sure.

Edited by Chrizz, 01 March 2007 - 23:48.

#9 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 02 March 2007 - 09:32

how can i open fxo-files?

#10 Kris

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Posted 02 March 2007 - 10:33

Use the 300 or so MB DirectX SDK from Microsoft...

#11 Athena

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Posted 02 March 2007 - 11:23

View PostChrizz, on 2 Mar 2007, 00:47, said:

In the DEMO build of C&C 3 Tiberium Wars they use *.W3X Files for there 3D Models Ingame.
It seems its same as *.W3D compression but they added a other extension name so we cant import the files.
EA will maybe change the formatnames in the FINAL release game to *.W3D but thats not sure.
According to information from the C&C3 summit, W3X is the new standard and there'll be SDK modding tools released sometime after the game so you can import your models etc. But I don't know the fine details.

#12 Chrizz

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Posted 02 March 2007 - 11:29

EA still dindt have released a word about the model formats but in the ini files there still models named .W3D
and they also have a defaultw3d.ini file.

But i dont care at all W3D is just fucked up model extensions. EA will release a SDK after the game is released. they're still not saying if its coming with the game :P

Its 100% for sure they use DDS and TGA files for textures also the ICONS

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Edited by Chrizz, 02 March 2007 - 11:32.

#13 Athena

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Posted 02 March 2007 - 11:35

I think it'll be released after the game, not sure though. I wish I'd remember where I saw the information regarding W3X.. either PPM or CnC3.net, maybe both. It's mentioned in the CnC3.net podcast anyway (go to www.cnc3.net and navigate via the menu to General Links, CNC3 Summit, CnC3.net Podcast) (Linux doesn't play sounds and I'm at uni so I can't check what exactly is said). Also see if you can check C&C3 summit summaries, they may have mentioned it as well.

#14 Kris

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Posted 02 March 2007 - 11:47

View PostBlaat85, on 2 Mar 2007, 21:23, said:

View PostChrizz, on 2 Mar 2007, 00:47, said:

In the DEMO build of C&C 3 Tiberium Wars they use *.W3X Files for there 3D Models Ingame.
It seems its same as *.W3D compression but they added a other extension name so we cant import the files.
EA will maybe change the formatnames in the FINAL release game to *.W3D but thats not sure.
According to information from the C&C3 summit, W3X is the new standard and there'll be SDK modding tools released sometime after the game so you can import your models etc. But I don't know the fine details.

Uh oh, EA Promised a SDK for BFME 1 and 2 and....after 2 years they finally released the SDK they promised even tho its seriously fucked. :P

#15 Athena

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Posted 02 March 2007 - 12:37

They said it'd be there faster this time, a few months at max I think, I'm not sure though.

#16 Chrizz

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Posted 02 March 2007 - 12:55

Reason why EA is releasing tools later. because the single player.
they first wanna let u play the single player etc. and multiplayer's

for bugs that must be fixed.

i cant help it if its later but i dont fuckin care :P because i gonna play single player first hehe

#17 Chrizz

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Posted 02 March 2007 - 13:09

EA told Soon after the game comes out they will release a SDK kit to acces the new Pipeline data of the game. aka mod tools.

EA releases a toolset for the new xml files that replaced the ini files.
and you cant acces the pipeline before they released the tools.

so you will NEED the SDK tools for modding

#18 Kris

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Posted 02 March 2007 - 13:17

I Don't Trust EA, EA did the same thing for BFME...EA told the dudes in the ancient summit "yeah, we will release an SDK after the release" and after 2 or 3 friggin years....all they released was a butchered RenX

And The same thing happened, They Promised the Generals Modder an SDK and look what happened....no SDK was released....

#19 Sic


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Posted 02 March 2007 - 13:19

Chrizz, how'd you rip those?
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#20 Kris

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Posted 02 March 2007 - 13:22

Chrizz will never tell us :P

#21 Chrizz

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Posted 02 March 2007 - 13:52

View PostChris, on 2 Mar 2007, 14:17, said:

And The same thing happened, They Promised the Generals Modder an SDK and look what happened....no SDK was released....

Reason is why EA dindt release one. because the community made great Tools and RenX whas for CCGenerals to.

They dont use Housecolor skins anymore so its better now!

Model Formats:

*.W3X will be the new Model formats it is done with a XML script and a 3dsmax file compared to eachother

Our New Tools:

EA is working on the SDK Mod tools for C&C3 Tiberium Wars,
We get New *.W3X Viewer, 3dsmax *.W3X exporter, *.FXO Compiler, And lot of more new tools

There will be NO more asset.dat file in the game so you can easly mod the game without doing stuff thats nonsence.

Note: You CANT use the regulair mod tools on the net ATM for acces the pipeline. aka the modding data!
And the game will be easyer to mod with the new tools and scripting formats

As you already noticed the nice looking building collapses you defently gonna start thinkin YES PHYSICS!.
No EA uses no physics in the engine this are pure real animations recorded in 3DSMax with the Reactor Tool.

Reactor Explaination:
3DS Max ships standard with a reactor tool. Thats a tool that will transfer Physic animations of 3DSMax to Frame Animations.
EA moddelers are using the standard building with damage skins, they cut some stuff of the building like hand of NOD arm + ball.
they cut the hand and somefingers. after they did they gonna use Reactor, that means they add 3DSMax Physics. they give it a Stone logic that collapse
After this they will open the reactor previewer and watch how it collapse after some nice finding out they record it as an animation,

Voiilaaa we got a physic lookin animation!

Time to get ur Student 3DS Max copy at home people! but im sure you can get it free :P

I posted the skin of the GDI Juggernouth, If you already see they uses a 512x512-Pixels Texture.

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Edited by Chrizz, 02 March 2007 - 13:56.

#22 Kris

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Posted 02 March 2007 - 14:02

View PostChrizz, on 2 Mar 2007, 23:52, said:

Our New Tools:
As you already noticed the nice looking building collapses you defently gonna start thinkin YES PHYSICS!.
No EA uses no physics in the engine this are pure real animations recorded in 3DSMax with the Reactor Tool.

Reactor Explaination:
3DS Max ships standard with a reactor tool. Thats a tool that will transfer Physic animations of 3DSMax to Frame Animations.
EA moddelers are using the standard building with damage skins, they cut some stuff of the building like hand of NOD arm + ball.
they cut the hand and somefingers. after they did they gonna use Reactor, that means they add 3DSMax Physics. they give it a Stone logic that collapse
After this they will open the reactor previewer and watch how it collapse after some nice finding out they record it as an animation,

Voiilaaa we got a physic lookin animation!

Uhh....You can do that in Generals too, Just use the Collapse logic and give the "collapsing" structure some animations, Give it a few OCL's with proper offsets, some awesome particles and viola!

Edited by Chris, 02 March 2007 - 14:02.

#23 Chrizz

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Posted 02 March 2007 - 14:34

Its not just like generals m8 u can animate it to for generals but generals wont hold the 2000+ Frames for 1 building that will goes down.

you need to be realize this is a whole new engine mockup that uses XML flexibility's that works better than the fuckin annoying INI files with 10000000000 lines code for 1 simple unit.

#24 Kris

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Posted 02 March 2007 - 14:47

View PostChrizz, on 3 Mar 2007, 00:34, said:

Its not just like generals m8 u can animate it to for generals but generals wont hold the 2000+ Frames for 1 building that will goes down.

Why theres an old structure that was included in the ZeroHour's w3d files with a collapsing animation just like in C&C 3, Not really dynamic but still???

And why the Aircraft carrier's death fx animation have 1000 frames? From the looks of it, The collapsing structures just used a really slow animation and used the building chunks logic from BFME.


#25 Golan

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Posted 03 March 2007 - 11:45

Have a look at buildings beeing repaired. You can clearly see the debris flying back on its position when the animation is played backwards as soon as damage-states shift. :P
Now go out and procreate. IN THE NAME OF DOOM!

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