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Advanced Rigging Guide

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#1 Jordan

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Posted 26 February 2007 - 20:44

I just saw Abourror's tutorial on boning a unit, and I decided to make the ultimate boner's guide. [Gee, that probably sounded really wrong...]

Anyways, on to buisness.

Here is just how complex boning a unit can be, in those extreme cases: [Taken from USA Battleship]

  Draw				   = W3DTankDraw ModuleTag_01
	OkToChangeModelColor = Yes
	InitialRecoilSpeed   = 120
	MaxRecoilDistance	= 8
	RecoilSettleSpeed	= 6
	ConditionState	   = NONE
	  Model			  = AVBattleSh
	  Animation		  = AVBattleSh.AVBattleSh
	  AnimationMode	  = LOOP
	  Turret			 = Turret01
	  TurretPitch		= TurretEL01
	  TurretArtAngle	 = 180
	  AltTurret		  = Turret02
	  AltTurretPitch	 = TurretEL02
	  WeaponFireFXBone   = PRIMARY Tur1Muzzle
	  WeaponRecoilBone   = PRIMARY Tur1Barrel
	  WeaponFireFXBone   = SECONDARY Tur2Muzzle
	  WeaponRecoilBone   = SECONDARY Tur2Barrel
	  ParticleSysBone   = TreadFX02 BattleShipWaterRipples
	  ParticleSysBone   = TreadFX03 BattleShipWaterRipples
	  ParticleSysBone   = TreadFX04 BattleShipWaterRipples

But really, it's very simple. This guide will show you all the different tags you might experience in coding.

;-------------------------------------- Lesson #1: The Turret:
Lets start from the beginning, with the turret and its codes.

	  Turret			 = Turret01
	  TurretPitch		= TurretEL01
	  TurretArtAngle	 = 180

Turret - Very simple, the object which holds the barrels and rotates 360 degrees.

Turret Pitch - The object linked to the turret which controls up-and-down movement, like a gattling cannon.

Turret Art Angle - A rare tag, used for when you have a unit like a battleship where one turret has to point backwards when idle.

You usually have your primary weapon on the main turret, so you may have barrel coding similar to this:

	  WeaponFireFXBone   = PRIMARY Tur1Muzzle
	  WeaponRecoilBone   = PRIMARY Tur1Barrel

WeaponFireFXBone - Where your tank muzzle smoke and all that good stuff comes out from.

WeaponRecoilBone - A fancy name for the object that recoils as the shot is fired.

;---- Others not seen in battleship's coding:
WeaponMuzzleFlash - Units with a modelled muzzle flash object have the bone name here. Often named things like MuzzleFX or TurretFX or BarrelFX

WeaponLaunchBone - Where the projectile comes out from, like a cruise missile or a tank round. I don't know why the battleship doesn't have this, but nearly all units except those that fire bullets will have this tag.

;-------------------------------------- Lesson #2: A second turret
When your unit has two turrets, you see these codes:

	  AltTurret		  = Turret02
	  AltTurretPitch	 = TurretEL02

AltTurret - The name of the object which is the second turret.

AltTurretPitch - As stated above, the object that controls pitch for the second turret.

You most likely have a secondary weapon fired from the secondary turret, so your barrels' coding may look like this:
	  WeaponFireFXBone   = SECONDARY Tur2Muzzle
	  WeaponRecoilBone   = SECONDARY Tur2Barrel

These codes work the same way as the regular turret coding.

Also, one quick thing, how to code this turret to work is very simple. Find the unit's AIUpdate tag and paste this somewhere inside the AI Update:
	  TurretTurnRate	 = 80
	  TurretPitchRate	= 80
	  FirePitch		  = 15		&#59; Instead of aiming pitchwise at the target, it will aim here
	  AllowsPitch		= Yes
	  RecenterTime	   = 5000&#59; how long to wait during idle before recentering
	  ControlledWeaponSlots = SECONDARY

Make sure the ControlledWeaponSlots area reads secondary, as the altturret controls the secondary weapon.
Everything else is very self explanatory.

;--------------------------------- Lesson #3: Still to come

If you have any requests for additions to this tutorial, please feel free to ask in this thread. It can be anything, as long as it is about boning units.

Edited by Jordan, 24 July 2010 - 18:45.

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#2 Futschki


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Posted 27 February 2007 - 16:22

Great Tutorial ... I didnt knew about the TurretArtAngle That's A Good Info ...
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