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E-Studios C&C3 Forum RolePlay

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#1 Sic


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Posted 08 March 2007 - 20:30

A forum role play is a forum game which people play to get creative and have fun. Here you write the story of your own character, without making him god. You get to choose which side you're on (Simple civilian/Nod[Choose job]/GDI[Choose job]) and you write a biography. You don't die, unless you want to. Your story won't be accepted rightaway, I'd have to read it first, if it is inappropriate, it will be dismissed (low chance, unless it sucks too much).

Here's the main story :

Year 2020. The whole world was peaceful at that time. The Iraqi war had ended, and Iraq became a democratic country, rising up to Turkey's level. The mid-east had finally quit all wars, and united into one country, all going along well. Balkan had settled down too, every country started getting along well, and life went on peacefully. North Korea and South Korea united again, and NK layed off the nukes. The next morning some meteors hit the earth, the world became a mess. many holes were on the ground, and some green roots reaching out of it, and spitting green liquid. Some green gases were being sent out like geisers from the ground. Police quarantined the place and examinations had begun. the substance was found to be radioactive, and it expanded rapidly around the globe.

A year later...

In the news they called it "Tiberium". Many parts of the world were hit, and Africa, Australia and most asian countries had suffered a lot. They were struck not only by green crystals, but by blue ones too. Everything there has been absorbed by these crystals. Scientists discovered that they absorb minerals, and they grow like that, becoming more reactive. They grew vastly, eating most of the world. The earth was in a large struggle. People have started to move to Canada, South America, and Japan/South Korea. They discovered that Tiberium was a very mineral-rich material, because it absorbed minerals. It also could be used as an incindenary material, combusting into very dangerous "Tiberium Vapor".

15 Years after impact...

During the time Tiberium was being , scientists noticed it had very strong side effects. People mutated because of the radiation, and the side effects. They didn't know the dangers, and exposed themselves. The newly formed GDI (Global Defense Initiative), evacuated most people they could from the areas they called "Yellow Zones" into the so called "Blue Zones". Yellow Zones made up 50% of the earth's surface, and they were half contaminated but still habitable, with small difficulties. Blue zones makes up 20% of earth's surface, and is fully untouched by Tiberium. There are also "Red Zones" which are completely wiped out, nothing lives there. GDI recon convoys had been sent there, but no more news was heard about that. Many refineries were getting built in the yellow zones, they had their own way of converting Tiberium into energy, by the looks of it. Studies continued...

20 Years later...

That night explosions started, and some militants were attacking GDI refineries. They were recruiting people from yellow zones. They had their own cause, they wanted to fight the GDI, who left back many people , and stopped them from moving into the blue zones. They called themselves "Brotherhood of Nod" and had a scorpion logo, their leader was called Kane. The Nod needed many scientists to help them in their quest. They didn't have any tools, they just had many infantry battalions, and they had produced a lot buggies called "Raider Buggies" and they used recon bikes, equipped with rocket pods and a vulcan minigun, mounted on the tip of a scorpion tail, mounted on the back end of the bike. There were many designers working for them already. GDI didn't know a thing about Nod, because that attack didn't do much damage, it just pushed GDI into the borders of the blue zone. Both GDI and Nod started an arms race, each building up to a large army, and becoming well known around the world. Nod were the inhabitants of the Red Zones, they had killed many GDI convoys, and the GDI thought it was the damage of the "Red Tiberium", which was the most reactive substance of all, but very rare. The Nod tracked and collected all Red crystals and started our own cultivation, feeding them with bones from the deserts of Africa. They consumed bones very quickly, and they started growing rapidly. In 2 years, Nod had covered more than 200km square land. They stopped feeding it, because it was starting to get too reactive and cause massive vapor outbursts, releasing too much gas, covering a thick layer of air. The air was filled with spores, and jet engines started getting damaged. More than 3 cargo jets of theirs crashed, and Nod forces decided to start using HAVTOL (High Altitude Vertical Take off and Landing) Aircraft, called "Carryalls". They lacked a little speed but were very resistant to Tiberium gases. The Nod forces began using the highly effective Tiberium explosion powerplants, designed by scientist Sic, which used tiberium vapor combustion energy to produce power. He also designed new flame weapons, and chose elite militants to join the secret team called "BlackHand" who were made of many types of infantry units, using weapons like Laser Miniguns, Flamethrowers, Tiberium Spore RPG's and more special legions of infiltrators called "Shadow Team". GDI Themselves, went on a different direction. They based their infantry batallions on terrain passing, so that they can pass Tiberium fields without getting hurt. Their tanks, were slow moving but had a strong punch. They upgraded tanks with railguns, to make them do more damage, and also have pinpoint accuracy. They trained very skilled snipers, and designed an ExoSuit, which was resistant to Tiberium, and uncrushable by tanks. They shot railguns, were effective against armor and infantry, but were a total loss against buildings, and too vulnerable to missles. The Mammoth MKIII, was the point where GDI forced Nod to design very strong bombers, capable of defending themselves against the powerful GDI interceptors, so that they can successfully bomb GDI targets. Nod, were specialised on lasers. They learned to join two or more beams together, to make a very powerful beam, which erased objects from the surface of the earth. Those lasers could take on a Mammoth, and win. GDI while searching for a counterpart, designed the very strong unit, the so-called Juggernaut. The Juggernaut, was a unit which eliminated enemies in long ranges, and they could also hit targets spotted by snipers. Shells were unguided, but strong. But both have the very strong secret weapons against each other. Temple of Nod, and Ion Cannon. The Temple of Nod, launches a very strong tactical nuke, and the Ion Cannon , directs an orbital Ion Cannon, which shoots a very intense Ion Beam, with a devastating hit.

The third war begins!

Signed up people :

Get writing people, hope this attempt to relive the writing forum succeeds!

Edited by Sic, 08 March 2007 - 21:28.

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#2 Overdose

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Posted 08 March 2007 - 21:40

"Flame Tank 2639 reporting."

Said the tank commander of the dreaded tool of war overlooking a barren desert landscape reporting to base. The gunner momentarily glanced at the commander with a curious turn of his head.


The tank commander replied and interrupted communications as they entered a contested hostile zone. The driver tightened her grip as her arms began to shake feeling the adrenalin of her first real combat it felt nothing like the simulators.

"We are to proceed to area Y-12 and ambush a GDI convoy." The commander lowered his console and accessed the satelite screen quickly analyzing the surroundings. "Keep current heading. Our ETA is exactly 15 minutes. We'll be backup for the 5th Night Division so stay sharp as the high brass will likely be watching us."

"Excellent." The gunner replied. "This baby here hasn't blown a kiss to any GDI dog for over a week now. I almost forgot how pulling the trigger was like." However the pilot wasn't as excited as the gunner at all. She activated the auto-pilot and rotated her chair back, glancing up at the commander who sat at his partially high control center.

"If GDI is at a Yellow Zone town it can only mean one thing.. they are hunting down militants. We must hurry and save the town before it's too late." The driver turned around as lights from the town started to reach the flame tank.

The commander lowered his visor and pressed a switch that turned on a strong red light that shined throughout the cockpit meaning they were now in combat mode. "We aren't there to find out. We will do our job and get out. Leave the rest to the guys of the 5th." The tank commander looked at a satellite picture of the town and started to plan their approach.

(more to come)

Edited by Overdose, 12 March 2007 - 12:30.

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#3 Whitey

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Posted 08 March 2007 - 21:52

"Orders received", stated the Mercenary Expert as he browsed the surrounding area from his spider-hole.

The sniper toyed with his M300 rifle.

He had been recruited by the Global Defense Initiative, and stationed in a small hillside overlooking a small town, soon to be occupied by the Brotherhood of Nod.

"Commander, Nod movement outside the courthouse. Should I take him?"

"No. Hold youru fire until we have a satellite scan of enemy positions in the area."

At this moment, the rough jab of an assault rifle barrel took him by surprise. He wheeled around to see a soldier clad in black armor. His face then met the butt of the rifle, and he fell to the dirt-laden ground below...

#4 Sic


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Posted 09 March 2007 - 11:17

They're accepted, but one thing. Describe where you were before the wars started, and convert dialogues to stories :).
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#5 Dauth

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Posted 10 March 2007 - 10:53

My story

I was working in the sun bathed landscape of North Eastern Spain, taking a sip from a glass of whiskey. I watched the next shooting star fall, there had been no prediction of a meteor shower making this one all the more interesting. As I focused my telescope more, blue trails were visible, noting this I checked and surmised a Cobalt emission.

Later that night a window was shattered by a splinter of meteorite which imbedded deep into the wall. In my drunken state I directed myself to a bed to deal with this in the morning.

The next morning the news broke, from my staccato understanding of the reporter's Catalan I formed the opinion that these meteorites were not of a normal origin. As stories became available in Spanish I was informed that the rocks were dangerous, reaching for a set of heavy gauntlets and pliers I prized the rock free, bringing a block severely rusted girder with it. I emptied my collection of Beta emitting rocks outside and placed the "Tiberium" in the lead lined cell. I went to grab my coat and as I return the dull box had green flecks poking through the surface, as I sat amazed I finally noticed I had scratched my hand, strangely it didn't sting and was noticeably healing. [Note to self by more whiskey as my decanter was smashed]

One year Later

The wound was gone, leaving only a small yellowing scar, the UN collapsed and the nations unaffected by the plague of green crystals banded together to form the Global Defence Initiative, the GDI were a collection of formerly great countries trying to repel the Tiberium, they had advertised that anyone with scientific experience would be granted citizenship in this new haven. I collected my Doctorate and my thesis along with food and medicine for the journey, along with 2 bottles of Scotland's finest export.

15 years after impact (14 since my recording began)

Unfortunately a computer glitch has destroyed a lot of my data; this is all that remains from 14 years of work.

I had been living within the GDI compounds formally of Canada for a long time, a large bank of information was collated but we were without any ideas tot he source of the mineral or animal or perhaps even sentient being. We regularly sent out groups to collect samples, even dedicating some of the now rebuilt military to build refineries using new automated technology.

In one horrifying incident the Tiberium burst over a squad of men, the green bug pierced their internal organs and slowly erupted from their bodies, one in particular had an evil green spiky stare before being gunned down by his former comrades. the bodies were incinerated and the fumes pumped into the Yellow zones. That night I only slept due to a bottle of Teachers, even then my dreams were vivid. I began to wonder why I had not been affected so badly, why my scar stayed Yellow and I didn't die, for whatever reason I was thankful.

As I frantically try to recall who I had told about the scar it became all too apparent, I had told too many people. That night I was forcefully evicted from the compound and transported at gun point to the border. Carrying my case of a few specific things, (fortunately my precious Whiskey was among my belongings). It looks like I shall have to turn to my wits to survive. Frenetically I look for some form of human civilisation outside the GDI.

20 years pass further

I enter middle age, I am beyond military use but do have scientific knowledge, the groups leaders follow a man called Kane, he visited our camp once but I unfortunately was not awarded the honour of meeting him.

We work solidly to build a force to destroy the treacherous GDI, for all their promises they will pay, with every day I work harder on finding out why I didn't die. So far I surmise that my Whiskey (which was of a poor quality) had neutralised some of the poisonous effect of the Tiberium. I have no doubt in my mind now that I will not survive a full three score and ten years, but I may live long enough to see the GDI fall.

Today is a great day, my knowledge of physics is of use, I submitted plans for a small nuclear weapon, it is far from perfect but apparently the GDI has hurt people deeper than they hurt me. These men will fall upon the compound like a wave of radioactive death. If only they survive that long without radioactive protection.

Ruins, my life in ruins, the brotherhood blame me because their men fell without reaching the gates leaving the recon bikes to be slaughtered. Nevertheless, if I manage to design a working weapon we may still have hope. I am now donating my Tiberium scarred blood and tissue for research, soon I will no longer walk as my legs are gradually stripped of muscle but it will be worthwhile to see the GDI bathed in their own blood.

Edits : Typos and logic

Edited by Dauth, 10 March 2007 - 16:16.

#6 Overdose

    Nice Guy Syndrome

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Posted 12 March 2007 - 12:27

Nagase's Story

A young woman carefully stepped inside the simulator carrying a tiny black card key with red stripes displaying Nod's emblem wrapped around her wrist. She took a deep breath, tossing her long black hair behind her shoulder and momentarily inserted the card into the reader then waited for the simulation system to boot up.

"Welcome back Corporal Nagase." An eletronic male voice greeted her. "Your last assignment will consist of all the lessons you've learned the past 2 months." She gently bit her upper lip and squinted her eyes. Her hand grasped and pulled the console over to her, she quickly began to type then sat back pushing the console away from her.

"Difficulty setting changed to... Impossible." Nagase reached for under her seat and put on her helmet. She closed her eyes and pressed a switch on the side of her head, lowering red visors that covered most of her face. Immense amount of data could be seen streaming from the other side of the lenses as the final boot up sequence initiated.

"Prepare for jump." Her body suddenly felt she was slingshot as she entered the virtual world. Her right hand reached for the control wheel as her left reached up and flipped a few switches, turning on the vehicle that trembled slightly in response.

She glanced about her surroundings, also taking a chance to adjust the side and rear cameras for a better field of view. It seemed like she was located in a city that seemed to be completely untouched by tiberium. This was the closest she ever had been to a Blue Zone in her entire life.

Before she could better analyze this unusual setting she got a radar contact of a friendly airborne unit stopping directly overhead of her. Nagase confirmed the IFF and it was the familiar Nod transport unit, the Carryall. It lowered itself to her flame tank and latched onto it's sides activating the magnetic presses.

In a few short seconds she was lifted high above, towering most of the buildings around her. In the horizon she could see an immense battle taking place, fought in both land and air and it seemed that's exactly where she was headed. The Carryall descended to solid ground under the guise of dust and smoke from the crumbled civilian buildings just a mile from the giant conflict.

She instantly received her objective at the screen. The goal was to break through a GDI defense line and destroy their base of operations. Sounded straight forwarded enough. As she began to move, holograms of the tank commander and the gunner appeared next and behind her for a more life-like atmosphere.

Ignoring the panicked civilians she slowly made her way through the avenue, smashing a SUV under her threads that should not have parked sideways in the middle of the street. She turned on her music player and the cockpit and was filled with an ambience techno atmosphere. She slightly nodded her head to the tune as she turned to the right of the intersection.

Noticing what it seemed like a barrier made with broken concrete, trashed vehicles and furniture a bit too unstable to make way. She stopped and looked up the I-SAT Map trying to find a detour or a shortcut to her target. That's exactly when she was hit, angered she backed up and blamed herself and the commander AI for such a stupid mistake.

The gunner AI turned the turret and fired into the civilian building, which looked like a small store. The flames quickly sweeped the structure, making the glass shatter and launched enemy soldiers out of it like helpless rag dolls set ablaze. She ran the diagnosis program and was quite glad the damage was very minor and would not hinder her run.

Having found an alternate route she turned at the alley and caught sight of what seemed to be a plaza. High above a Vertigo bomber dropped it's payload into what it seemed like a former government building from the past century and turned around being instantly chased by two aircraft she hadn't seen before at the hostile identification class.

Noticing a lot of air traffic she began to wonder if she should really be wandering in here all by herself. That's when she saw a group of giant mechs make their way over to the plaza. She checked the IFF again and they were indeed Avatar Warmechs. She heard rumors of those steel beasts were still in experimental stages however, but that's likely why they were already in simulations. She decided to support them since it was unlikely she could win a war all by herself but once she had approached them something peculiar happened.

An Avatar reached down for Nagase with it's huge claw and grabbed the fuel pod of her tank and instantly ripped it off which caused an implosion from the rear to the front. She had but a second to look down at her hands as she was swallowed and vaporized by fire. "Simulation complete." Nagase stood up still shocked of what just happened. Shaking her head slightly she thought it was just a friendly fire incident. Hopefully she would be allowed to take the test again, because she could not find a reason that would've made her fail the test.

"Ah, greetings Corporal Nagase." Her sergeant walked in the simulation room. She quickly saluted the man the Nod way, by crossing her chest with her right arm, the hand shut into a fist. "Good afternoon, Sir." She tried not to bite her upper lip attempting to hide the fact she was nervous. "I'd like to congratulate you for graduating at the top of your class. I'd never thought I'd see that little girl that was the sole survivor of a tiberium outbreak become such a fine soldier. You are a fine example to us all."

Nagase rested her arm and nodded nervously. "Th-thank you, Sir." She was literally sweating bullets. She had probably spent more time in simulations than in the real world in the past month and it had really paid off. She saluted her officer as she watched him leave without much of a ceremony then as he was gone she proceeded to grab her belongings. She sighed softlly and swung her bag over her shoulder, resting it there and made her way out of the room.

Edited by Overdose, 12 March 2007 - 12:28.

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#7 Sic


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Posted 20 March 2007 - 12:12

I remember that day very good. The whole world was peaceful at that time. The Iraqi war had ended, and Iraq became a democratic country, rising up to Turkey's level. The mid-east had finally quit all wars, and united into one country, all going along well. Balkan had settled down too, every country started getting along well, and life went on peacefully. North Korea and South Korea united again, and NK layed off the nukes. I myself moved into Germany and was working under the project called "Future Energy Resources". My incindenarty source suggestions had all been declined, because I didn't have economically fitting incendinary materials. That was soon to change though. The next morning I woke up by a large glowing green light, the whole town was in a major mess because of that. I went out to see, and I saw many big holes on the ground, and some green roots reaching out of it, and spitting green liquid. Some green gases were being sent out like geisers from the ground, and from the moment I saw those, I knew that those crystals were radioactive. They could be what I was looking for all along. I went down, and took a strain of the gases, liquids and crystals before the police could come down and quarantine the place.

A year later...

I had studied a lot about the new material, and in the news they called it "Tiberium". Many parts of the world were hit, and Africa, Australia and most asian countries had suffered a lot. They were struck not only by green crystals, but by blue ones too. Everything there has been absorbed by these crystals. Like the other scientists, I had also figured out that these materials absorb minerals , growing bigger and more reactive. They grew vastly, eating most of the world. The earth was in a large struggle. People have started to move to Canada, South America, and Japan/South Korea. I myself decided to stay and study more. I discovered that Tiberium was a very mineral-rich material, because it absorbed minerals. It also could be used as an incindenary material, combusting into very dangerous "Tiberium Vapor".

15 Years after impact...

During the time I was studying Tiberium, I noticed it had very strong side effects. While lurking through the city, I saw that people had mutated. They didn't know the dangers, and exposed themselves. The newly formed GDI (Global Defense Initiative), evacuated most people they could from the areas they called "Yellow Zones" into the so called "Blue Zones". Yellow Zones made up 50% of the earth's surface, and they were half contaminated but still habitable, with small difficulties. Blue zones makes up 20% of earth's surface, and is fully untouched by Tiberium. There are also "Red Zones" which are completely wiped out, nothing lives there. GDI recon convoys had been sent there, but I didn't hear anymore news about that. I saw many refineries getting built in the yellow zones, they had their own way of converting Tiberium into energy, by the looks of it. I still continued my studies...alone.

20 Years later...

That night, I heard many explosions. Some militants were attacking GDI refineries. They broke into my house, and I expected them well. They were recruiting people from yellow zones. They had their own cause, they wanted to fight the GDI, who left back many people , and stopped them from moving into the blue zones. They called themselves "Brotherhood of Nod" and had a scorpion logo, their leader was called Kane. The Nod needed many scientists, and I was someone who could help them a lot. I accepted the request immediately, and moved my tools into the transport truck. They didn't have any tools, they just had many infantry battalions, and they had produced a lot buggies called "Raider Buggies" and they used recon bikes, equipped with rocket pods and a vulcan minigun, mounted on the tip of a scorpion tail, mounted on the back end of the bike. There were many designers working for them already. GDI didn't know a thing about Nod, because that attack didn't do much damage, it just pushed GDI into the borders of the blue zone. Both GDI and Nod started an arms race, each building up to a large army, and becoming well known around the world. Nod were the inhabitants of the Red Zones, they had killed many GDI convoys, and the GDI thought it was the damage of the "Red Tiberium", which was the most reactive substance of all, but very rare. After I got in, we tracked and collected all Red crystals and started our own cultivation, feeding them with bones from the deserts of Africa. They consumed bones very quickly, and they started growing rapidly. In 2 years, we had covered more than 200km square land. We stopped feeding it, because it was starting to get too reactive and cause massive vapor outbursts, releasing too much gas, covering a thick layer of air. The air was filled with spores, and jet engines started getting damaged. More than 3 cargo jets of ours crashed, and we decided to start using HAVTOL (High Altitude Vertical Take off and Landing) Aircraft, called "Carryalls". They lacked a little speed but were very resistant to Tiberium gases. The Nod forces began using the highly effective Tiberium explosion powerplants, designed by me, which used tiberium vapor combustion energy to produce power. I also designed new flame weapons, and I chose elite militants to join the secret team called "BlackHand" who were made of many types of infantry units, using weapons like Laser Miniguns, Flamethrowers, Tiberium Spore RPG's and more special legions of infiltrators called "Shadow Team". GDI Themselves, went on a different direction. They based their infantry batallions on terrain passing, so that they can pass Tiberium fields without getting hurt. Their tanks, were slow moving but had a strong punch. They upgraded tanks with railguns, to make them do more damage, and also have pinpoint accuracy. They trained very skilled snipers, and designed an ExoSuit, which was resistant to Tiberium, and uncrushable by tanks. They shot railguns, were effective against armor and infantry, but were a total loss against buildings, and too vulnerable to missles. The Mammoth MKIII, was the point where GDI forced Nod to design very strong bombers, capable of defending themselves against the powerful GDI interceptors, so that they can successfully bomb GDI targets. Nod, were specialised on lasers. They learned to join two or more beams together, to make a very powerful beam, which erased objects from the surface of the earth. Those lasers could take on a Mammoth, and win. GDI while searching for a counterpart, designed the very strong unit, the so-called Juggernaut. The Juggernaut, was a unit which eliminated enemies in long ranges, and they could also hit targets spotted by snipers. Shells were unguided, but strong. But both have the very strong secret weapons against each other. Temple of Nod, and Ion Cannon. The Temple of Nod, launches a very strong tactical nuke, and the Ion Cannon , directs an orbital Ion Cannon, which shoots a very intense Ion Beam, with a devastating hit.

5 Years pass...

We were devastated. Many of our people were killed, and only the minority survived. We had our urban hideouts, but GDI erased our base in Japan, Hiroshima to be exact. It was the second time Hiroshima was deleted from the face of the earth, but this, would be the last time human kind was to live there. We were basically trapped, and we actually thought that Kane had died too. We decided to shut our networks down, and wait for the proper time to strike back...

5 Years further...

It was March. Our nuclear warheads designed by Ex-GDI members who left GDI, were also ready to be fired. GDI thought they won the war, but the war was far from over. In February we had recieved a message from Kane. He had a vision of his. In the vision as he described it, the Third Tiberium war had begun. It was a war, to end all wars. But suddenly, after GDI's Ion Cannon activation, a swarm of alien dropships had landed on earth. They were wreaking havoc in cities, and they had eliminated anyone who interfered with their harvesting. After seeing that, he woke up from the vision. We were unsure first. We struck Philadelphia with our nuke. That was when the vision started to become true. GDI started immediate mobilisation, and they eliminated one ouf our outposts in the Sahara Desert. They had no chance to survive in a red zone, especially after we used our Tiberium Vapor ignition to burn them all and the ignition spread to the fuel tanks of the mighty Mammoths, the resultant explosion decorated several square miles with twisted GDI hulls. It was fun while it lasted. We suddenly saw the area swarmed with FireHawk bombers, who devastated many of our defense systems.

Find the ayb reference in the last paragraph :).
And, thanks to Dauth for corrections :D.

Edited by Sic, 20 March 2007 - 12:17.

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#8 Dauth

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Posted 20 March 2007 - 19:18

Please read my other post for this to make sense

It took just one year further for the weapons synthesised from my blood to be actively used, within six months I was awarded a pair of cybernetic legs, for when my own, now shrivelled organic ones were removed. In the past 18 months I have developed superior upper body strength to keep myself mobile in a wheelchair despite the availability of powered devices. I have given up figuring out where we hide compared to a tattered map of the world, the old newspapers I find in abandoned houses are in Spanish but without regular conversations my ability with the language has dwindled.

3 years on,

Why must I still wait for my cybernetic legs, the GDI seek to poison my life at every turn, the day before surgery and my surgeon was called away to active duty, and was promptly shot in the head, idiot. I have been promised true mobility in two weeks, but this involves an eight hour operation, for which, I will be asleep. The various drugs I will take prevent my Tiberium enriched blood from reacting with the anaesthetics only function while we have a source of power. Understandably I am pessimistic about my chances of survival which is why I have sent a recording of all my work on physics and weaponry to one of our schools in the hope a future child will take up my cause against the GDI.

It was once said cometh the time cometh the man, now it is cometh the time cometh the hybrid. I have placed a video recording device above my operating table so I will be able to watch the operation later.

After the operation,

I wake up, my eyes focus on the ceiling above me, I instantly find the recording device hidden in the panels, very well then, and my assistant will get tomorrow off work. Now as I am wheeled into my own room he walks in calmly and puts on the recording. As I watch I see he is carrying a small patch on his hand, “What happened?” I enquire, “We were bombed”. Aghast as the thoughts now crossing my mind, “Did we lose power?”. “Yes” came the brutal and horrifying reply. Using my teeth I tear the gown off my body, my waist melts into a metal system armoured heavily, I look to my hands and developed arms. While my right survived my left had been replaced. I turn back to the recording.

As I watch motionless the camera shakes and I see myself suffer a heart attack, sensing impending doom the Tiberium reacts around my heart, the surgeons work fast and well cutting away any overly infected tissue, as the skin from my arm ruptures into the claw of a Tiberium fiend; the guard on duty burns it off with a flamethrower, (I must make a note to see the inventor who got flames hot enough to vaporise bone) quickly the team return to work and stabilise me. They cart in a heavy cybernetic arm and turn my body over, only then do I realise the cold sensation in my back.

To support the weight they have to alter my spine, in disbelief I look at my body again. Shaking with fear, anger, pain and despair I see the sheath of skin fall from my right arm and chest. The Surgeons remove my brain and place it in a strong metal case this is lodged in my chest. I turn off the rest of the recording, I know the procedure. Essentially the brain is kept safe in the strongest and most armoured area, leaving the head free to carry sensitive equipment.

I order the assistant to activate my full motive functions. An awareness of muscles asserts itself, many people said the transition was easy, I stand unaided for the first time in two years, and gyroscopes whirl in my shoulders to keep me upright. I spend the next few minutes walking stretching, exercising my new body. A commander walks in and the assistant scampers.

He explains that I will have the honour of joining the front lines, and escorts me to a training area for familiarity training with firearms

Two years pass,

After two years of customisation I am ready for the field, I carry a flamethrower courtesy of Sic and a hardened blade for those personal moments.

As I stand guard over an area I see a library, given that the commanders are scared of me, and rightly so, I take leave of their orders and take time to read in the remarkably still standing library here, no doubt the heretics of GDI have taken anything of worth but I may still find something of interest.

The door I carefully closed is blown open by an explosive charge, a five man GDI squad fall in; their torches find me sitting and reading, highlighting just the full body cloak I wear.
“Do you know it’s impolite not to knock?” I ask with mechanical timing, they tell me to stand and put my hands on my head. As I calmly rise the blade along my arm slides out into place with a faint click. I light the pilot light of my flamethrower remotely, spin and fire a burst, four men go down and I dive one the fifth without a shot fired. I call in a report of GDI scouts and think, 'finally blood'.

Five years pass since the day of battle,

Driven back, we were driven back, after four hours in the fray my flamethrower ran out of fuel and I switched to a hand suitable for all weaponry, I found a mortar buggy and set a trap for the next heavily armed soldier I could find. As he lay cooling it the sun I took his magazines and the very sleek looking machine gun. My efforts although inventive were in vain, too many tanks too many aircraft, we had to wait; and wait we did.

Today is the day of attack, I now carry my trusty blade and a collection of pillaged weaponry, the flamethrower has been modified to fire a flare to call in a squad of heavies, I quite like the name; it suits a group of 5 cyborgs, we work well and communicate wirelessly, and can even move in pitch black with the aid of a relay of movements made in the light. We fight as a core of destruction and the GDI fear us. I knew not one of these people in life but in our abridged death we are as close to a family as possible in this war. Thaos wins the toss today, he gets to lead our charge, we rush the first column of tanks with the aim of sabotage and destruction, and with a new power relay also from Sic we can remove a mammoth tank railgun and fire it back at the GDI.

We were winning the ground war, the GDI came in waves and were pushed back, but as we fought almost to the limit of their base defence guns we saw the second plan, it was a trap for us five.
A swarm of firehawks hit the sky, dolling out the weaponry evenly in seconds we dig in, we fire rockets, rails, machine guns, flak and pistols into the sky but still the GDI come, "Scatter" I scream and we bolt, covering 100metres of ground every five seconds, we are fast but not anywhere near as fast as aircraft, we need wheels quickly. I jump in an old abandoned pit bull, ironically a GDI soldier jumps at me within seconds he is left behind and I quickly weld the throttle open and start removing any excess weight from the vehicle. I see our lines realising that I am charging them in a GDI machine I dive for cover and relay to the commander what is happening and that if he doesn’t stand down his troops to me that his pile of corpses will match that of GDI. As I take up a rocket platform three of my team return, Thaos is still out there and we know it, we watch him come into view, he’s missing a leg and is almost in the range of a Firehawk, taking no chances it dives and lands on him, our fifth screen goes black. Distraught we charge the Firehawk and peel the armour away and tear the pilot to pieces in rage.

Only then do I see the intelligence on his screen “Leaked data, cyborg team in the area”. We were the Brotherhood’s best secret someone betrayed us. We vow there and then someone will pay dearly for this.

In perfect order we walk back into the base, soon traitor you will die, very soon.

Edited by Dauth, 20 March 2007 - 20:58.

#9 nova

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Posted 23 March 2007 - 00:00

commandos data dairy 2:88
I'm a commando i' usaly side with GDI but the only side i really take is the civilian's to protect them currently i'm subject to an experiment to make my body imune to tiberium through mutation but this is not with out risk i could die from this but being the daughter of Sakura from the first tibeium war im willing to take the risk i wake up a day later and find out it was a sucesse but it still has limits and that this opration is still experimental and probly won't be avileble to the pibliubi for a wile and even more desturbing was what they did not tell me till after ward tiberium is used in this procedure but there was an decent side afect the aging procces was slowed but im fine for right now

commandos data dairy 2:93
im still fine after the procedure but an unexpected side affect has popped up if i come in contact with certian radio frequency's it causes me sever pain and they dont know what would hapen after prolenged exposesure

commandos data dairy 3:47
the sirens rang out there ruuuuu ruuuu ruuuu sound hadnot rang out in 15 years i rand to my com station to find out where i was to go they said the ion canon control center this was both a blessing and a curse i would be behind in our base but i would also be a priorty target there because nod knows if that ion cannon fires there not gonna make it but what they don't know is the new ion cannon has multiple stings and that gave us the victory today

commandos data dairy 3:55
i woke up today in a hospital i found out the hard way what those radio frequencys would do and for right now i cant fight nod

#10 Shirou

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Posted 03 April 2007 - 15:07


I insist you use punctuation.. This is not how you were learned to write in school...

It was evening as I was cycling back home. The five mile trip had agonized me. Six miles of hills, cliffs, mud and misery lay behind me. The instructor had never been seen so ruthless before. I let myself fall down on the couch upon entering the living room. My hand had managed to find the hallstand instinctively for me not to be blocked by my coat. I instantly fell asleep.

It was still dark. I awoke with a start. My eyes struggle to remain open, attempting to find the time on the digital alarmclock. It had only been three hours. The door stands slightly ajar. There was no light behind it. Well, that's what I thought at first. Upon entering my kitchen tacitly I find myself looking straight into the zodiac of a vivid summer night sky. My kitchen floor descended, apparently holding my missing roof in it. Intuitively I grab a flashlight. The hole stretches through my kitchen into my lame excuse for a garden. I wonder why my back wall is still standing. Cautiously I move through the devastation to the end of the track pinpointed by a vague green illumination aside of my flashlight's devour of darkness. I circle around the common. Never looking straightly into the green light. My eyecorner catches a celestial phenomenon and I aim myself skyward. Meteors were plummeting down the atmosphere. There were not as much as in a regular shower, but at least one every ten seconds. I cease my counting and head back inside. The television should enlighten me on this.

One month later.

We are still active in Italy rescueing horrifyingly maimed victims. From the obsolete Hind helicopter the desctruction becomes terrifyingly apparent. The ground is lighting up as the green crystals spread themselves on and into the soils. I see and have seen people who lost one or multiple limbs from living in contamination from over a month now. There are still so many left. Our suits protect us, and even though my officer strictly forbid to even think about it, I have found myself multiple times pondering to surrender my suit to a suffering victim inside the helicopter. They are not to be saved. We are just collecting bodies that happen to still breathe.

Two years after the green hell's arrival.

The GLI, shortening for Global Liberation Initiative, has been formed. I relieve myself at this last stand of a united mankind to save itself. The clearly vulnerable UN had lasted for a mere three months after the cataclysm commenced. My military training comes in useful. I am recruited by the GLI instantly before I can even tell one another about my signing up. A lifesaver I become again. I move from the european yellow zone to the North American Blue Zone, but only for a short time. We are ordered to sustain and possibly border the Tiberium so that it will go no further than it has already gone. The uncontaminated areas; Canada, US East Coast and Most of the Islands on the Asian part of the pacific, are swarmed by refugees from all over the world. They cannot hold any longer. Mass starvation is upon us. It is not a concern of the GLI. We must first contain the Tiberium. When we succeed, and I am positive we will, these moral issues can be taken into account.

Fifteen years after the day.

The GLI has been formed into the GDI along with many other scattered organisations. We had succesfully kept Tiberium out of the Blue Zones and kept our people safe, but not without casualties. The predicted mass starvation happened. Most of the heavily contaminated african exiles were not to reach saviour. The entire African Continent is now a devastated yellow zone. The Asian continent was too big to be kept under control by the GLI and the other human unitions. The refugees were succesfully received onto the isles, but the lack of food had struck here first. We could send much from the Canadian fields, but to the Hundreds of Milliions it was just a needle in a haystack. The greatest suffering of human kind, it was said. But it was only to get worse. I was on a recon mission with my team in the european yellow zone to investigate some anomalies regarding excessive Tiberium Energy signatures. We expected, well, what could we expect. An evolved form of Tiberium? Blue Tiberium had appeared into the Red Zones a few years ago and was said to move up into yellow zones too. Could this be another offspring. What we found was worse. Tiberium we could keep out, but the Brotherhood of NOD we could not. It appeared that a group of rebellion survivors from the yellow zones had made a stand. We barely escaped. I lost five of my fifteen devoted men. Sparrow, Hawkins, all good soldiers. This was the main reason the GDI was formed. To sustain this threat of human insanity. We had still been evacuating survivors ever since. We had to keep a policy to prevent another mass starvation to happen again.

Five years further.

Two massive world wars against the Brotherhood of NOD have been fought. Once we thought they were defeated. It was mere desillusionary complacency. Thousands had died, Kane had returned. We smashed his assault again. Hundreds of thousands of casualties. But did not find Kanes body. And as long as there is no physical evidence of Kane being from this world. The NOD will return. With that in mind my superiors have been developing more military technologies. The Ion Cannon is almost back up online, and railgun technology has been perfected for use in battle.

I am promoted to join the best of our field forces. The experimental squad of Zone Troopers had been a dream for me to join ever since. The procedure also included genetic engineering, physical enhancements, for a life to live in the yellow and red zones. Moral and religious issues were at hand, but I brushed them off. I wanted this. I would not see my family back anyway. So I give no damnation about their thoughts about it. I have been a freedom fighter all my life, and this is how I am gonna end it too. The NOD had utilized genetic engineering far before us, and to a far greater extent. I once faced a member of the notorious Black Hand squads. I had still feared that incarnation of evil unto now. I am now a Zone Trooper. I am now immune to Tiberium Radiation. Immune to them. No pathetic NOD Cyborg can stop me. I am ready to rid the world once and forever of this madness' plague.

Edited by Shirou, 03 April 2007 - 15:48.

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#11 Sic


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Posted 03 April 2007 - 15:23

One note, unless you've been relived as a cyborg and have got a suit which is designed to stand in hazardous areas, you're immune to radiation. You can't be god, and the third war is being fought in the story. But yet , nice vocabulary. Just edit the two last paragraphs :P to fit the above specifications.

Nova, I'm sorry to reject your story. Not because of the errors ( that wouldn't be fair, just because you don't know English as well as the others), but you appear uber. You CAN'T be tiberium resistant.
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#12 Shirou

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Posted 03 April 2007 - 15:34

700 Hours. 45 Minutes from our ETA. We are still in a stable zone. The Ox transport will tunnel us through the NOD SAM sites. We have been requested to aid an assault on a NOD spaceport in southern Germany. Yes, a spaceport. GDI Spies had confirmed NOD developing offworld technology. Anything NOD develops serves a potential threat. Yet this encampment is so well defended we are suspecting further than that. Our spies sent continuous broadcasts regarding their discoveries. Their families still hold on to those broadcasts for the brave men never returned. Their discoveries were all but satisfactory, yet highly alarming. My team members are still in stasis, only to wake up when the POD has brought us down. If we get down unharmed. It has been 14 hours after the small crevice in the NOD aerial defense line had been made. If we know something about NOD than it is that they are fast.

Damn fast.

I find the ship's AA detection radar on a display mounted on the wall of the drop POD. My finding is sinister. The SAM sites only pop up on the radar sporadically. The Pilot is cruising at full speed. The defensive gap was getting more conspicious over the minute. We are flying at supersonic height, but that has never given safety against the ominous missiles. Four minutes to drop off. The Ox Transport then has to return. It will not, completely. The front side with the cockpit will detach from the cargo hull. Revealing an experimental short usage Ion Engine capable of supersonic speeds. This new tactic should get the pilot back to Brittain. But we are not sure.

Suddenly gravity abandons us. We are plummeting down the sky. I manage to keep my left eye pointed at the screen. The SAM's are moving from eachother. The designated drop off point is closing in, in the middle of the screen. Precision is imminent, neglectance is lethal. My helmet screeches into place. Gravity returns. We endure 0.15 seconds of twelve G, similar to the simulator.

We have landed. Let the riddance commence.

@below. That is aimed at the Second Tiberium war. I expand the two wars into this little summary. We smashed his assault again, means winning the 2nd Tiberium War.

Edited by Shirou, 08 April 2007 - 08:25.

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#13 Sic


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Posted 03 April 2007 - 15:39


Two massive world wars against the Brotherhood of NOD have been fought. Once we thought they were defeated. It was mere desillusionary complacency. Thousands had died, Kane had returned. We smashed his assault again. Hundreds of thousands of casualties. But did not find Kanes body. And as long as there is no physical evidence of Kane being from this world. The NOD will return.

There's the part I might have misunderstood, it looks like it's a fourth war.
When you've got a suit, yes you're immune to radiation. Note it please, people can misunderstand :P.
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#14 Nexolate

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Posted 03 April 2007 - 16:01

Are these stories going to interact? Or is it just people telling a story?
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#15 Sic


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Posted 03 April 2007 - 16:03

Mine and Dauth's are sure going to. Anyone else can decide to interact. But there's got to be an msn discussion.
I also have a new rule :
Do not add any event from the C&C3 Campaign storyline because it'd be a spoiler.

Edited by Sic, 03 April 2007 - 16:07.

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#16 Nexolate

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Posted 03 April 2007 - 19:01

Assuming RP Personality. This is going to be weird.


Traumatic childhood? Yeah, I guess you could call it that. I was young when Tiberium was becoming a serious issue, only about ten or so. Unfortunately for us, our home was buried deep in one of the Red Zones. It was no surprise that my parents, who were never at home, somehow managed to wind up with severe Tiberium Infection. Long story short, they got no help and I wound up an orphan.

During my young adulthood, I was adopted by my friends in the City. Their father, Shaun, treated me just like his own son. But it could never be the same. It was during this time that the GDI and the Brotherhood were in the midst of their third war, constantly fighting over ground and ever-existant pursuits. It was one of those skirmishes that got me wound up in the Brotherhood.

My foster family and I were on one of pursuits into the city centre, searching for food that had been unharmed by the poisoning. We were minding our own business when the Predator Tanks began rolling down the City. Out of nowhere, shells began flying everywhere, blowing the structures to pieces. All I remember was a sea of rubble, needless to say I got seperated from the rest of my 'family'.

Taking natural instincts, I hid as best I could, underneath a pile of rubble. Luckily for me, there was a lot of heating network in those slabs of concrete, so I found it the best place to hide from those gung-ho soldiers out there. However, there was some soldiers I had not counted on.

The slab of concrete was hauled away and several loaded guns were pointed in my face. I shielded myself with my arms, praying to God that they would spare my miserable existance when they told me to get up. I shakely got to my feet and noticed that these were not GDI Pigs. They were wearing silvery uniforms, mixed with some appropriate shades of black and red. Nod Soldiers, a Shadow Squad I later discovered.

They asked why I had chosen to hide in that place in particular. I decided to let them in on the piping secret and then they asked me to join them. I was torn, abandon my already primitive life or go to war against GDI. It was when they mentioned their pursuit into Tiberium Technology that I was decided. A few minutes later, one of their light Carryall Transports landed and I was whisked away to one of Nod's Training Facilities. I've been with the Brotherhood ever since.

Apparently I had the right sort of intellect for Covert-Ops Training and I had to choose between many a jobs, including a Shadow Squad Member. It was when they showed me what their secret unit, the Stealth Tank, could do that I decided that was the job for me. I was trained to be silent, calculating and apparently I was a very good learner. I could go days sitting completely still, without being detected and Nod decided I was worthy of one of their Stealth Craft.

I was quickly promoted to a Veteran Pilot and was assigned to some of the more front-line battles in the Brotherhood. And that's where I am today, I have rarely lost a vehicle to date and I don't plan on starting any time soon.

Phew, that was a tole on my imagination. xS
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#17 Sic


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Posted 03 April 2007 - 19:06

You are officially a character of the E-Studios C&C3 Forum RolePlay!
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#18 Nexolate

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 10:05

When is this RP gonna get into motion anyway? o_O
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#19 Dauth

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 11:08

Again I recommend reading previous articles to understand my story

…soon traitor you will die, very soon.

It took a mere week for us to gain access to the communications deployment, not many people argue with four cyborgs, especially ones carrying several weapons, numerous high explosives and plates of blood encrusted armour.

One of our number, Mr Davidson was apparently and expert in communication technology, well he did upgrade us 5, no 4; to wireless encrypted information sharing. We spend days sitting at terminals carefully downloading and analysing every message on every frequency for the last 2 weeks. Not one, not a single message with the power required to get from our walls to the GDI outposts. Apparently the rat was more intelligent than I had expected. I need someone who was on the front line of battle.

One of the uses of reading all the communication data for the last fortnight is that I noticed our weapons designer ‘Sic’ had been posted to the front. Oddly I was not surprised at this, the Brotherhood have long known the dangers of using intelligent men at the front. Our breeding stock may weaken but we become more effective on the field of battle. A recent addition to regulations by Kane states all people must donate genetic material to a central bank for reproduction and Tiberium experiments.

We spooled through all the data and found out how many of our outposts and exploration squads had the new high power radio transmitters. Much to our mutual annoyance they were in a new high security code. Davidson told us he’d need several days to crack it. Meanwhile the three of us each take a range booster for our signal, unfortunately it reduces security but we should still be hard to understand. We arrange an image to send if we find the rat. I give orders that if the rat is found they be executed with extreme prejudice.

I join up with Sic’s squad under the command of Lieutenant Sharpe. This foul man tried to bawl me out for pronouncing his title in the English and only when he stepped though the ranks did he realise he was addressing a seven foot metal killing machine. As I saluted smartly he retreated to the front of the squad. I was placed on extreme scouting duty; this turned out to be unpopular since no GDI squad on infantry could inflict serious damage on a silent, night time, low infrared assassin. The squad were getting fed up of the lack of action, I doubt in my tenure one shot was fired by my comrades in arms. When not actively scouting I spend time with Sic, of the squad only he hides his fear effectively, I use this opportunity to gain an upgrade to my blade, an extra layer of hardening plasma heated in its vessel by my flamethrower bonds well and seals up a deep knick caused by a titanium bar in the leg of a GDI soldier. Now he is crippled like I once was.

In this middle of skirmish I get the long awaited transmission from Mr Davidson, “The traitor is …” I stand stock still and spool through his last images and a name is there, gone, there again; I must write it to my memory. A new voice speaks “No you metal monster, it’s your turn to die”. Meanwhile in the physical world a GDI rocket soldier lines me up, only a split second dodge and blade attack spares by brain, my newly hardened blade is bent beyond use. The rocket squad fall to my small arms fire in seconds but the damage is done. I retreat to barracks knowing that someone knows how to kill us and that only three of five remain.

That night Sic removed the broken blade from my arm, I must be content with a ‘custom’ one made from the wreckage of a GDI scouting truck. It is sharp and deadly, and quite possibly carries tetanus. I send a signal to the rest of my squad; we meet as soon as possible at an abandoned warehouse, hitching a ride on a carry-all I arrive early and secure the perimeter.

I sent a final message in short range radio frequencies, ‘the wireless has been compromised meet one mile south’. Everyone arrives, our only female representative ‘Lady Fletcher’ was one of the biggest contributors to the Brotherhood financially, and thus she was rewarded with immortality of sorts. The final member of our team was one Mr J Smith, his name was wiped from his memory when a piece of shrapnel took out a large portion of his skull, the field surgeons astutely used a Tiberium bath to keep him alive knowing that cybernetics would render him a formidable weapon. He lacks almost all emotions and regularly charges into battle, armed with nothing but his fists for freelance throttling.

We quickly form a plan to find Davidson’s body and retrieve the rat’s name as a GDI heavy bombing raid flattens the warehouse a mile North of us, again we run, this time we don’t bother to split up or fight, we run behind our lines, whatever we say about the GDI I doubt they are foolish enough to try and bomb out an outpost. Now we move, the advantaged of cybernetics, we can charge up on enough tiberium to keep us moving for 100 days, without feeding, sleeping or resting in any way.

Forcing our way into the morgue we find the mangled twisted corpse of Davidson, fortunately the brain case also holds a backup hard drive. Now we have a name, there is no court we can trust, this must be done in person. Again we break into secret communication channels and find the location. The rat is named Objective 1, with this in mind we transfer ourselves to the camp objective 1 is located in. This group are a full anti armour brigade designed to crack all the power of GDI’s mammoth tanks. We take time to arm ourselves; I finally replace the blade with another Brotherhood one, Lady Fletcher picks up and impressive array of small arms and after hours of careful negotiation we convince Mr J Smith to pick up a rocket launcher and a Black Hand dagger someone had mysteriously left behind, (It is known to be quite expensive to get a second one). I once again run into Sic as he examines the hull of a Mammoth tank, ever the artful he provides me with a spring loaded mechanism to release my blade should it ever be damaged again.

We march purposefully on the headquarters, no doubt objective one has figured out our intention; Smith tears the doors of the hinges and bangs a war cry on his metallic chest. We rush in taking each room in seconds, finding the stairs we head down to the blast bunker where all officers sleep, in an imitation of our leader Kane. One hearing the row upstairs, the blast doors begin closing, sparring not a second we rush to the exposed hydraulic compressor, this protective shell is meant to hold an entire division for a bombing raid only for the GDI squad to take the ground and be attacked from behind.

One rocket and the doors stop moving, taking care we force them open to reveal a prototype stealth tank, the engine is gunned and we charge, Lady Fletcher jumps up onto a balcony and spares no time or opposition with her bursts from two high power laser rifles. Smith and I rush the tank turret as it fires a rocket pod, I dive out but one catches Smith in the leg, hoping forward he reaches the drivers hatch, with a fist he smashes the screen and that traitors skull. Smith dives through the hole with a rocket launcher detonating it directly under the tank commander’s seat. This combination of rocket and dying tiberium fuelled cyborg causes the fragile engine to overheat and explode. Bathed in flame Lady Fletcher and I advance through this into an ante room. There stands Jenkins, a Colonel, he had surgery done before the war, his left arm was amputated but he was refused a cybernetic body on the grounds of dangerous insanity. A squad of Black Hand fall in, before us lay 16 men armed with grenade launchers, flamethrowers, laser rifles, and good old fashioned pistols. My flamethrower and blade slide out, I show Lady Fletcher my remaining ammunition, she drops two empty laser rifles and grabs a pair of heavy machineguns from her back.

I say in a heavy metallic voice, ‘Surrender and you will die quickly, stand firm and I’ll see you suffer until dawn’. We rush through the men to the Colonel, but at the push of a button we both feel a magnetic field, dragged to the wall and shorting out we are both helpless, Lady Fletcher spasms in pain and her gun fires, catching two of the Black Hand and damaging the coil about my left arm, pouring my remaining strength into moving my flamethrower spurts into life eliminating half the troops, their burning bodies fill the room with smoke and ionises the walls, freed from our prison, we crawl to the Colonel, drawing his pistol in panic he shoots me in the head, the bullet ricocheting off into the distance I stand and perform a summary execution. Turning off the magnetic field, it would be expected for such things to end, but fate is rarely so pleasant.

#20 Sic


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Posted 04 April 2007 - 11:14

I have read it when you sent it to me, and it's totally awesome. Not because I was mentioned, but the story has got action in it too!
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#21 Nexolate

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 14:23

Yeah, pretty impressive. I have difficulty fleshing out stuff, so. =/
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#22 Dauth

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 15:01

Im not as happy with this one as my previous, if i were to try and publish this i would ahve to totally re-write it and split into 2 different story blocks

#23 Nexolate

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Posted 04 April 2007 - 16:41

Seemed fine to me. Here's a little snippet from mine.


I was on one of my days off, hanging with a few Scorpion Jocks when my head of command called me up. A commander had been ordered to set up base in one of the yellow zones surrounding one of GDI’s Supply Outposts in a blue zone. He had sent a relatively small convoy mainly consisting of infantry, poor choice of tactic if you ask me. When they got there they had been ambushed by several APCs and had barely managed to escape.

I was being sent in with a squad of fellow Stealths and a few Raiders to clean out the garbage so that the Outpost could be set up. Relatively routine mission if you ask me; however our head of Squad was one of the Elite Stealths, Scythe, and I was looking forward to seeing some of his ambush stratedgies. I made my way to the garage and quickly hopped into a fresh Stealth just coming out of the works.

I decided to play it careful, the area seemed abandoned but there could always be a Sniper Squad out there, waiting to ID targets for an Artillery Strike. I eased my vehicle over the dunes and made my way to the rendezvous. Luckily for us, it was surrounded by plenty of cliffs and large rocks so we had plenty of room for quick kills. I glanced at my GPS and saw that the rest of the squad had already arrived. I deactivated my Stealth upon entering the rock-formation and stopped in position, opening up the cockpit and climbing out. The rest of the squad followed suit.

The Raiders were patrolling the area, scouting out any targets and would come in once we had ID’d targets and were in ambush positions. Scythe briefed us on the messy details and gave us the Comm. Frequency before we climbed back in and proceeded towards the Combat Zone.

Scythe lead the pack, bringing us around the town and coming in from the side. Soon, the MCV appeared on our radar and we all felt the adrenaline start to kick in. It wasn’t hard to see the APC Patrols, they were following an easy path around the suburbs.

We quickly moved into a position behind some buildings that were in the path, deciding we’d take them out without the Raiders’ help. We waited in position, I was on the North East flank behind a small shop with another Stealth. Another two were on the other side and Scythe and his partner were in front of the buildings. Scythe's pair would come up behind the APC patrol and we would attack on his mark. They would be hit from 3 directions, probably without even getting a single shot off.

The APCs came around the corner at the end of the street, only three in a horizontal line. Scythe and his partner would take the middle one, the other two had the right one and me and my partner got the left. I suppose you could call it a tense moment as we heard the APCs roll down the street. Just as we saw them come into sight, Scythe ordered us to fire.

I was quick on the draw, my partner coming in a second later. I hit him in the rear with a salvo of of rockets while he took the more direct approach hitting him square in the site. I must of taken out the engine because the entire back end exploded in a plume of flames and shrapnel. We heard another few explosions and heard Scythe report that the plan had gone exactly to plan.

Feel free to incorporate the MCV Convoy into any of your RPs, as well as mentioning the hail of green rockets from our Stealth Squad. :pimp:

Edited by No-Skillz, 04 April 2007 - 16:45.

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#24 Sic


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Posted 04 April 2007 - 17:10

Niceness. I can exactly imagine the moment when those Stealth tanks attacked :pimp:.
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#25 Nexolate

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Posted 07 April 2007 - 11:10

I suppose you could call this a bump, but isn't anyone else going to join in?

Edited by No-Skillz, 07 April 2007 - 11:14.

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