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On Love, Attraction and Relationships

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#26 Short Stuff

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Posted 05 April 2007 - 02:11

This topic shows that most of this forum...is full of guys lol...

And spider, no....No, Bad, Dumb, Wrong...maybe austrailian...but thats not true...Been proven millions of times, and your alternative is way worse :pimp:
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#27 spiderspag


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Posted 05 April 2007 - 02:17

Dude. I'm telling you this from experience. I'm 22 and have had several girlfriends. And I've already qualified that this may just be with Australian girls.
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#28 Overdose

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Posted 05 April 2007 - 04:08

I'm 23 and I must admit I've been in Spider's position before so I'll come in his defence.

Eventually she slept around so much and soon after each guy she'd come tell me about it. I got really tired of watching her lower herself so much and then keep hearing the same old "I wish men would actually listen to what I have to say and care for my feelings like you do."

Almost 2 years of caring for someone that doesn't care about you sucks.

I completely lost any sexual drive I had for her left eventually, which in turn was a good thing. But I got over it eventually, which I hope Spider already has.

Edited by Overdose, 05 April 2007 - 04:09.

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#29 Athena

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Posted 05 April 2007 - 04:17

Some people are arseholes and some aren't. It's not a gender exclusive thing.

I don't really know what happened Overdose, but I'm sorry that it happened that way.

To all
Even if someone has treated you badly, it doesn't mean everyone of their gender will. Don't believe all of them are arseholes and unkind, because that won't get you anywhere. I have seen mean girls around here (and mean boys) but I've also seen kind girls and kind boys.

Major Nuker made a good point, btw.

#30 Overdose

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Posted 05 April 2007 - 04:26

Indeed, that's in the past. After moving on chances are you'll find someone wonderful who can acknowledge your feelings.
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#31 spiderspag


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Posted 05 April 2007 - 05:50

I was over it quickly when I caught on what was going on, but I have mates who are still pining over women who just don't see anything in them but a shoulder to cry on.
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#32 Cryptkeeper

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Posted 05 April 2007 - 05:50

this thread makes me cry :pimp:

any ways people in general are stupid and realy don't know what they want they know what they need so it tends to be people trust there instincts over logic which causes girls and boys to make stupid chooses

also people now adays haven't matured till way after pubrity i'd say adverge time is mid to late 20s XD i'll admit i'am probly immature to in ways but at least i pretty good judge of charactor and whos just looking for people to just forfill a biological need or desire

however if i find anyone who likes me jeez it would be miracle and i'd probly cry i would be so happy man i'am sad lol

#33 Dauth

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Posted 05 April 2007 - 08:01

Give Nuker a medal, its one of the better posts ive seen and is pretty much how i try to act around people in any case. I have had a girlfriend for so long, we are practically married in the eyes my of old friends.

I still behave like a gent becuase its nice to get a smile, and it can be funny in social situations when it really throws off other guys who are only after sex.

Crypt also mentioned a sensible point, not every matures at the same rate, and although hormonally you want a partner, it can often be wise to wait a while. I was forced to by a number of rejections and i am a better person becuase of it.

For those guys who reckon they are too quiet just take up one new activity (preferably one both sexes join in on since this thread is mostly heterosexual), and behave properly towards everyone and you never know you may find a soulmate.

#34 Rayburn


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Posted 05 April 2007 - 08:29

I actually gave up on this matter but Nuker is indeed right.
Macho-guys are common and by the way they try to get a woman's attention, they don't only degrade her, they unconsciously degrade themselves as well. Therefore, if you go the gentle way, you'll show real respect towards her AND yourself which is the true art. I can't help much on this matter but make sure you don't rush things. If you do, you might destroy everything you built up in ages within the blink of an eye.

#35 CoLT


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Posted 05 April 2007 - 09:20

This is all very helpful guys but the point is. I live in Australia and they are very different here. I'll admit, I try to be nice, I try to be a gentleman but they just aren't into that. Girls here are tougher, more independant. Give a compliment and they are more "meh" than "thank you."
But I guess I got the answers I'm looking for, thank you everyone. Especially E.V.E Nuker and Stinger. Much Appreciated.
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#36 Alias

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Posted 05 April 2007 - 09:37

Yes, Australian women are usually more violent and not so keep-things-to-themselves type, they are more open, that stuff Spiderspag has said does apply to them.

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#37 Prophet of the Pimps

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Posted 05 April 2007 - 09:42

Well the best way i use to find out if i a girl likes me or not is check out their body language. check out if they flick their hair or if they maintain eye contact with you and if they blush if you compliment them. But in some cases when the girl is a bit tomboyish then there might be a bit of mischief involved. they might make fun of you and vice versa, then might be some shoulder bumping or even friendly hitting of each other. there is no sure fire way of find out but you will have to trust your judgement. try spending a few moments with the girl and just talk. if you can have a 15 minute conversation without a single moment of silence and the girls is in no hurry to break the conversation off to do other things then you know you have her.

Also avoid the friend zone. Although if you are in the friend zone of a hot girl it isn't that bad cause then you get to meet her equally hot friends. Its just depend on how you play it off.
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#38 Athena

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Posted 05 April 2007 - 12:10

If there is some kind Australian guys (you (=CoLT) and Alias for example) then why wouldn't there be some kind Australian girls also?

EDIT Prophet why are you staying stay out of the friendzone? I think a relationship should be involve friendship as well. Many things that happen in friendship also happen in (good) relationships, like laughing and having fun together. It doesn't feel the same but friendship is a part of a relationship imo.

A thing to keep in mind is, everyone's different. There is no universal law, rules or a manual and nothing works guaranteed on everyone.

Edited by Blaat85, 05 April 2007 - 12:17.

#39 Dauth

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Posted 05 April 2007 - 12:24

The dreaded friendzone is when a guy is friends with the girl in question but she never thinks of him as a potential partner, if the unfortunate guy loves the girl it is painful in a number of ways.

#40 Prophet of the Pimps

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Posted 05 April 2007 - 13:16

It is painful. i got stuck in that zone with one girl i get along pretty well with. the most shitty part about it was the first boyfriend she had (I still live in a conservative country so this kind of stuff is still hidden from the family) she choose me to be the first person to know about it :pimp:. We had a age gap of around 2.5 years. way back when i was 18 she had a crush on me and we use to hang out all the time (mostly exclusively) but i never responded cause she was too young at that point. But now when she matured i was clubbed in the friend zone. being in the friend zone ain't bad but as i said avoid it as much as possible because it takes a toll on yourself. its like someone putting a big fat chocolate cake in front of you. you can see it, smell it, touch it but you cant have it. Its agonising as hell.
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#41 CoLT


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Posted 05 April 2007 - 13:27

I know what you mean Potp, I completely get that. I suppose then it's not a case of avoiding the friend zone but just making sure you don't stay there.

And Blaat, there are some nice Aussie girls, (some very nice... :pimp: ) but they aren't what you'd expect. Yeah, they are nice to you and all but in the end, Australian girls want freedom and they don't like flattery and prefer independance. That's the average of those I know. Some really enjoy the err... champagne dialogue I put out but others just really don't think much of it. The majority of Aussie girls are the latter.
I don't know why it's like this but it just is. I guess the signals still apply but they are just different so it's harder to adjust because it is an extra factor.

Edited by CoLT, 05 April 2007 - 13:29.

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#42 Athena

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Posted 05 April 2007 - 16:46

There must be a special Australian girl who thinks the same way you do. Maybe you haven't met her yet.

#43 Cryptkeeper

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Posted 05 April 2007 - 20:35

well theres problems with that with me where do i find this person also solitude hurts trust me i'am in it right now basicly it realy makes me wonderif i'am going to be lonely forever yes i maybe a bit needy right now but i

don't push them on others but as you get older it seems i become more and more lonely XD i shouldn't think about this it will make me depressed againXD

but i realy hope your right blaat about there being someone who thinks like spider or me or any of the nice guys on this forum

that i just haven't met yet becuase i truely want to meet tis person heck i'am agnostic and i'am even resorting to asking what ever out there for this yes i'am abit selfish but i can't help it

#44 AllStarZ

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Posted 05 April 2007 - 23:40

I avoid romance at all costs. To that end, I occasionally do not brush my teeth in the morn (can't help it anyways), and generally be as disgusting to the point that people will tolerate me but avoid any relationships.

I mean I burp in public, show them horrible war pictures, act like a moron, etc.

Edited by AllStarZ, 05 April 2007 - 23:44.

#45 Overdose

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Posted 06 April 2007 - 00:42

Here in Brazil being polite and giving compliments is about as dangerous as bluffing an opponent to make him fold in poker.

If you are too nice girls will think of you as a Rico Suave or even worse a Casanova and that's the end of the relationship. Women here are far too independent and strong willed for 'chivalry lives' situations, they can be seriously offended by it.
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#46 CoLT


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Posted 06 April 2007 - 01:02

That's the same situation as over here in Australia, Overdose, girls here are more free-thinking and independant. They don't like guys being too nice to them and trying to do everything for them.
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#47 spiderspag


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Posted 06 April 2007 - 01:49

No the problem is everyone over here is incredibly awkward and insecure, and don't know how to respond properly to proper romanticism. The problem with Australia is- the age of innocence is pretty much dead, and there are few ladies (or gentlemen.)
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#48 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 06 April 2007 - 02:06

Being too nice, and doing EVERYTHING for a girl is dangerous, for women (contrary to popular belief), are quite capable of doing things for themselves. They have a wonderful mind of their own. However, being chivalrous on special occassions, or at the right time, shouldn't be a problem. However, figuring out when to be chivalrous is the hard part.


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#49 spiderspag


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Posted 06 April 2007 - 02:43

This I know... but the problem is getting to that stage where your "niceness" is going to be rewarded by more than "Oh, you are such a nice guy, I wish all the jocks I am shacking up with were more like you and respected me."

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#50 Dr.Schwarzk0pf

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Posted 06 April 2007 - 07:49

If she ask U whit a word " If ...." too offen I think she maybe likes ZBut I dont know how much she like :wtf:
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my sig showroom kick!!

glouf, on 23 Jun 2006, 16:51, said:

I like to call him Dr. Spamkopf

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