Generals Swedish Forces
Posted 06 April 2007 - 19:37

Posted 06 April 2007 - 20:45

Posted 06 April 2007 - 21:40
useful as it is, there are other ways of communicating
Edited by Warbz, 06 April 2007 - 21:40.

Posted 07 April 2007 - 07:03

Posted 07 April 2007 - 20:12
When someone is willing ill email the models to the skinner then he will fix em upp and then send em back to me
And i might integrate them to the game
That,s all i ask for
Im not a nerd just a guy along wih some friends modifying our favorite game,
All i ask for is help and advice etc
This mod is,nt realy super complicated , all i need is time thats all,
im hoping for possible swedish realease late summer
Ive been making working whit mod,s whitout msn
Edited by Axel of Sweden, 07 April 2007 - 20:17.
Posted 07 April 2007 - 20:38
Abourror, on 6 Apr 2007, 15:51, said:
So, you're Saying that ConRed is dead then?
Jsut because he can't GET a skinner, dosn't mean he can't LEARN to do it himself.
My advice:
Do as much of the mod as possable (model teh units, export them, code them), and things toy can't do, try and learn to do them.
Posted 07 April 2007 - 22:21

Posted 08 April 2007 - 00:31
Look at me, all i can´t is skinn very well and animating legs.
So what do i if i can´t skinn or animate? I learn it.
A mod leader can be skinner, modeler, coder, mapper, etz., can´t he?
Posted 08 April 2007 - 03:14
Slye_Fox, on 8 Apr 2007, 06:38, said:
Abourror, on 6 Apr 2007, 15:51, said:
So, you're Saying that ConRed is dead then?
Jsut because he can't GET a skinner, dosn't mean he can't LEARN to do it himself.
My advice:
Do as much of the mod as possable (model teh units, export them, code them), and things toy can't do, try and learn to do them.
@ Abourror,
Look at me, When i first got hosted, I'm a one man team. Now, I'm slowly building a mod team.
There's nothing wrong with being a one man team, Yeah its annoying to:
Uvmap your models
Re-rig infantries
Texture the models
make/edit some audio for your mod
make unit cameos and portraits from either butchering the current ones or from scratch
Balance your stuff on your own especially with the lack of proper internet
Play test your stuff using a laggy pc (even tho i have a new pc now

Make Particles
Script the AI
Search Google for modding tutorials

.....CRAP, Did i do all that things i said above for the prototype and the current version of C&C Untitled?!?!?!

But its rewarding and fun to see your "hardwork" come to life in ZH...while you learned some new skills to show off to your real life friends.

Edited by Chris, 08 April 2007 - 03:29.
Posted 08 April 2007 - 09:47
That's What i thought a while ago.
If you can UVmap (which is quite easy) you can make basic skins.
Get textures of of googule and use them as part of your skins, UVmap your model around these textures.

Number of downloads: 23
And eventually, your skins will get slightly more detailed as you learn new techneiqes.

Number of downloads: 27
Edited by Slye_Fox, 06 July 2007 - 00:43.
Posted 08 April 2007 - 12:19
get the dds-pugin for photoshop,open the ZH skins you need, and apply that then to the tanks´s skin.
€:What do you think, thinks everybody when he starts learning to skin? "Its impossible", NO IT ISN`T
I am now here for about +- 1 year, and lots of ppl can tell you how whit my first models and skinns where

But now, i am gettin better, here: (@Bob: remove it if it was a fault to post it, anyways, nobody knows what it is xD)

Number of downloads: 35
Edited by Master_Chief, 08 April 2007 - 12:41.
Posted 08 April 2007 - 13:03
Posted 08 April 2007 - 17:35

Posted 08 April 2007 - 18:20
€: forgot to say: your statement is bullshit
Edited by Master_Chief, 08 April 2007 - 23:02.
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