Generals Swedish Forces
Posted 24 April 2007 - 12:39

Posted 25 April 2007 - 12:50
And kid has,nt offered mutch

Might need a new coder, or ill learn it myself=Crashing computer :easucks:
I need someone that can integrate units and make genérals powers
The strange thing is that so few want to help,

This is all i need , and thats why i dont realy need MSN, couse ill do the rest myself
Edited by Axel of Sweden, 25 April 2007 - 12:51.
Posted 26 April 2007 - 12:51

Posted 26 April 2007 - 13:43
All models put ingame along with coding for them
And generals powers done,
Thats the frame, then ill do the rest myself
Voicing is easy etc
Thats sandbox for a coder with spare time,
It,s all i need!
Atleast with sweden, we ill see about norway
Please, the mod is at stake and its damn to simple to be ignored
Edited by Axel of Sweden, 26 April 2007 - 14:55.
Posted 26 April 2007 - 15:03
All pilots removed except for JAS 39 Gripen
Vehicles cant be transported anymore
All drones removed
(Replaces Crusader)
Regular tank boning
Uses Crusadertankgun
Nuclear battlemaster locomotor
Got battlemaster engine sound
(Replaces Humvee)
Regular tank boning
Scorpion Locomotor
Scorpion sound
Uses sentrydronegun
Carries seven infantry
Unit,s cant fire from inside
(Replaces Dozer)
Pretty mutch the same as cv9040
Can build Structures
repair buildings and vehicles
(Replaces Ambulance)
Troopcrawler basicly
Carries 8 infantry
Uses Humveegun
The turret is an upgrade
Heals surrounding infantry
(Replaces Avenger)
Identical to CV9040
But can only fire at air units
Ugglan UAV
(Replaces scout drone)
Used as Generals ability
The regular vehicle drone is removed
JAS 39 Gripen
(Replaces raptor)
pretty mutch Identical,
Only vehicle with ejectable pilot
Four missiles
(Replaces Chinook)
No more combat drop
carries 15 infantry but no vehicles
Rocket pods upgrade removed
Start with Stealth
Remove the rest off the old vehicles and aircraft
Generals abilites:
Sniper unlock
LVKVK90 unlock
HKP16 unlock
Artillery barrage 1
Artillery barrage 2
Artillery Barrage 3
Identical to chinas Artillery barrages
Replaces A10 strikes
Cluster mines
(Dropperd by a Hercules)
BK90 Bomb
Powerfull Bomb, that is dropped by a Jas gripen
Simmilar to Aurora bomb but more powerfull
equal to one carpetbomb
Three levels off Emergency repair(Standard)
EMP Bomb
(Identical to chinas but delivered by a Hercules)
Fuel air bomb
(Also deliverd by a Hercules)
Thats all, i will do the rest
Edited by Axel of Sweden, 26 April 2007 - 17:29.
Posted 26 April 2007 - 15:32

Posted 26 April 2007 - 17:42

Posted 02 May 2007 - 14:23
AOS, I'd be available for coding things if you want. I can do some of the simple stuff like adding new units and structures to the game. I also suggest that you remove pieces of code from your mod that will not be used (eg. locomotors and weapons as a start). Do this when you are absolutely sure you won't need them.
Keep regular working back-ups of your code somewhere outside of your game directory and just play with the code (mess around with it) and then restore it from backups when it fails to work. You'll learn coding in no time this way. Keep up the good work. The skins and models look cool.

Posted 08 May 2007 - 03:20
Best of luck,

Posted 08 May 2007 - 03:35

I see this going far, to some bounded extent.
Posted 08 May 2007 - 16:53
This is what is going to make the mod popular
All units speak their native langauges,
so Swedish troops will for example say "Anmäler till Tjänstgörning" when they are created
English speaking units ruined Mideast crisis
and native speaking units made CnC Holland awesome

Command center

Edited by Axel of Sweden, 08 May 2007 - 17:01.
Posted 08 May 2007 - 17:35
Just thought I'd throw this little bit of info out there.

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