my mod
Posted 19 June 2007 - 02:04

Posted 19 June 2007 - 02:30

wow, this looks amazing.
when it is released i will def be playing it.

Posted 19 June 2007 - 02:46
models or 3 factors as well as civilians
skins for about 7% of the models
ini codeing
wnd codeing
new AI scripting
menu graphics
commandbar graphics
sounds for everything
new intro movies (including a replacement for the EA one)
a stand alone mod launching program
new tarain graphics
a compleat set of new mouse cursers
Posted 19 June 2007 - 02:51

Posted 19 June 2007 - 02:53
Posted 19 June 2007 - 05:28

Edited by Chris, 19 June 2007 - 05:40.
Posted 21 June 2007 - 10:36
well there is alot of quastion's
i will answer
about the size :- oh my god ... when we launched the iwu mod in this forums the mod size will be 200 or 300mb
about the model's :- pcc modeler sooner or later will be free to design our model's and
before 23 hour i was design some new models soon will rip it here it is iraqi tank bunker and camp
and new su-27 and iran rebelion gaurd's and iran t-80bv
and there is some thing's no body can understand it ...
it is the poly in model's so read this my unkel son have a pc with 64 of screen cart and 256 mb of ram
and 2.56 khz of process i was install the mod on his pc and i was change the setting's like what i post
i other post and the mod run like the rose in his pc fast and good no cut's when play that's
before 10 day's so any one understand now ok
slye fox:- about 10.000 poly but if the model have this 10.000 poly the game will lag...i say no u worng
i was test it before 1 year work good no problem
in the End Thank's For Evry One About The Our Modeler But I Say Sooner Or Later We Will Make U Free Raeed Al Ghali ...
Posted By PC-Center
The Manager
Omar Abdul Kader...
Edited by pcc88, 21 June 2007 - 10:54.
Posted 25 June 2007 - 09:27
yes codecat but will work well
even with 100k
posted by pc-center
the manager
omar abdul kader
Posted 25 June 2007 - 09:52
Posted 29 June 2007 - 16:20
ok master chife
i will answer u
1. i was say if u want to rech a nice model u have to do more and more poly
for example su-35 the model only about 1120 poly's that with out the missiles and bombs ok
2. about why u use hight poly in zh model ..... = to be more close of the truth i mean to made i good model's
that's all
we have new models i was made a new command center for iraq and barracks for iraq and usa and china and tank's bunker for iraq and soldiers bunker for iraq and other
posted by pc-center
the manager
omar abdul kader....
Posted 29 June 2007 - 17:03
Posted 30 June 2007 - 10:26
yes chief yes but u was'nt understand me
i mean if u make an model with low poly and make an model with high poly
in the end u will see what i mean
posted by pc-center
the manager
omar abdul kader
Edited by pcc88, 30 June 2007 - 10:26.
Posted 30 June 2007 - 10:31
For ZH: Use models with up to 1000 P´s, then everyone will be able to play it. Not everyone has a Gforce GX8800....
Posted 30 June 2007 - 10:54
and other thing
u r not a good of professor in 3d model design
and pcc was'nt tell any one please play my mod
so pcc want from u some respect that's all
and now in pcc news we will show our new work

Number of downloads: 21

Number of downloads: 36

Number of downloads: 28

Number of downloads: 25

Number of downloads: 30

Number of downloads: 18

Number of downloads: 36

Number of downloads: 28

Number of downloads: 25

Number of downloads: 30

Number of downloads: 15

Number of downloads: 22

Number of downloads: 19

Number of downloads: 13

Number of downloads: 13

Number of downloads: 11

Number of downloads: 17
posted by pc-center
the manager
omar abdul kader
Attached File(s)
IRAMY.jpg (123K)
Number of downloads: 37
Edited by pcc88, 30 June 2007 - 11:18.
Posted 30 June 2007 - 11:54
Why do you feel offended just because I am saying that models with like 8500 polies aren´t adecuate for ZH?
And one thing: I am not good in 3d desing? Did you even see ONLY ONE of my models?!
Don´t tell other people to be respectfull with you, if you are respectless with them. At least I have the feeling that you have no kind of respect to some people here.
I will show you some of my "bad" work:

Note: Those are for my mod which has extremly tactical gameplay and is for CnC3 : Tiberium Wars.
Posted 30 June 2007 - 18:34
Some of these modells are really brilliant, especially the infantry impress me very much.
Posted 30 June 2007 - 22:34
Posted 01 July 2007 - 06:24
Posted 04 July 2007 - 01:10
(PS. No offence, but the first one, the missile, doesnt look all that great. I mean its just a missile on some sandbags... thats it... Maybe add some more detail to some of the buildings and make them look good)

Posted 07 July 2007 - 16:55
ok guys just be really
ok at first to master chief 1-hey chief i respect evry one even my enmy
2-even 10000 polies will not effict on the game that will hap only with infantry if the infantry have 8000 polies
the game will lag or be slow
3- hey chief these are nice model keep work
and about other things the m-1126 have some detal dont want to
man are u sure are u have a look to the us m-1126 map
and all the models u say have some or detals dont need to u worng we are work the map's to these models
and about the missile ... man be really can u
at finaly pcc was'nt tell any body please love my mod
i just came to here to rip our work that's all
come to iraq and see where are our mod rip come ok do not come i will tell u our mod
was rip from sakhow to al faw that's mean our mod riped in all iraqi city's
ok guys ...
posted by pc-center
the manager
omar abdul kader
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