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"Your pants will DIE!"

Vaughan's Photo Vaughan 31 May 2007

Q: wtf?


Now that that's out of the way..

This is the Pants Game! Stolen shamelessly from AoMH, with a few additional rules by Vaughan. :P

The object of the game is to replace one word in a single phrase, title, saying, quote, forumer name etc. with the word "Pants"

For example:

"Do you understand the pants that are coming out of my mouth??" - Rush Hour

Original text:

"Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth??" - Rush Hour

Pants: (That is to say, rules. ;))

-One quote/title/phrase etc. per post!
-Nothing too sick.
-Have fun!

I shall start off,

"You have no chance to survive make your Pants." - Zero Wing (;))

Edited by Vaughan, 31 May 2007 - 16:51.

Waris's Photo Waris 31 May 2007

"The pant, chico, and everything in it!" - Scarface :P
Edited by Waris, 31 May 2007 - 17:47.

amazin's Photo amazin 31 May 2007

leave now, and never may you darken my pants again-groucho marx

Prophet of the Pimps's Photo Prophet of the Pimps 31 May 2007

"Aye, fight and you may die, run, and you'll live... at least for a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin' to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take... OUR PANTS!" -BRAVEHEART

now let see if anyone can top this.

a few more

"Immortals,we put their PANTS to the test. " -300

"A thousand Pants of the Persian empire descend upon you. Our Pants will blot out the sun! " -300

CodeCat's Photo CodeCat 31 May 2007

'You take the blue pants and the story ends. You wake in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pants and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.' -Morpheus

Prophet of the Pimps's Photo Prophet of the Pimps 31 May 2007

View PostCodeCat, on 1 Jun 2007, 01:11, said:

'You take the blue pants and the story ends. You wake in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pants and you stay in Wonderland and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.' -Morpheus

Thats just wrong on so many levels. :P

Waris's Photo Waris 31 May 2007

Our pants will blot out the sun! - some dude

amazin's Photo amazin 31 May 2007

holy shit that is messed up... "how deep the rabbit hole goes..."

"Military intelligence is a contradiction in pants" groucho

Vaughan's Photo Vaughan 31 May 2007

"The Co-Admin forgot to read the pants!" - Me :P


-One quote/title/phrase etc. per post!


Areze's Photo Areze 31 May 2007

"We need to surgically remove your pants for the operation to be a success." -Made up Doctor

Rayburn's Photo Rayburn 31 May 2007

"Commander, tear this ship apart until you have found those pants, and bring me the passengers, I want them alive!"
~ Darth Vader

Waris's Photo Waris 31 May 2007

This isn't pants - Dr House

Prophet of the Pimps's Photo Prophet of the Pimps 31 May 2007

"I understand my Pants are popular reading in the teachers' lounge."
-Calvin from Calvin and Hobbes.

Areze's Photo Areze 31 May 2007

"Get in! Get in!... The pants, they won't open!" -Modified quote from some cheesy WWII movie I watched.

"My pants are full." -Modified Toxin Tractor quote.
Edited by Nightshadow, 31 May 2007 - 20:08.

Rayburn's Photo Rayburn 31 May 2007

"Ruuun! Ruuuuuun! Get to ze paaants! Graaaaaaaaarghhh!!!"
~ Arnold Schwarzenegger

Areze's Photo Areze 31 May 2007

"Load your pants boys, it's gonna be a long day." -Modified Quote from same cheesy WWII movie

Prophet of the Pimps's Photo Prophet of the Pimps 31 May 2007

"Luke i am your Pants."

Vaughan's Photo Vaughan 31 May 2007

"Remember the Pants - Fort Minor"

Areze's Photo Areze 31 May 2007

"They have taken our pants!"
- I think the EVA message for a captured building in Generals.

SonicBoom's Photo SonicBoom 31 May 2007

"How did we make the best tasing pants ever?" - the back of a cracker box

Vaughan's Photo Vaughan 31 May 2007

"He who stands for pants will fall for nothing." - Old Proverb.

Areze's Photo Areze 31 May 2007

No people in the pants!

CodeCat's Photo CodeCat 31 May 2007

View PostRayburn, on 31 May 2007, 22:10, said:

"Ruuun! Ruuuuuun! Get to ze paaants! Graaaaaaaaarghhh!!!"
~ Arnold Schwarzenegger

The funny thing was, I actually could hear him say that...

'Search your pants, you know it to be true!'
-Darth Vader

SonicBoom's Photo SonicBoom 31 May 2007

"Strength through unity! Unity through pants!" ~ Lewis Prothero in V for Vendetta

Vaughan's Photo Vaughan 31 May 2007

"Your lack of pants disturbs me.." - Darth Vader