I guess I should have fully explained the purpose to this thread, but it's better late than never

It is my intent to use this space, this topic of mine to express my feelings, whether it be in poetic form, free verse, or as I'm simply doing now.
It would seem tonight that I am not perfect
Someone I consider a friend
lays somewhere across the sea
very cross with me
and it's my fault (so go figure)
One can only do so much from the offending end. It's the one that you've offended that must step up to the plate and decide two things: Do I accept the apology and get on with my life, or do I not accept the apology and ignore the one that offended me for a good long undetermined amount of time. Yeah, I doubt the one I've offended will read this, but then again, I can never be sure. Life is crazy, insane-psycho like that sometimes. For me, it seems to be an everyday thing, so I guess you could call my life normal...that is if you saw it through my eyes (if you have my eyes....wait, what would you be doing with my eyes?!?!)
So where was I? Ah yes, now I remember....sort of. My mind wanders from place to place, sometimes without telling me the standard week in advance (well, that's my mind for you). Any who, moving forward, pressing onward, as is my norm.
Patiently biding my time
Such a thing is so unnerving
I wonder oh I wonder
what is it that's going through your head
The pitter-patter of tiny feet
a guilt trip long forgotten
shadows in the closet
and the dreams of winters passed
How I wonder what's traveling
through that mind of yours
Can it be that I'm forgiven
or shall I be exiled for forever
So yeah, once again don't mind me. I tend to ramble, but if you pay attention it all has its purpose. Just read carefully and you'll find a common thread. Maybe even surprise yourself at what you uncover.