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#1 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 29 July 2007 - 18:07

Black Sheets And Serenade

Screaming the profanity
that is my life
Take from me
this empty cup
Watch me spill the contents (and dry them with my shirt)

I say things for laughter
and yet inside
my soul cries
everytime your face appears
Misery is my doctrine

Hide my face
walk away
Turn and face
a new dark

The fingers they walk
across the piano keys
dancing a melody
to kill the beast within

(ever) Wonder why
some are born to fly
and others (born) into the grave

Edited by Sgt. Nuker, 29 November 2009 - 02:25.

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#2 Lord Atlantis

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Posted 29 July 2007 - 23:47

Once again Nuker graces us with another compelling poem. It is brilliantly executed and gives the feeling of someone living in the shadow of greatness.
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#3 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 30 July 2007 - 04:28

Ten Steps From The Beaten Path

I remembered you last night
Last night you and I were one
Last night I was happy
Last night for you and I
never happened

Harsh reality
comes with open eyes
and weary sighs (aching for more sleep)
For the morning light
is not always kind (to the playful dreamer)

Wake me up with smelling salts
Slap me from slumber
I hate to dream
when it means I wake up lonely
Your eyes see another
Mine are shut for you
I sleepwalk in reality
as you dance in dreamland
(you always lived in fantasy)

Goodbye dearest dream(er)
Hello fairytale
Goodbye fairytale dreamer
Hello dearest dream

I forget what it means
to be loved
I remember what it means
to be forgotten
Open eyes
bring ragged truths
and fading falsehoods
I wake for a new sun
and you slip under (for a new dream)

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#4 E.V.E.

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Posted 30 July 2007 - 05:20

Those 2 are very nice Nuker.
Makes me think twice about them before I fully understand them.


- E.V.E.

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#5 Lord Atlantis

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Posted 31 July 2007 - 01:42

Once again Nuker, a incredible poem. That poem is quite moving and touching.
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#6 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 31 July 2007 - 03:40

With One Eye On The Future...

The World belongs to everyone
and everyone belongs to no one
But close your eyes
and swallow a pill
You will see the way we do

We can help you
turn yourself around
and make you someone else
We can make you (Brave)
Our reality is your own

Vacation in a bottle
and all the comforts of home
Stainless society
Manufactures (New) dreams
and kills your heroes

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#7 Dr HaxX

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Posted 03 August 2007 - 00:46

I'd definitely have to say... Out of the many of your poems I have read, that is by far my very favourite. :D I envy your poetic prose.
Remember me? You old timers?

#8 Lord Atlantis

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Posted 03 August 2007 - 03:51

Your latest one seems to have a Matrix-esque feel in it, but thats was just the "take the pill" line.

But as a whole, I see it as how society is changing controls what we think and dream.
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#9 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 14 August 2007 - 02:17

I guess I should have fully explained the purpose to this thread, but it's better late than never :dope: .

It is my intent to use this space, this topic of mine to express my feelings, whether it be in poetic form, free verse, or as I'm simply doing now.

It would seem tonight that I am not perfect
Someone I consider a friend
lays somewhere across the sea
very cross with me
and it's my fault (so go figure)

One can only do so much from the offending end. It's the one that you've offended that must step up to the plate and decide two things: Do I accept the apology and get on with my life, or do I not accept the apology and ignore the one that offended me for a good long undetermined amount of time. Yeah, I doubt the one I've offended will read this, but then again, I can never be sure. Life is crazy, insane-psycho like that sometimes. For me, it seems to be an everyday thing, so I guess you could call my life normal...that is if you saw it through my eyes (if you have my eyes....wait, what would you be doing with my eyes?!?!) :/

So where was I? Ah yes, now I remember....sort of. My mind wanders from place to place, sometimes without telling me the standard week in advance (well, that's my mind for you). Any who, moving forward, pressing onward, as is my norm.

Patiently biding my time
Such a thing is so unnerving
I wonder oh I wonder
what is it that's going through your head

The pitter-patter of tiny feet
a guilt trip long forgotten
shadows in the closet
and the dreams of winters passed

How I wonder what's traveling
through that mind of yours
Can it be that I'm forgiven
or shall I be exiled for forever

So yeah, once again don't mind me. I tend to ramble, but if you pay attention it all has its purpose. Just read carefully and you'll find a common thread. Maybe even surprise yourself at what you uncover.


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#10 Lord Atlantis

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Posted 14 August 2007 - 03:46

Nuker... this poem describes one of my fears with my very close friends; that I would make some mistake and be "unperfect" once and lose a friend. I can feel the delima of wondering if you ever were forgiven or if you shall forever be remembered as the person who made the mistake. Very nice yet again. :/

Edited by Lord Atlantis, 14 August 2007 - 03:47.

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#11 Dauth

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Posted 14 August 2007 - 07:59

Probably on of the few times i have ever understood art, wonderful poems Nuker.

#12 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 18 August 2007 - 19:30

Evolution For Modern Man

Pull the blinds
and make my bed
Father's coming
and I wish he could
not see these tears (sorrow is a waste)
Save face and close the door
You will see the truth

The naughty tick-tock
constantly waking me
I find it better
to flip a switch
and make it fade

The family unravels
Shouting will be heard
Masses will be restless
and so our cycle flows (as it must)
It's not getting any better
Night please come quickly

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#13 Shirou

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Posted 20 August 2007 - 09:04

Every one of your posts, whether it's meant or not, includes a poetic value, as I've noticed in your incredible way of describing the shockwave mod. I can't believe I've not noticed this topic, where you really show off your talent for literary art!

Keep it up, I love your poems.
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#14 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 20 August 2007 - 20:01

Fit For [In]Sanity

Morning calls
my dream machine answers
Fall asleep forever
Distant lights cast doubts

Spill me
Drink me
Toss me
Love me

Never-ending past
and a fading future
or is it the other way 'round
Opaque glass
covers my mind(less) distortion
I've not seen this side of me
floating in the doorway

Kill me
Breathe me
Hold me
Break me

I've held this trinket by the fire
Black lines are now my friend
A chilling heat has risen
turned its back
and killed another

Build me
Tear me
Crush me
Bash me

Treasure(s) lost
and hope regained
For subtle tears
with love refrained
Not death to have
but life to feign

Mold me
Bend me
Hug me
Remember me

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#15 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 23 August 2007 - 01:48


I suppose it doesn't matter anymore. I tend to mix up boredom and depression quite often, and this current mix has me leaning toward depression. Nothing to do and all of the time to think. I have a few friends, but then again, apparently I have to do all the leg work when it comes to contacting them. I showed two friends a very near and dear thing to me, and now they feel I've used them..... For the love of all things holy. Why on earth have they got in their heads that I've used them. Was it not I who did the traveling? Was it not I that offered something to them with no strings attached? I don't see them getting off their leather skinned chairs and offering to me an opportunity of a lifetime.

So much for trying to help out friends. All I ever get is a missed call, or worse a "never see you again" statement in some form or other. Maybe I did use them......and then quite possibly I didn't. I showed them what I did because I care, so why do I have to apologize? It's like the time before, when I was declared by my three "friends" to be "too needy". To settle the whole matter, I was the first one who had to apologize. Can I have a little justice? Oh wait, justice and I don't get along. Don't ask, but it did involve a thing with a stick of butter and a crescent roll (yeah, I told you not to ask).

Be forewarned when you have two friends in the room at the same time. Don't give them something, have them refuse it, then go on about your business and never turn a cheek their way. My life never took me to their side of the shore, at least not directly. If I went that way it was for another purpose and I never had time to shoot their way. Maybe I can call them, and maybe I shouldn't. I think it's time to have them call me and want to do something. I'm far too tired to make any suggestion. No one cares I did it for so many years. No rest for the weary, so give me mine already. I've grown sick of their mockery, now where's that pie?


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#16 Dauth

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Posted 23 August 2007 - 07:51

Very moving, and i prose i think you have a lot of strength. It is always a pleasure to read the work of someone so skilled.

#17 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 24 August 2007 - 01:38

Teach Me Lonely

Have you really lost
Have you really gained
Feels like I'm the last to know
and knowing isn't fun
Whose heart's broken now
Whose love's shattered now
Something tells me it's you
and something tells me
it's me (all over again)

It's been a year
since I've seen your face
Hide my heart
with cotton fibers
Careful not to stain the moment
Sunlight gleaming
sunlight streaming through your hair

Run with me
run this far
Jump the gap between our shores
and teach me to fly (I've forgotten)

I'm afraid your footsteps
are no longer welcome here my boy
Turn around and walk that way
Haven't you learned this by now

Just another Pauper's son
Just another rag-tag blunderboy
When the dust all settles
and your pearls are fixed on me
I'm all that I have
and that's all you'll (ever) get

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#18 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 24 August 2007 - 15:38

Forever,...I See

I see you sitting in your chair
Hands on the keyboard
mind working overtime
The day was long
and you are tired

The screen it calls to you
casting shadows on your wall
The lights are out
the lights are on
it doesn't matter their state of mind

Was it a lonely day
was it filled with joy
It doesn't bother me
but it never hurts to ask

I know you're seeing this
I know you hesitate to speak
Your mind is contemplating what to say
You don't have to say anything
but once in a while
I'd love to see your smile

I know you're sitting there
your face shines from the night
Was it a good day
was it filled with sorrow
It doesn't matter
But I had to ask
Maybe you don't care
(but I do)

Have a good day
have a good day for me
Your best mistake

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#19 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 29 August 2007 - 23:37

City Streets

Collecting dust and just a tad scratched
sitting here in the misty air
Foghorn kills my far off silence

Leather heels and concrete sheets
Red threads and golden lace
'Tis the mind dancing unbalanced
Teetering every so faintly

Glass house and scant wire frame
Vision impaired when left outside
Ivory peaks meet herbal valleys
Freedom smells of denatured alcohol

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#20 Dauth

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Posted 30 August 2007 - 07:16

Always a pleasure to read, and well worth reading.

#21 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 04 September 2007 - 00:09

Pass The Molotovs

Loose insides
begat gilded eyes
and spastic sighs

Frivolous monetary gain
acidic rain
to torture
our broken porcelain

Today is a dream
and we can't imagine
a shattered scheme
brainless facade
(I)t all came crashing

Edited by Major Nuker, 06 September 2007 - 23:05.

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#22 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 06 September 2007 - 04:45

Modern Tools

'Tis a drop of rain
a metal racket
The thanks I get
don't seem to matter
Just rain ash upon my head

Firebrand phrases
silken response to cool the glow
Hate still blooms
and tempers flare
but the Sun still warms our hearts

Ink and parchment
perfect match
Wanting never
Courage always
and I'm on display
for the world to see
This is other worldly

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#23 Whitey

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Posted 06 September 2007 - 04:52

These pieces are top notch! *steals them for use in 3rd period English honors* I quite like the simplistic word choice in many of them, it conveys the meaning as opposed to the writer's intelligence, the former being the proper use of a poem, the latter being what I have done in English class all these years (big words work wonders till Freshman year :P )

Edited by Boidy, 06 September 2007 - 04:53.

#24 Dauth

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Posted 06 September 2007 - 08:27


#25 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 06 September 2007 - 23:57

Subliminal Messages

Stop the presses, Stop the presses
This new line is breaking quickly
Send the wires
dot the i's
Our (dead)line is coming

Twenty dead in local school shooting
City mayor involved in drug deal
...are your kids safe...
Tonight at eleven!

Stealing time to waste our lives
Life IS centered around a humming box
Airwaves can strangle
if left unchecked
Check out

Society unraveling
as the senate polls fly in
Ink blot
"X" marks the spot
Electric pulses
an organic heart still fresh
and dying (slowly)
The machines are marching

Tired of itchy, scratchy eyes?
Don't want to wake up stiff and sore?
Try our new addiction
Try our wonder-drug
It's guaranteed to take it all away

Down the rabbit hole we travel
Black cables branching
Feeding homes with poison
They're coming for us
Incandescent eyes and a stark visage
Antennas transmitting
Sending lies to stir the masses

Propaganda messenger
Fleet-footed harbinger
Herald for the Armageddon
Our NEWS will carry on


*Note: If you use any of my material, please give me credit*

Edited by Major Nuker, 06 September 2007 - 23:58.

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