narboza22, on 13 Sep 2007, 6:04, said:
To bend the light? :wahhhhhaa: Then I wish you good luck installing a black hole into a plane. Or a soldier

If you wanted it to be invisible, just cover it in mirrors.
It won't work for anything more complicated background then a plane-blue sky. Also you'll need an army of mirrors (or its analogues) floating around you in different angles.
No, it was a Japanese coat and it works by the camera-projector system I described in the previous message

I want also to mention one thing. This wonder-coat won't save you from nobody except poor dumbasses. Modern armies have infra-red and thermo-vision sights that declasses all this optic toys to zero.
The same as chemical weapons are useless wastes when using against soldiers all wearing chemical-protection wear (every soldier has a gas-mask from 1930's) and WMD-protected vehicles (this are all soviet vehicles starting from T-55). What was once wunderwaffe with time becomes useless crap. The optic camo became useless before its invention. However, it's still could be good to hunt some poor Africans

I beliebe that soon even ballistic missiles will be not more, then a weapon to punish some afghanistans or sudans
Edited by AL_Hassan, 13 September 2007 - 14:36.