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#1 Revan

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Posted 23 October 2007 - 17:06

First off, if you're interested in joining, READ THIS CAREFULLY

Now, in the past there has been a little chaos regarding applications, multiple threads and spam in them. In this thread there shall be NOTHING else but applications. If you are interested and think you full fill the following rules, post an application in here.

Of course you might ask yourself, why join the guild?
Well here's what the guild offers and what it requires:


A place to work with other people on maps, help them and get help
distribution of your work on important sites, cncfiles, cncden, etc... in the name of the mapping guild
honor, glory and all the other stuff I forgot :D


Decent mapping skills (or alternatively testing, creative map ideas, etc...)
dedication (a map every 1 or 2 months, active testing, etc...)

Now: the jobs the guild is offering:

Mappers, for any command and conquer game as well as Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War. More games might be supported in the future. A mapper simply has to create decent enough maps for the guild, which will then be reviewed by testers and council members and upon "perfection" released. Mappers have to be able to create both good detailed map, while making them enjoyable in games, meaning keeping the level of objects low enough to be playable without major lag, as well as layouts which are enjoyable in player versus player games, including the right placement of money. You might not really know what we're looking for here, there will be guidelines in the staff forum so if you think you can adjust easily then this is not much of a problem. However, if you insist on having a giant wall around your base and only 1 entrance, 10 supply docks in your base or 5 derricks, etc... then don't even write the application.
Also, note that being able to decently code AI is a major plus, we have tutorials for that in our tutorials section. A mapper application should consist of 1-2 completed maps of the mapper to test, about 4 images for each of the map, an application containing:
- Reason why you want to join
- Experience with Mapping
- Why we should take you

Scripters, only available for ZH/Shw/Generals and CnC3 currently. They code the AI of maps aswell as code the guild mission maps, if you want to apply as scripter, you need good skills with CnC map editor triggers and creative thinking how to solve certain things, knowledge of what is possible and what not, etc... If you think you're up to it and interested, write an application, it should contain:
- Reason why you want to join
- How much experience do you have with scripting?
- Why should we take you?
If we are interested in you joining, you will be given an unscripted mission map and tasked to copy a bit of it (for example the beginning) and send it back to us.

Advisor's, currently reserved for Shockwave/Zero Hour/Generals maps, are people which sketch up map ideas and also inform mappers about gameplay flaws in their maps (such as wrong resource distribution, etc...) and thereby make the guild maps more enjoyable online. Advisor's need to have experience with what I call "proper" player versus player games, meaning 10000$ games with no rules except limited SW, rushing and so on...
If you are interested in becoming an advisor, you can fill out an application with following points:
- Reason why you want to join
- How much experience do you have in online playing and what kind of games
- What is in your opinion a good buildup for a map
- Why should we take you as advisor?
If we're interested, you'll have to play a game against me with the latest released Shockwave version :D

Testers, similar to advisor's, yet different. In contrary to advisor's, testers do their work after the completion of the actual map and not before. Testers, unlike the advisor's, focus more on finding bugs and flaws. Testers need to be able to play online and have a good eye for bugs. Of course good playing skills and experience is a major plus, as then you can also comment on gameplay flaws.
If you want to be tester you need to have the following requirements:
- Be able to quickly summarize bugs you've encountered, texture flaws and things you think should be different in a report
- have a good eye for texture errors and other things
- have fun experimenting around new maps (flattening buildings, garrisoning them, etc...)
- be able to play online via Hamachi, so you can test the map for mismatches etc... with another player (you can do compstomps vs AI or whatsoever, your skill level doesn't matter here)
If you are interested, please fill in the following application:
- Reason why you want to join?
- Have any beta testing experience?
- Why should we take you?
If we're interested, you will be sent a map which you have to test for bugs as a trial.

That would be all, also note that currently we are/aren't looking for:
- Zero Hour mappers are currently NOT needed at all, if you however think your skills are exceptional, go ahead and post an application, worst which can happen is that it gets rejected.
- CnC3 mappers, some active and skilled ones would be a nice addition.
- DoW mappers, urgently need some active ones here.
- Testers and Advisor's, we have none currently so they're crucially needed, especially testers.
- Scripters, not really needed but if you're good, go ahead.

If you are interested, post your application in here. The guild council will then review your application and inform you over PM. This should happen within 1 week, in case there has been no reply, you have the right to ask where the problem is via PMing a council member.

Edited by Revantheemperor, 27 October 2007 - 09:38.

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GENERATION 8: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.

#2 Strategia


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Posted 10 November 2007 - 00:01

Application for: Advisor
- Reason why I want to join:
I would really like to become an advisor to help mappers make their maps, and perhaps make them a little bit better than they would have been otherwise. I'd like to make maps myself, but I don't really see that happening so I'll gladly advise others who can and will :jumping: Basically, I want to become an advisor to be an advisor, I can't think of any other way to put it.
- How much experience do I have in online playing and what kind of games:
I played ShW on Hamachi regularly until I became a BT, after that I participated in every dev match I could. I haven't had much multiplayer action lately, but that's more due to the fact that online activity in general has slacked off tremendously since the summer. I still jump at the chance of a game. I've played a variety of games, always low-cash ($10k or thereabouts), usually with SW limit turned off but I rarely use them anyway, except if I have no other options (Kwai vs. a turtling Alexander in a craggy canyon map for instance). I've played 1v1s, team games, FFAs and stomps.
- What is in my opinion a good buildup for a map:
That really depends heavily on the goal the mapper has. If he/she wants to create an open battlefield with a few sparse resources and tech buildings to fight over, my opinion about the buildup will be radically different if the goal is to create, say, a hilly map centred around a village/town, or a stomp map, or a natural-looking area, or, say, a large urban environment (:P).
- Why should you take me as advisor:
I have plenty of time and opportunity to carry out the duties this post requires, as I am online pretty much every day, and I'm an active member of the forum. I know my way around the WB, and I know what things are easy/hard to do with it, including (to a limited degree) scripting. I know my balance, and I'm thorough - I'll test maps with multiple factions, to see what specific issues arise with a specific faction/tactic. And I swear on my honour that I will never release information about an unreleased map.

If we're interested, you'll have to play a game against me with the latest released Shockwave version :)
Is the latest dev also OK with you? :) Also, I assume this will be less of an actual "game" (as in, the sole objective is to try to wtfpwn each other) and more of a test run, commenting on and talking about the map while we play, right?

#3 Jamie^


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Posted 10 November 2007 - 22:53

Application for: Tester

- Reason why you want to join? I would like to become a tester to make sure that the maps the guild make are top notch and nothing less, I would also like to pick up tips from some of the members and mabye make my own map one day, as the ones I have made so far just plain suck in comparison to the ones the guild make, and I am good at checking everything, and I have the patience to do this I believe.
- Have any beta testing experience? Well I have tested a few maps for my CS:S clan, I spotted a couple of bugs on them, but apart from that, no sadly
- Why should we take you? I play ShW regularly and have a good amount of time on my hands, I have the patience to go through each map carefully once or twice and check for anything that is wrong, and I have a good sense of BALANCE!
A work in progress, leave me alone.

#4 Squiggers


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Posted 02 December 2007 - 20:52

- Reason why you want to join:
i want to help make SW maps as good as possible... :D

- How much experience do you have in online playing and what kind of games:
mainly strategy (like DOW, Generals etc.) , with a little bit of COD 4...
- What is in your opinion a good buildup for a map:
Firstly, the climate - is it hot, is it cold?. Is it night or day? is it designed for infantry, air, tanks or a combo? is it mountainous, or flat?

and thats basically it. =)

- Why should we take you as advisor?
if i can, id like to help the guild in anyway possible, and this is probably the best thing for me to do, as mapping/scripting isnt a skill i have...

#5 AfterFlash


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Posted 27 December 2007 - 18:23


- I was part of the MG before, and now that I have left it for a few months I feel as though I am needed and come back to the MG once again to make more maps for ShW .95.


- Well I have a lot of experience in ZH and ShW mapping. I have approximately 8 months or more with designing and creating 2, 3 , and 4 player maps. Here is one I have made to show my experience:

This is a map called Crossroads Of Chaos for C&C Shockwave .95.

Map Overview
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EDIT: Added a new bridge along with several other textures

Extra Shots
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- As you have seen I have experience in mapping and as such I think I meet the specifications. Also I want to re-join the guild so I can help make more maps for ZH and ShW again.


Edited by AfterFlash, 27 December 2007 - 23:44.

#6 Karias


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Posted 11 January 2008 - 05:40

-reason i want to join:
no particular reason i juz want to help the CnC community in making maps
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Erm... Support GenX?

#7 Major Fuckup

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Posted 05 March 2008 - 12:13

Application for: adviser

because it takes a really random person to come up with good ideas and i think i would make a great contrition to the mappers and i think out side of the box for ideas that seem weird and sounds like a good idea for example i suggest the ZOMBIES!!! idea witch i think would be a fun map to play.
but enough about that another reason is that i am very picky about attention to detail and the look of things and i hope i can pick up things to use making my own maps i really suck at scripting and making smooth textures and what not but i am good with object placement.
and also id like help on my map iv made it keeps crashing 5-10min in game play and i cant script any thing apart from unmanning vehicles

I question the general assumption that i am inherently deficient in the area of grammar and sentence structure

#8 Crazykenny

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Posted 12 March 2008 - 16:09

Advisors think up maps... so you need to think up a (serious) map first, before I can judge to let you enter or not.
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#9 Major Fuckup

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Posted 14 March 2008 - 08:22

ok think up maps eh? could you read my post in http://forum.cncreneclips.com/index.php?sh...mp;#entry414512
and tell me what you think??

I question the general assumption that i am inherently deficient in the area of grammar and sentence structure

#10 Crazykenny

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Posted 14 March 2008 - 08:36

I've already read that trough, and those are quite frankly not the kinda map I'm talking about. I mean skirmish based maps, and missions. The zombie idea is one I classify as a fun map, and yes we do make fun maps, but we make them rarely.

So the deal is think up a normal map that could fit in the ZH storyline, and I'll see if we can talk business.
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#11 Major Fuckup

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Posted 15 March 2008 - 07:43

ok heres my story line and hope its not been claimed lol

faction China
0530 hours a gla strike force has attacked and captured a pharmaceutical factory in a small coastal town in Europe and are using the chemicals to test new weapons on the civilian population china, has sent a team lead by lotus to capture the pharmaceutical factory back with out destroying it. as the gla forces captured the factory, they have kidnapped some american tourists and are going to use them along with other towns people in the experiments to make better chemical weapons and chemical weapons of mas destruction. the Chinese team has to rescue the american tourist and protect them until a helix arrives to pick them up. the team also have to minimize civilian causality's due to gla toxins and crush any gla forces to archive the mission.
the factory is sitting right next to a lake that drains out onto the the ocean which is very damaging to the fish in the ocean and lake. The towns people use the lake and ocean for fishing and recreational purposes and the beach along the coast is a major tourist attraction and if the factory is destroyed then chemicals pour into the lake and the mission is failed if to many civilians are killed due to gla toxins the mission is also failed.

since the mission is about toxins i assume that the best choice for gla units would be gla toxin gen units.
the player would start off with black lotus and infantry to capture vechiles and will have the ability to get reinforcements.

I question the general assumption that i am inherently deficient in the area of grammar and sentence structure

#12 Amdrial

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Posted 18 March 2008 - 14:02

Perhaps you should read thoroughly what Kenny said; he wants you to think up a normal map which fits in the ZH storyline, not another storyline which fits into the ZH storyline.
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The above signature was made by TheDR.
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#13 Crazykenny

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Posted 18 March 2008 - 18:04

Exactly. Make a unique storyline. Yours is good, but not really as unique as I'm looking for.
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#14 Umbrella Secrets


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Posted 18 March 2008 - 20:11

Application, for Mapper Guild.

- The Reason I want to join, is to help make maps, and I enjoy making maps.

- I've had exprience with map making, check this link out, I have made about 28 maps. Note: I'm not very good with scripting AI, just making intro movies.


- I think you should take me, because I use things in worldbuilder that most people don't use.

Edited by S.O.PAtomicarmy, 18 March 2008 - 20:32.

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#15 Major Fuckup

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Posted 19 March 2008 - 08:34

well i thought that was a normal story line?
could u give suggestions on how to think up of a normal map set guide lines or somethin?

I question the general assumption that i am inherently deficient in the area of grammar and sentence structure

#16 =Hawkeye=


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Posted 20 March 2008 - 12:44

@ S.O.PAtomicarmy

I believe that you will do the mg good. I have seen some of your maps and you would
make a perfect mapper. The final decision rests with the leaders but I recommend that
you be accepted.

And don’t worry about not being able to script ai well. You will soon learn or one of
the mg members can take care of it for you.

Edited by =Hawkeye=, 20 March 2008 - 12:47.

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#17 Umbrella Secrets


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Posted 20 March 2008 - 12:49

=Hawkeye=, do I send a message to Crazykenny to become a mg?

Also I can do scripting with intros and endings to missions.

Edited by S.O.PAtomicarmy, 20 March 2008 - 12:54.

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#18 =Hawkeye=


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Posted 20 March 2008 - 13:00

he should post in this topic next time he comes online, if not i'll talk to him on msn for you.

Edited by =Hawkeye=, 20 March 2008 - 13:01.

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#19 Umbrella Secrets


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Posted 20 March 2008 - 13:02

Okay, thank you.

Edited by S.O.PAtomicarmy, 20 March 2008 - 21:39.

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#20 Crazykenny

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Posted 21 March 2008 - 18:16

Your application will be discussed in our Staff Room. Once more then 50% of the MG Council agree that I hire you, you will be added to the Guild.

I shall make a topic regarding this, right away :D
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#21 laserjet


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Posted 03 April 2008 - 18:33

Hello, I have been away for a long time but i will be available to help the guild in your Advisory Position. I did do some of that work for the guild before I was a project leader for ZHU. I will have the time to do those same functions seeking out mappers etc. My reason for being absent was simply based on financial difficulties. So if the position is still open , I hope you will consider my request. Thank You laserjet
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