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Map Assignment List

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#1 Lord Atlantis

    I am Iron Man

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Posted 09 April 2007 - 17:46

Here is the map assignment system. There will be a large pool of maps that we want to be created for mappacks. These maps can be created by anyone, so if you want the map idea post in here. What I am changing from the old policy is that you can't work on your own map project, without agreement of a the HRM, unless there is no assingment at all. You are allowed to continue the ones you are working on, but you are not allowed to start any freelance projects without the agreement of the HRM, unless ANY assingment in here is done. But of course if there is real-life issues that prevent you from mapping, PM or IM Crazykenny, me or Revan or post in the "Notice of Absence" thread.
No turtle firendly maps will be accepted. Make sure that you consult the other guild members if you think that your map is turtle friendly.

Due to the fact that there is so many 1v1 maps in VZH already, you cannot opt to create a 1v1 map. Also we have plenty of 4 player maps made by the Guild for the next couple of mappacks, so the only ones that will be avaliable are 5, 6, and 8 player maps. Currently all of the 5 Player and 6 Player maps must have the starting positions in a circle so they're balanced for FFAs aswell as team games. If you don't understand what that means, check out the official map "Defcon 6" and "Tournament City".
Here will now not only be the mappack assingments, but aswell the mod assingments, those have HIGHER priority, but might sometimes be outside of your capabilities, like a mission design or so on, then just work on a normal map assingment.

Public assingments are lower priority, check those after you checked mod maps and normal maps. So when you finished a map you're working on to the extent you cannot improve it, then check this list. First check if you can do anything of the Mod Map assingments, if there are still open ones there. Then check the guild map assingment pool. If there's nothing you can do there, check the public assingment pool. If there's nothing you can do there, then you may start your own project without permission. If you want to start your own project even though there's assingments on the list, ask for permission and if we think it's good enough we'll give it to you. If you have an idea you think is nice but don't want to do it yourself, post it in this thread and we will consider it. If you also have a good idea for a map theme that you would like to make a project for, post in here what you want to do.


Mod Map Assignment pool:
*Tiberium Wars*

*Zero Hour*

---[Swedish Forces]---

---2 or 4 Player Map---
  • Norrland (Snow map, covered in forrest,Snowing,night)

  • Suburb (Urban map, Suburb, few grassy areas, mostly urban,Rainy)

  • Western coast

    2 Islands , for each player
    Contains alot of new tech buildingds wich i will add later on
    (Summer map , with alot off tech buildings and and smooth granite coast rocks,alot off fishing buildings aswell,Sunny)

  • Southlands
    Lot of Tech AA Structures making Armored combat key tactic
    (Summer map, lots off oak and other leaf trees, no spruce, etc farmmap, barely any evalations small comunites,Sunny)

~~Overall, Use alot off Birch and spruce, they,re the most common trees in central sweden, in the south its, more continental trees
In the north it,s most spruce,pine)~~

---[Zero Hour Unleashed]---

Zero Hour Unleashed needs our help. And we are gonna help them. They need 4 maps from us. And I've already discussed who gets to do which. Here comes to list.

  • 2 Player, Temperate Map - Lord Atlantis
  • 3 Player, Stormy green Map - Nidmeister
  • 4 Player, Snow map - Crazykenny
  • 5 Player, Urban map - Teukka

I selected the best from the best. You should feel honored if your on the list. And if your not that doesn't automatically think you are bad.

The named mappers should finish there current assignment and start these maps as soon as possible.


Guild Map Assignment pool:
*Tiberium Wars*
    ---4 PLayer---
  • Blue Zone, own theme
  • Yellow Zone, own theme
  • Red Zone, own theme

*Zero Hour*
    ---3 Player---
  • Abandon Industrial Complex (Dead tree's and shit)

    ---4 Player---
  • Concrete/Island, Tournament map, nothing fancy just a basic map for online testing purposes. - nidmeister
  • MDW's Desert Map Concept. -Admiral

    ---5 Player---
  • Destroyed City (think of destroyed Blue Zone, not Yellow Zone) - Revan (maybe only the layout)

    ---6 Player---
  • Alpine (lots of trees, snowy, some snow terrean)
  • Urban American Styled City

    ---8 Player---
  • Rain Forest (raining, tons of trees and vines, fairly open (few hills, obstructions)
  • Urban map with a snow theme -Hawkeye


Public Map Assingment pool:
*Tiberium Wars*

*Zero Hour*


This thread will constantly be updated with new map concepts added to the pool. If you have a idea for the map pool, post it in here as well. Please no drawings of the maps, rather just theme ideas.

Make sure you also make a thread in the "Staff Maps" section when you start working on the map.

Another important thing to remember, take your time with the maps. Don't rush them out. Rushing creates bugs and a map that could have more details. But this doesn't mean that you can put off the map.

Edited by Lord Atlantis, 20 November 2007 - 01:45.

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