They were able to send us the following images just before they were shot down by enemy flak, that had already deployed on various possitions in the area.
*IMAGE #1*

Image taken near unknown Mountain Lake
*IMAGE #2*

Image taken near Hydro Dam
...Incomming Message...
...Stand by...
Just kidding, it's just my new map I am working on

There are probably gonna be 2 versions of this map, 1 for ShW and 1 for CWC.
So, tell me what you guys (and E.V.E.

New screens!
*IMAGE #3*

Special thx to Teukka, cuz the Dam is even easier to cross and vehicles have no problem with pathfinding!
*IMAGE #4*

Ohh yes, even more crossable goodies

*IMAGE #5*

OMG, they just keep commin'

Edited by Dimanti, 20 July 2007 - 20:13.