Posted 04 January 2009 - 03:08

Posted 04 January 2009 - 07:13
Posted 19 April 2009 - 20:17

Thanks mike for the great sig
Posted 20 April 2009 - 12:44

Posted 20 April 2009 - 13:59

Posted 28 May 2009 - 15:52
F/A-18 Hornet: air to air and air to ground capabilities, or strike figher aircraft
F-35B Lightning II - Stealth STOVL(short take off vertical landing) multirole aircraft, air to air and air to ground capabilities
AV-8B Harrier II Plus - V/STOL(Vertical/ Short take off and Landing) attack air craft, limited air to air capabilities use for close air support
AH-1Z Viper/SuperCobra - attack helicopter
V-22 Osprey - tilt rotor aircraft, use for infantry carrying
Expeditionary Force Vehicle: ampibious tank. http://en.wikipedia....ighting_Vehicle
As its General Power you can call a cruise missile strike
For Laser General: In Generals Challenge it is US Army
you can use
THEL(Tactical High Energy Laser) - as base defense
Mobile Laser Canon - you can use the ZH typical Laser tank
YAL-1 Airbone Laser Aircraft- use to kill ballistic missiles. http://en.wikipedia....ki/Boeing_YAL-1
US Air Force General
F-22 Raptor - Stealth air superiority fighter
F-35A Lightning II - stealth multirole aircraft
F-15E Strike Eagle - Strike fighter
A-10 Thunderbolt - Close air support
AC-130 Fixed Wing Gunship
B-52H Stratofortress - Bomber
B-1B Lancer - strategical Bomber
B-2A Spirit - Stealth Bomber
V-22 Osprey - infantry carrying tilt-rotor aircraft
General Powers : call a B-2 carrying nuclear Bomb
Posted 28 May 2009 - 16:02
Posted 29 May 2009 - 05:35

Posted 30 May 2009 - 17:03
info on back masking and what it is http://en.wikipedia....iki/Backmasking its like subliminal messaging but more effective, would probably be stronger than subliminal messaging in game
Posted 18 August 2009 - 14:45
WNxMastrefubu, on 30 May 2009, 17:03, said:
info on back masking and what it is http://en.wikipedia....iki/Backmasking its like subliminal messaging but more effective, would probably be stronger than subliminal messaging in game
But backmasking is a type of subliminal messaging

Posted 06 November 2009 - 08:52
(1) USA Air Force General
- The hardest general to play but very powerful if managed properly.
- Should have command of a variety of different planes and choppers being an air specialized general
Fighter Planes:
First, after building Air Field, units available:
- F-16 Falcon
Starting fighter. Cheap and affordable in large numbers. Ground capability only.
- F-18 Hornet
Starting fighter. Cheap and affordable in large numbers. Ground capability only.
Second, after building Strategy Centre, units available:
- F-22 Raptor
Advanced fighter. Air and Ground Capability.
- F-35 Lightning II
Advanced fighter. Ground and Air Capability.
- F-117 Nighthawk Stealth Fighter
Stealth fighter. Best used for precision bombing of high profile targets with minimal loss. Ground capability only,
- B1 Lancer Bomber
Speed bomber. Best used for fast delivering of payload. Ground capability only.
Combat Choppers:
- AH-64 Apache.
Strong against groups of tanks. Weak against aircraft and anti-air units.
- AH-1 Cobra
Strong against infantry, tanks and aircrafts. Weak against anti-air units.
- Combat Chinooks
Primary transport chopper.
Supporting Ground Units:
- Sheridan
- Humvee
- Laser Avenger
- Chaparral
- Tomahawk Launcher
General Abilities:
1 Star Rank:
- Spy Satellite
- Veteran Pilot Training (1 rank)
- Emergency Repair Level 1
3 Star Rank:
- Sniper
- Level 1, 2 & 3 C-130 Paradrop
- Level 1, 2 & 3 A-10 Warthog
- Level 1, 2 & 3 AC-130 Spectre Gunship
- Level 1, 2 & 3 Carpet Bombing
5 Star Rank:
- Fuel Air Bomb (further upgrade to MOAB)
- Leaflet Drop
Supply Line:
- Osprey as standard resource collector and Supply Drop Zones.
Super Weapon:
- Particle Cannon as default USA Super Weapon.
Edited by Thant Zin, 06 November 2009 - 08:57.
Posted 06 November 2009 - 15:09

Posted 29 December 2009 - 09:35
- Veteran Armoured Units
-Should have command of a variety of different armoured vehicles and support vehicles/choppers being a ground assault specialized general
First, after building War Factory, units available:
- T-59 II Tank
(Starting Tank. Cheap and affordable in large numbers.105mm gun and MG for countering infantry)
- EQ2050 Dong Feng Jeep
(Has capabilities of US Hummer but comes with 2 missile defenders and has 12.7mm AA gun only)
- ZBD97 Infantry Fighting Vehicle
(Can be upgraded to a BMP-3-style turret with a 100mm rifled main gun or a coaxial 30mm cannon or 120mm mortar carrier, and is capable of firing anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM) through the barrel of its main 100mm gun,can carry 8 soldiers,fires smoke also)
- PLZ-45 SP Artillery gun
(155mm and 12.5mm AA gun)
- Type 95 SPAAA (PGZ-95)
(4 X 25 mm and 2 X QW-2 missile).
- WZ752 Armoured Medical Evacuation/Repair Vehicle
- WZ551 Flame Tank
After building Strategy Centre, units available
- ZTZ-99 Tank
(125mm Gun, 12.7mm AA gun,smoke dispensers,ATGM capability + active chaff defense system )
(400mm MBRL)
-HongQi 9 (HQ-9) is a long-range SAM
(capabilities similar to S-300)
Combat/Transport Choppers:
- WZ-10 Attack Chopper
Strong against groups of tanks. Weak against aircraft and anti-air units.
- Mi-17 Transport Chopper
Can fire from 70mm rocket pods and carry 8 infantry for combat drop
- Z-9 chopper.
Can detect stealth and carries miniguns for countering infantry.can gather resources.
Supply Gatherer:
8X8 wheeler truck and Z-9 chopper
Primary CAS aircraft.guided missiles.
- FC-1
Light Fighter for countering enemy aircrafts. Air and Limited Ground Capability.
- JH-7 Bomber
Used for fast delivering of payload. Ground capability only.
General Abilities:
1 Star Rank:
- Spy Flight/Photo recce of twin F-7
- Veteran T-59 II MBT
- Unlocks Mi-17
3 Star Rank:
- Sniper
- Level 1, 2 & 3 TYpe 63-A Tank Paradrop
- Level 1, 2 & 3 Q-5 Aircraft Ground Attack
- Level 1, 2 & 3 MLRS Barrage
5 Star Rank:
- Dragon Spirit (Double firing rate for all units for 20 secs)
- Emergency Armour Support (5 ZTZ-99 Tanks and 2 PLZ-45 AP Arty appear on battlefield)
- Air Cavalry Support ( 5 WZ-10 appear around HQ)
Super Weapon:
- Nuke missile Weapon
2) European Army General
I suggest a european general to bring variety to the game,however good skins will be appreciated.
- Mix use of Variety of weapons
First, after building War Factory, units available:
- Chieftan Tank
(Starting Tank. Cheap and affordable in large numbers.105mm gun and MG for countering infantry)
- Dingo
(Has capabilities of US Hummer but comes with 2 missile defenders and has 12.7mm AA gun only)
- Warrior Infantry Fighting Vehicle
(a coaxial 30mm cannon or 120mm mortar carrier, and is capable of firing anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM).comes with 8 soldiers,fires smoke also)
- Caesar SP Artillery gun
(155mm and 12.5mm AA gun)
- Gepard SPAAA
(2 X 35 mm and 2 X missile).
- L118 (105-mm towed gun-howitzer)
- VAB Armoured Medical Evacuation/Repair Vehicle
After building Strategy Centre, units available
- Leopard 2A6 Tank
(120mm Gun, 12.7mm AA gun,smoke dispensers,ATGM capability + active chaff defense system )
- M270 MLRS
(400mm MBRL)
-MBDA Aster long-range SAM
(capabilities similar to S-300)
Combat/Transport Choppers:
- Tiger Attack Chopper
Strong against groups of tanks. Weak against aircraft and anti-air units.
- NH-90 Transport Chopper
Comes with 8 infantry for combat drop
Can detect stealth and carries miniguns for countering infantry.
Can gather resources.
- CH-47D
Can carry Towed artillery Gun/Dingo/Construction Dozer
Can gather resources.
Supply Gatherer:
8X8 wheeler truck and CH-47D
- Harrier-II
Primary CAS aircraft.guided missiles.
- EF-2000
Advanced fighter. Air and Ground Capability.
- Rafale Bomber
Used for precision strikes,carries 2 AAM also.
- Tornado ADV
Primary Cheap fighter for Air Defense only.
General Abilities:
1 Star Rank:
- Unlocks UAV
- Veteran Infantry and IFV
- Unlocks MBDA Aster
3 Star Rank:
- Unlocks SAAB-2000 AEW
- Level 1, 2 & 3 Infantry/IFV Paradrop
- Level 1, 2 & 3 Gripen Aircraft Ground Attack
- Level 1, 2 & 3 MLRS Barrage
5 Star Rank:
- Carpet Bombing (Mirage-2000 Bombing run)
- Emergency Air Defence (4 F-35 appear on the HQ and protect airpsace for 2 mins)
- Air Cavalry Support ( 5 Tiger Helicopters appear around HQ)
Super Weapon:
- Something similar to Weather control Weapon of RA-2
China Air Force General will make the game more interesting for Air force fans who would then play against US/Russia Air Force general.
(3) China Air Force General
- More Fun to play against Air Force Generals.
- has command of a variety of different planes and choppers being an air specialized general
Fighter Planes:
First, after building Air Field, units available:
- FC-1 Thunder
Starting fighter. Cheap and affordable in large numbers. Air Defence Fighter ,4 AAM.
- Q-5 Fantan
Starting CAS Bomber with Ground Capability only.
Second, after building Strategy Centre, units available:
- Su-27
Advanced fighter. Air and Ground Capability.
Can be upgraded to J-11 for specialized SEAD strikes or precision target bombing.
Same ground package as F-117 but carry 2 AAM for defence.
More speed instead of stealth of F-117.
Can carry a cruise missile.
- J-10B Advanced Vanguard
Advanced fighter.Air and limited Ground Capability.Preferred Air to Air combat Fighter
- H-6 Bomber (copy of Tu-16)
Speed bomber. Best used for fast delivering of payload. Ground capability only.
- KJ-2000 AWACS
Automatically comes with two fighter escorts of FC-1 when ordered from Airfield.When both the escort units are shot down,they are replaced free with 2 new fighters automatically.no slots required in airfield for escort.
Increases awareness and radar coverage of fighters.
Guides aircraft towards airborne threats.
Combat Choppers:
- WZ-10
Strong against groups of tanks.Can fire AAM against enemy choppers. Weak against aircraft and anti-air units.
- Mi-17 Hip
Strong against infantry,carries miniguns or 70mm rocket pods.Can transport units.comes with 8 infantry. Weak against anti-air units.
- Z-9
Can detect stealth and carries miniguns for countering infantry.can gather resources.
Primary transport chopper.
Supporting Ground Units:
- EQ2050 Dong Feng Jeep
(Has capabilities of US Hummer but comes with 2 missile defenders and has 12.7mm AA gun only)
- ZBD97 Infantry Fighting Vehicle
(Can be upgraded to a BMP-3-style turret with a 100mm rifled main gun or a coaxial 30mm cannon or 120mm mortar carrier, and is capable of firing anti-tank guided missiles (ATGM) through the barrel of its main 100mm gun,can carry 8 soldiers,fires smoke also)
- Type 95 SPAAA (PGZ-95)
(4 X 25 mm and 2 X QW-2 missile).
- HongQi 9 (HQ-9) is a long-range SAM
(capabilities similar to S-300)
General Abilities:
1 Star Rank:
- Spy Flight/Photo recce of twin F-7
- Veteran Pilot Training (1 rank)
- Unlocks Mi-17
3 Star Rank:
- Sniper
- Level 1, 2 & 3 Y-8 Infantry Paradrop
- Level 1, 2 & 3 JH-7 Aircraft Ground Attack
- Level 1, 2 & 3 Artillery Barrage
- Level 1, 2 & 3 Carpet Bombing by H-6 Bomber
5 Star Rank:
- Small Nuclear Bomb Air delivered
- Air Cavalry Support ( 5 WZ-10 appear around HQ)
Supply Line:
- Z-9 as standard resource collector and Supply Drop Zones.
Super Weapon:
- Nuclear Bomb as default China Super Weapon.
A few more suggestion:
1. Can u limit the ammo on the vehicles so they need to be re supplied to carry on the action through choppers of transport vehicles like, UH-60,MI-17 ,trucks etc.
2.Can u make specialized upgrades for aircrafts like HARM missile upgrade for SEAD missions to take out SAM sites from a distance.
3.Can u make the option of towed artillery please.
Edited by GreenBeret, 29 December 2009 - 09:38.
Posted 30 December 2009 - 21:05
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