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Midori no Akatsuki (a C&C and Nod fanfic)

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#26 Overdose

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Posted 20 February 2008 - 15:59

Chapter 9: Retribution

Nagase slowly opens her eyes and finds herself in a hospital room. She sat up on her bed and the humid cloth towel on her forehead slowly slipped off and drops onto her palms. She stares at it for a moment then hears someone approach. "You are awake." Luis enters the room and sits on the stool next to her bed. "The Council found your report very interesting and have confirmed your story was true. You've been commended by the Brotherhood due to your actions. They even praised you for not revealing anything to the enemy when they took you to Germany. They are still eager to hear that part from yourself when you feel you've recovered." He holds the back of his neck and quirked an eyebrow in amazement. "To be honest I have never seen the council actually excited about someone, usually they just grant death sentences to traitors and the like." Nagase gave a slight nod, slowly trying to absorb everything of what he had just said. "I see. Thank you." She yawns softly then proceeds to stretch her arms, feeling a faint pain coming from back made her remember she was still primarily composed of flesh and bones.

"Forgive my rudeness, I forgot that I need to call you 'M'am' from now on." Luis stands up and salutes her. "I believe you'll also be particularly pleased about certain decisions of theirs once you manage to be on your feet again." Luis heads over to the door then stopped halfway to look back at her. "Me and my men will be on standby outside waiting for your command." He saluted her again and left the room. "All this and yet I still manage to feel so empty inside." Her bare feet slowly touched down on the cold marble floor and she stepped over to window. "At least it's great to be back home." She leaned slightly forward, her palms pressing against the glass. This metropolis considered the heart of the South American continent feels cozy and welcoming as usual. The sunset turning everything it touched golden and orange. She leans off the window and walks into the small closet. There she finds a brand new uniform and a small case. She slips off her hospital gown and patiently puts on her uniform. She turned to face the mirror and flipped her long back hair behind her shoulder. She crouches down and put on her boots, quickly lacing them."What's this?" She reaches over for a black case and undid it's latch. It reveals inside a handgun and a black leather holster. "Must be a new model. I never have seen a silencer built into a gun before."

She straps the holster across her chest and wears the black leather jacket with metallic platings. On her left shoulder the new emblem of the Brotherhood is displayed. She looks at herself in the mirror one last time and she walks out of her room. The double doors of the elevator open before her and she walks inside pressing the bottom level button. She is greeted by the busy lobby of the hospital and she goes outside, dodging the taxis, as she makes her way across the street. Luis runs over to her approaching from behind. "Luis, I want an update of everything you know about what happened." She keeps walking down the crosswalk. "Yes, ma'm." Luis catches up to her and starts to explain. Almost a hour had passed, the local Temple over the hills, the symbol of Nod's power and control over the region looked as majestic as ever and that's exactly where they were headed. Nagase enters the Command Room, nothing had changed since her first visit. She heads straight for a door and then points at it while she glances at Luis.

Wei is seated behind his desk looking at a pile of paperwork. He holds them on his arms and walks over to fireplace, getting ready to dispose of them. Suddenly the door was brought down much to his surprise. Luis who busted the door down with a kick stepped inside followed by Nagase right behind. "You sent us to die." Nagase walks over to Wei and pushes him up against the wall. "You got my friend killed. The Captain might have had the same fate. You almost got me killed." Nagase pulls her handgun from her holster and presses it against his left temple. "This is for my comrades." She starts squeezing the trigger. "Wait! I can explain!" Wei tries to speak again but his head splatters all over the wall. The gun had barely made a sound. Nagase looks down at Wei's corpse holstering her weapon. Sheets of paper dancing the air before touching down on the black smoothed granite floor. "I 'forgot' to tell you about something. This will be your new office and center of operations." Luis beckons one of his men behind him with his index finger. "Find someone to clean this mess." Luis then dismisses him. "If you had told me about that earlier I would've spared the nice wallpaper." Nagase walks over to the large desk and sits down on the big cushioned chair making herself comfortable. "Luis you are dismissed for today. I appreciate your deeds." Luis salutes her "Yes, ma'm." then left closing the door behind him. Nagase sits back on the chair sighing softly then stares up at the ceiling. "In the end, we're all vultures." She closes her eyes and takes in a deep breath.

Edited by Overdose, 20 February 2008 - 16:40.

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#27 Dauth

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Posted 20 February 2008 - 16:20

I am suprised you have less fans of this, excellent as always,

#28 Comr4de


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Posted 20 February 2008 - 16:29

I know right, this is too good not to be noticed.

Oh and also, found some typos, you said Lucas rather than Luis in a few, got a bit confused there XD

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#29 nova

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Posted 22 February 2008 - 15:55

ah i read it but if i try to post coments they dont sound to goood but nice as always

#30 Nid

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Posted 23 February 2008 - 00:15

You know how I feel about this story, it entices me, and I loved the use of humour in that last chapter, sparing the wallpaper :)
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#31 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 23 February 2008 - 01:42

Hey Overdose. I saw a concept art for the new FPS Tiberium. What you said in Chapter 9 about Nagase wearing a leather Greaser jacket reminded me of the concept art. I want you to click on the link 'cause I think it's what you visual interpretation of Nagase is.
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#32 Overdose

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Posted 24 February 2008 - 01:58


Nagase seating behind her desk holds out a small remote control. Her eyes looking up at the small monitor at the corner of her office. A live feed in space is displayed on the screen showing the Philadelphia. Suddenly there's a bright light and an explosion. Pieces of the space station are shattered appart and begin to fall towards Earth's atmosphere. She hears cheering coming from outside the room and the clapping of hands. "It begins." She spoke to herself and turned off the monitor. She places her palms onto the edge of the desk and stands. Her brown eyes turn towards the door and as it opens she notices a very familiar face. "That's only the first target. More missiles are on their way to the northern blue zones." Luis gives her a coy smile and leans his back against the door crossing his arms.

"Bold but effective." She leaves the remote control on her desk and walks over to him. "What of the invasion?" She stopped next to Luis, keeping her voice low. "We're leaving in the first transport. The big picture is to hit them pretty hard so that there's no chance for a counterattack. We'll be doing this by sea, land and air." Luis whispered back to her and leans off the door. "Peculiar. Surely they don't expect to win the war in under a year?" Nagase glanced up at Luis, their difference in height was apparent. Luis shrugged and replied "I just kill people. I leave the actual thinking to the higher ups." then he stepped out looking back at Nagase "You should pack your things, Ma'm. We're leaving at dawn."

Nagase watches him go for a moment then raises her voice "What of that new toy? Is it ready?" Luis stops between steps and replies softly "It's complete and entirely customized for your use. It will be shipped along with us. Also, you'll have a few hours to get used to the controls." Luis nods to her and then leaves. Nagase walks back to her desk and opens the drawer. "What an eerie sensation." Nagase thoughts were partially vocal while she pulls a small black bag containing her personal items then swinged it over her shoulder, resting it there. She sighs and leaves her office, soon exiting the Temple.

Nagase watches patiently as a crane lowers down a steel black container into the cargo bay of the battleship. Despite it's immense size the ship still rocks with the waves like a child on the arms of a caring mother. She isn't used to this, it makes her feel sick. Her gloved hand reaches over to the keypad and she presses six digits carefully. The container slowly opens revealing it's important content. Nagase looks it over with a gleam on her eyes then steps closer touching the armor. Her fingertips glide along the rugged surface feeling it's shape and curves. "We'll get along just fine, right?." The Avatar Warmech's shadow looms over her tiny frame as the lamps on the ceiling begin to swing as the ship begins to leave port.

Edited by Overdose, 24 February 2008 - 01:59.

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#33 Overdose

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Posted 24 February 2008 - 02:08

DP! Thanks for the support everyone! I really appreciate the nice comments that encouraged me to finish this project. Thank you for the picture as well GW, that's mostly how I pictured Nagase except the jacket would be zipped up. The last entry was the hardest for me to write so far (and very likely the one I'm the least pleased with) I had no idea how to put an end to the story. Not that it's actually over you see, as I'm already working on the next part!

The Vengeance Arc will take place mostly in the North American Blue Zones and it will feature once again Nagase as an Avatar pilot spearheading Nod's invasion. There will be a lot of character development and a lot of questions will be answered like: Who the hell is Luis? And why is he so loyal to Nagase?
What happened to the Captain? You can expect a lot more action and more character development. I'll go now get some sleep as I'm exhausted. If you guys have any questions don't hesitate to ask I'll gladly answer them tomorrow as long it's not spoilers. I'll also add a few definitions in the FAQ in case your not familiar with some of the terms and names used.

Thank you so much everyone!

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#34 Dauth

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Posted 24 February 2008 - 10:23

As usual an excellent piece, and I am looking forward to the next installment.

#35 Nid

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Posted 24 February 2008 - 14:31

Simply brilliant.
And I can't wait for the next installments, I need to find out what happened to the captain.
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#36 Comr4de


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Posted 24 February 2008 - 19:39

Indeed man, thats quite an excellent end for the story so far. Cant wait to read more on what happens next =)

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#37 Overdose

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Posted 01 March 2008 - 02:18

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Made by Comrade



Nagase, Yoko: Our protagonist has changed since we first met her. She blames herself for the death of Lucas and carries it's burden constantly. She has gained a lot of respect and admiration from Nod troopers and earned the nickname 'Raven' for her exploits. Under that calculating and cool demeanor lies a woman who is just trying to survive in a world gone mad. A little satisfaction and payback along the way doesn't hurt either.

Costa, Luis: This man is the leader of an unnamed elite military infantry unit. Since they first formed over seven years ago, they have fought on several front lines while continuously earning victory after victory. They've been tasked with the protection of Nagase as she conducts her operation. Luis thinks she is a trouble magnet but gladly took this task. He's very close to his men and prides himself of the fact his unit has never suffered a casualty.


To be updated.

Edited by Overdose, 01 March 2008 - 02:24.

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#38 Overdose

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Posted 01 March 2008 - 02:44

Reserved for Chapter 1.

Edited by Overdose, 01 March 2008 - 02:59.

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#39 Dauth

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Posted 01 March 2008 - 09:50

*Champs at bit*

Looking intersting, keep it up.

#40 Dr HaxX

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Posted 01 March 2008 - 19:49

Vivacious and vicarious placement of viciously descriptive verbiage. (too much V for Vendetta :P )
Remember me? You old timers?

#41 Overdose

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Posted 03 March 2008 - 18:44

(Cold turkey has been slowing down my writing. You can expect the next chapters to come out faster than this.)

Chapter 1: The Landing

Nagase took in a deep breath, the devices attached to her head and limbs ready to mimic every body movement she made. Her right leg steps forward and the Avatar copies her motion. The stormy sea behind her. The battleship on the horizon with it's guns blazing, hitting off-shore targets as if there was no tomorrow. Her heartbeat raises it's tempo and stops resonating with her steps as she started to approach the city. The Avatar's feet still manages to step forward despite sinking very deeply into the sand of the beach.

Luis watches Nagase take terrain then signals to his men with his hand. “She'll be both our shield and our sword. Keep her alive and we may just live through this.” He then motions with his hand for his men to move forward. They closely follow her, the sandy beach soon gave way to a tiled crosswalk. The avenue had a lot of commotion. People amidst a traffic jam started abandoning their cars as the large black mech came into view. People scream as they run away in panic, leaving everything behind. “Luis.” Nagase spoke softly as she kept moving forward, crushing cars in her path. “Secure the perimeter. More forces will be arriving soon.”

“Yes, ma'am!” Luis made a circular motion with his index finger while it points up. “3-6-0!” He yelled as his six men move into a round formation around Nagase. “Hey there.” One of Luis' men finds a little boy stuck on his seat not being able to undo the seatbelt. He pulls a knife and stares at it for a moment, he then cuts it off and watches him run away crying. “All clear, sir.” Another soldier spoke, resting the flamethrower on his shoulder. “This is too easy.” Nagase glances down the avenue expecting to find a column of tanks and infantry coming to kill them, but all she could see is more abandoned cars. “I learned the hard way to always expect the worst.”

Luis nods as he takes partial cover behind a SUV. “I think that's a lesson everyone learns sometime.” Luis ducks as the pavement shakes under his feet. A large block of broken concrete descends down from the skies and crushes the car behind him. “What the hell?” Luis looks up at the large commercial building as it started to slowly collapse. “It's the battleship! These guys must not know the meaning of precision bombardment.” The soldier with a soft voice spoke, and runs away trying to keep a good distance from the buildings. “Stupid cape!” He holds it as he runs for dear life as the shells kept raining down on the city.

“What a waste of ammo. This town would have more strategical value if it was kept mostly intact.” Nagase looked back at the battleship, cursing under her breath. Luis wipes the debris off his shoulder and stands again as the battleship stopped firing. “Seems like they had enough 'fun'.” Luis held his ear piece and glanced up at Nagase. “What are our next orders?” She bit her lip as she saw something approaching from the intersection. “Incoming.” A few predator tanks roll over to them and stop in a straight line. The turrets slowly turn and aim up to Nagase. “I'll handle this.”

Nagase aims at the middle of the formation with her right arm and then squeezes her fingers slightly, causing the laser to fire and absolutely destroy the tanks on the center. She drops her arm and begins to walk over to the surviving tanks, shells were fired and hit her dead on but it wasn't enough to even slow her down. She crushes the tank on the right with her foot and then she rips off the turret of the left with her claws and she stares at the lone surviving crew member. “You monster!” The man fired with his assault rifle at her. Nagase quickly grabbed him and started to squeeze the man until she heard the sounds of the man being crushed alive and of his blood splattering on the pavement.

Luis made a faint whistle “Well, wasn't that impressive?” He held his ear piece and then signaled for his men to spread out. “The transports will be here any second now. “ He glances up at Nagase. “You're still there, ma'am?” He kept trying to get a response of her but there was none. Luis' men started cheering at the sights of Nod Carry-alls landing in the distance and unloading troops eager for action. "One vision, one purpose!" They cheered in unison.

Edited by Overdose, 03 March 2008 - 18:45.

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#42 Reaper94


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Posted 03 March 2008 - 19:01

as sparten wld say: "GIEB MOAR"

however if i said such little swimmer wld lynch me as a spamemr so

i shall now post a novel

This is great, i dunno why ive neve rnoticed it, im hooked now......

keep it coming mate

View PostRaiDK, on 3 Jun 2009, 10:09, said:


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#43 Jok3r

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Posted 03 March 2008 - 19:04

Its great, but I really would prefer you didn't go that far Uber. I didn't say you were a spammer, I said you had been spamming a little lately, which is understandable, considering how close you are to the custom title. However, I would really prefer it if you wouldn't take potshots at me, or Solid. On the new chapter, as Peter would say, Freakin Sweet!
kinda, sorta alive.

#44 Reaper94


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Posted 03 March 2008 - 19:06

teh fuck? u shld see me on jsp? 800 posts in a few weeks, i dont visit ther e much

they made mistake of blogs which increase posts

ppol make thge


also plz call me Hyuga,

ALSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO........... (i never stop do i?) we still going for CnC FC?

View PostRaiDK, on 3 Jun 2009, 10:09, said:


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#45 Jok3r

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Posted 03 March 2008 - 19:10

OK, I'll try to remember to use your new nick. I have virtually no idea what the first part of your post means (thats part of why I said you were spamming- a lot of what you've said recently has been slightly incomprehensible.)

About CnC FC, I don't know if I can work seriously on it (if you get hosted here, it would be easier) but I can still do some stuff (textures, cameo's, logo's... etc.)

kinda, sorta alive.

#46 Nid

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Posted 03 March 2008 - 20:36

And excellent start again. *still addicted*
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#47 Dauth

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Posted 04 March 2008 - 00:43

An excellent piece, as I would expect from you.

#48 nova

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Posted 04 March 2008 - 00:56

i love your storie keep it up

#49 Comr4de


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Posted 04 March 2008 - 02:45

Looking forward to more man, great job :P

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#50 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 07 March 2008 - 00:35

I don't think It's "One Vision, One Purpose." I think it's "one mission, One Purpose"
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