Chapter 2: Jackals
Luis and five of his men sat around a lamp. The evening was windy and slightly chilly. “That's when I sneaked up behind the guy and immobilized him.” The soldier with a soft voice drew in the sand as he told his story. “No way. I was on patrol with you that night. I saw none of that” The man with a coarse voice interrupted him then flicked a pebble at his general direction. “You were probably asleep by then or completely drunk. Possibly both. Remember how the local bar was the only building left standing?” The man with the coarse voice laughed then gave him a slight nod. “Yes. That much I remember. That place had some good drinks, man.”
The men were very disturbed by the sound of footsteps approaching them. They quickly grabbed their weapons and took aim. “Good evening guys.” Nagase came into view and walked over timidly. “Ah, good evening ma'am. Is there something you wish to discuss with me?” Luis stood on his feet and saluted her. “Not really. Just looking to pass time.” Nagase sat down, the ocean breeze blowing her long black hair aside. She grasped a handful of sand and released it slightly watching the breeze do the same to the grains.
“So 'Raven'. I heard you are a real demon sort of woman. The kind that makes GDI shit their yellow pants.” The soldier chuckled but was punished with a punch from Luis. “Allow me to introduce these very 'educated' men who are a 'source of pride' for those that wear the Black Hand uniform.” Luis pointed at the soldier with a soft voice, he always seems to carry a smirk on his lips. “That's Trevor. He's always got a story to tell. Whether you want to hear it or not.” Trevor wiped away his drawings on the sand and gave Nagase a nod in greeting. “Hello.”
Nagase nodded back to him, he seemed to remind her of Lucas somewhat. But her attention was quickly lost when Luis introduced the next man. “The one with his face on the sand and twisting in pain is named Alek”. Alek buried his face deeper in the sand then waved at her with his hand. It was all he could manage after receiving a punch from Luis. Luis then pointed at the quiet man who seemed to be minding his own business. “That's Sadir. He only talks when it's a necessity. That's something that ought to be learned here.”
Noticing his turn was coming up next the youngest man in the group stood up up and saluted Nagase. “I'm Roberto. I'm honored to finally meet you, Miss Nagase. Though I was present at your rescue it's a shame we couldn't meet face to face. ” Nagase made a faint smile “Seems like I'm in debt to everyone here.” She then looked at the last man that hadn't been introduced yet. He sighed softly and replied with his coarse voice sounding somewhat annoyed. “Edgar here. Hello and stuff.” He waved to Nagase and then lied down.
“I remember there was one more. Where is he?” Nagase stretched her legs a bit, she was starting to feel tired. “Jean offered to get us some food. He should be back soon.” Luis was already getting worried, it had been a while since he had left. “So your unit, does it have a name?” Nagase glanced at them and was confused due to the fact she didn't get an answer right away. “Officially, we were part of Platoon Iris in Eastern Europe. But everyone else died.” Trevor started to scrabble on the sand again.
“The Brotherhood was still recovering from the last war.” Trevor glanced up at the man approaching them and waved. “Sorry, I'm late.” Jean walked over carrying a large supply of canned food on his arms. “The shop owner insisted in giving these for free. I guess the flamethrower and the uniform spooked him a bit since he didn't seem like a supporter. But it's all good since I'm not carrying the local currency.” He distributed the cans over to everyone then sat down. “Let me have the beef one.” Edgar forcefully exchanged his chicken with Roberto, who only watched in disdain.
“Thank you.” Nagase opened her can slowly and then breathed in the warm scent of meat and vegetables that was permanently warmed by the can. She pulled a small combat knife from the leather sheath strapped to her ankle and began eating. “So where was I?” Trevor wiped his mouth clean with his forearm. “We haven't really voted on a name or anything.” Alek drank down the meaty juice that was left in the can. “A name like 'Hyenas' would be cool.” Edgar sat up and shook his head “The only hyena here is you.” then threw a seashell at him.
“Jackals.” Sadir broke his silence while he stared at his unopened meal. “That's one mighty contender there.” Jean smiled. Luis raised his right hand “All in favor of 'Jackals'?” he noticed five other hands. “The majority are in favor. It's been decided.” Roberto stood up as the tide was getting too close for comfort “Even democracy has it's uses.” he then proceeded to wipe the sand off his cape.
Edited by Overdose, 07 March 2008 - 03:11.