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Rate The Last Movie You Watched

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#1351 Libains

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Posted 24 August 2012 - 20:19

View PostGeneral, on 24 August 2012 - 19:29, said:

Total Recall(2012) - 3/10 ( 3 for cgi and stuff )

WTF? And yes I wasn't expecting something great but nor I was expecting something horrible such as this movie is. Movie was overall awful but ending was so awful that I get a feeling these producers bored from working on the project and just drafted a script in a minute and put it into action without further thinking.

1990 version were a lot better and fun compared to this. What the fuck did I just watch anyway...

I actually had a certain level of expectation from this. How wonderful that they've massively failed the original :/

Ah well, maybe the new Dredd will be worthy of the reboot then...
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#1352 TheDR

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Posted 16 September 2012 - 23:43

Dread 3D

Don't get put off by the 3D, it's actually implemented well in quite a few scenes (I've only watched two 3D movies; the other one was The Avengers, so I'm not the best judge).


Overall I really enjoyed the film, it had creative use of 3D and CGI (and I usually hate both 3D and CGI :P), it captured a believable world set in the near future and kept me interested throughout. If you like violence, Dread, action films or violence I can recommend this film. Also watch it at the cinema, it is a film that benefits from the massive screen.
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#1353 General

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Posted 01 November 2012 - 17:42

What the hell, you guys don't like watching cinema much ?

Cloud Atlas - a true 10/10 and here is why :
Well, first of it is a very long movie but I could probably watch it a few more hours if they done it so. And all of the six story is fun to watch on its own way, you laugh, cry and even terrified at some places and nothing seems out of the line and even though watchers' mind completely fucked at first 1/3 of the movie, it becomes so interesting to watch that you don't mind at all and adapt to the rest.

Currently movie industry struggle to make a movie with just one storyline, this one sets in 6 different storyline connected into one, which is not so simple to do without fucking it entirely up.
I categorize this as a new Matrix movie, Matrix was revolutionary with its story and so does this movie.

A quarter of the audience left the movie at half and didn't come back and another quarter mumbled when the movie over. This movie probably will bore the shit out of half of the people who watch it. But I am pretty sure for the ones who like it, they will like it a lot.

#1354 TheDR

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Posted 01 November 2012 - 17:59


Excellent, Bond on top form. It has the right mix of everything and well worth watching at the cinema.

If you are a fan of Bond you won't be disappointed.
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#1355 Chyros

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Posted 01 November 2012 - 19:44

^Strange, I've heard several of my colleagues say it was considerably worse than Casino Royale (which is an unholy piece of shit IMO); could you elaborate on what you think made it so good?

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#1356 TheDR

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Posted 01 November 2012 - 23:28

Great villain, classic action mixed with suspense and a refreshing new meets old vibe throughout the film, which Bond hasn't really touched on before. The only negative I can think of is that it suffers from mid movie lows, but that is soon fixed and the made up by a spectacular end. Its much better than Casino Royale, but then again as I think this forum has proved in the past - everyone has a different opinion on what they think is a good Bond movie.
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#1357 Alias

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Posted 27 November 2012 - 14:03

I'm with Doc on this one, finally got around to seeing Skyfall tonight and it is definitely the best Daniel Craig film (Quantum of Solace was below par), although I'm really not sure about all the hate against Casino Royale, it was much better than any of Brosnan's films except Goldeneye which was the odd one from the bunch.

To be honest, Craig does it better than anyone except Connery.

Edited by Alias, 27 November 2012 - 14:04.

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#1358 Wizard


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Posted 14 January 2013 - 09:25

Les Miserables 8/10

I've never seen the stage production and didn't really care for it tbh, but the film is very good. Jackman isn't the greatest singer (or actor tbh) in the world, but the film is still quite good. Anne Hathaway, although only in it for a relatively short while, is fantastic. Doubt it'll be at the top of many peoples' lists of ones to see, but good all the same. Russel Crowe puts in a good stint as Jalvert.

#1359 Libains

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Posted 14 January 2013 - 09:36

View PostWizard, on 14 January 2013 - 09:25, said:

Les Miserables 8/10

I've never seen the stage production and didn't really care for it tbh, but the film is very good. Jackman isn't the greatest singer (or actor tbh) in the world, but the film is still quite good. Anne Hathaway, although only in it for a relatively short while, is fantastic. Doubt it'll be at the top of many peoples' lists of ones to see, but good all the same. Russel Crowe puts in a good stint as Jalvert.

If you thought the film was good, I'd highly recommend the stage production as well mate, right up there as one of the best London's got to offer. Hathaway has got to be a shoe-in for an Oscar for that performance, imo.
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#1360 General

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Posted 08 February 2013 - 19:33

Zero Dark Thirty - 9/10

Well, entire world knows the end of the movie but its still hooking, you know what is gonna happen in the end, but movie is so well made and technically almost perfect that you don't mind that and still enjoy the movie. Well maybe enjoying wouldn't be the best choice but its definitely very very interesting to watch.
Scenes prepared in such a way that I sometimes forgot I were watching a movie...

And here is why I didn't give it a 10:

#1361 General

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Posted 08 April 2013 - 09:14

The Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey - 10/10

I am just sad I didn't watch it at theatre... Unexpectedly good. So good that you don't mind 3D configuration and animation flaws. No need to point out where I do like most, I did like everything about it :D

#1362 General

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Posted 19 April 2013 - 07:59

Oblivion - 6/10

Recommendation:Watch it on IMAX!
I enjoyed the visuals pretty much with IMAX, I am not sure I should've liked it if I watched it on a standard curtain screen.
Story is a big MEH. But visuals are pretty good, I liked the scenery and drone animations.
If you plan to watch it; don't waste your time on curtain screen, go to IMAX, some movies are good to watch even on your phone screen but this movie is not, it is almost all about visuals.

Oh and when this topic turned into General's Movie Reviews? You guys don't watch any movie at all? :P

#1363 Wizard


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Posted 22 June 2013 - 12:29

Despicabe Me 2 - 8/10

Not as funny on the whole as the first film, but worth watching just for the Minions
I was crying with laughter. :xD:

#1364 General

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Posted 27 June 2013 - 06:29

Django Unchained 10/10 If I should summarize it with one word, it should be : Epic.

The way it is done, both hilarious and serious to the core is so damn good, there was not a single boring moment ( well, atleast for me), each cast does his/her job perfectly, especially Christoph Waltz ( as always :P )
I am just sad that I didn't watched it at theatre :duh:

#1365 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 12 March 2014 - 23:17

Gravity ,10/10, if just because I was too glued to the screen to eat my popcorn.

I've not seen a good realistic sci-fi film in a while. The only criticism I really have is that

The visuals are epic, the acting felt real, and the sound was perfect. And the easteregg with

Been playing too much Kerbal Space Program xD

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