Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Posted 19 March 2006 - 15:22
The coolest movie. Ever. Period. At least for me.
Posted 19 March 2006 - 16:08
They totally didn't do justice to the writer, Alan Moore. The guy's a genius but the Watchowski brothers totally butchered the movie. It's way overrated.

Ion Cannon in IRC said:
Posted 19 March 2006 - 21:44
BillyChaka, on 19 Mar 2006, 16:08, said:
They totally didn't do justice to the writer, Alan Moore. The guy's a genius but the Watchowski brothers totally butchered the movie. It's way overrated.
Yeah...not going to waste my time talking about it now...just read this: http://guardian.blog...rchive/312.html
I'm not going to waste my money on some bullshit political statement.
You know why Sin City was so good? They stayed true to the source material.
Fight Club
More than what meets the eye...I'll probably have to watch this again to get the whole meaning, but it is...interesting to say the least. I don't know if everyone will like it, but it's probably worth watching at least once.
Band of Brothers
Just finished watching this on DVD. It was a miniseries on HBO, and was a film adaptation of Stephen Ambrose's book about Easy Company of the 101st Ariborne Division in Europe during WWII; very well done, and based on real life events. Definately a must see!

Posted 19 March 2006 - 23:52
Probably the best Tim Allen movie ever. Very well made.
(LOL Dude, you didn't get Fight Club? That movie pwned. Project Anarchy all the way!)

Ion Cannon in IRC said:
Posted 20 March 2006 - 04:02

Posted 20 March 2006 - 09:44
Hardcore film about arnie killing people, and ripping heads off........wait....he does that in all his films?
Does anybody know the name of that crap film with Steven Seagal, where he`s an Enviromentalist killig people, That should be a comedy lol i was laughing all the way through that one.
Edited by Cattman2236, 20 March 2006 - 21:47.

Posted 20 March 2006 - 20:30
Well, the acting is incredible, but seriously, it's not that good. Steven Spielberg just tries to cover up his directing with blood. And lots of it.

Ion Cannon in IRC said:
Posted 20 March 2006 - 23:18
Cattman2236, on 20 Mar 2006, 09:44, said:
Hardcore film about arnie killing people, and ripping heads off........wait....he does that in all his films?
Does anybody know the name of that crap film with Steven Seagal, where he`s an Enviromentalist killig people, That should be a comedy lol i was laughing all the way through that one.
Conan the Barbarian is an Arnold Classicâ„¢
I think the movie you're talking about is The Patriot. Not to be confused with the Mel Gibson movie with the same name about the American Revolutionary War (which was a pretty good film).

Posted 20 March 2006 - 23:34
I love Miyazaki. He's like, teh best director evar.

Ion Cannon in IRC said:
Posted 21 March 2006 - 20:54
What a load of crap, unrealistic film that made us British look like the Gestapo (which were not during them days), totaly out of proportion that film, and insulting to say the least. If you want to know what really went on in them days read a book, never watch american history done by americans....EVER

Posted 21 March 2006 - 20:58
it isnt brilliant but its got a quite good storyline...

Posted 24 March 2006 - 16:37
10/10 The Untouchables, Great gangster film....feel sorry for the guy who gets his head re-shaped by capone with the baseball bat lol.

Posted 25 March 2006 - 06:27
Kung Pow: Enter the Fist:
Hilarious if you shut your brain down before watching, then it's just dumb. Great concept: redubbing an old kung-fu film with oddball dialogue and digitally editing in someone else as the protagonist as well as some visual gags.
Cinderella Man:
Great Rocky-esque film...the catch is that this is a true story...this film deserved to do better at the box office!
Edited by Gen. Patton, 26 March 2006 - 09:09.

Posted 25 March 2006 - 15:15
It's like, the dumbest movie i've ever seen. Literally.

Ion Cannon in IRC said:
Posted 25 March 2006 - 15:17
I like how Renee acted in the movie.

Posted 25 March 2006 - 16:36
Dr. Strangelove
Stanley Kubrick is an incredible director. His antiwar films are awesome.

Ion Cannon in IRC said:
Posted 25 March 2006 - 19:32
BillyChaka, on 25 Mar 2006, 15:15, said:
It's like, the dumbest movie i've ever seen. Literally.
I don't think I would have enjoyed it as much without me and my friends cracking jokes and doing voice impersonations while we watched it.

Posted 26 March 2006 - 10:47

Posted 26 March 2006 - 15:00

Posted 26 March 2006 - 15:34
Legend_General, on 15 Mar 2006, 21:32, said:
"truth beyond the Iraq war?" WTF? Only if you are Michael Moore or Oliver Stone. Valley of the Wolves was so base and vile that it makes Nazi propaganda films look tame. This film was filled with so much anti-US and anti-Semitic bullshite; US troops are shown as brutal childkilling lunatic charactures and the main bad guy is a Jewish version of Nazi murderer Dr. Joseph Mengele. So the bad guys turn out to be those evil Jews...sounds familiar, don't it?

Posted 29 March 2006 - 22:04
Filipino foreign film. F*cking saddest movie i've ever seen. F8ck. I'm still crying.

Ion Cannon in IRC said:
Posted 30 March 2006 - 20:07
How could they fuck up a combination of two of the greatest sci-fi franchises of all time? The videogames were awesome...my first thought after watching this DVD was what a total waste of time this was. Not since Darth Maul has an idea had so much promise only to be flushed down the toilet and completely wasted. But then what else should we expect from the hack director who also ruined Resident Evil? Originally, the Resident Evil movie was to be directed by George A. Romero, the king of zombie films. Unfortunately some studio exec had the bright idea to get Paul Anderson to direct-if Paul Anderson was a true fan of the games he would have turned the offer down. The fight scenes are over-cut; you don't see much fighting at all, and the Predators actually spend more time fighting the humans than the Aliens. The acting sucks(granted, I wasn't expecting great performances, but), and the attempts to make the audience feel empathy for the characters were laughable. The only Alien vs Predator competition in this movie is to see which one you would rather throw the director into a pit with.

Posted 30 March 2006 - 20:16
Gen. Patton, on 30 Mar 2006, 20:07, said:
How could they fuck up a combination of two of the greatest sci-fi franchises of all time? The videogames were awesome...my first thought after watching this DVD was what a total waste of time this was. Not since Darth Maul has an idea had so much promise only to be flushed down the toilet and completely wasted. But then what else should we expect from the hack director who also ruined Resident Evil? Originally, the Resident Evil movie was to be directed by George A. Romero, the king of zombie films. Unfortunately some studio exec had the bright idea to get Paul Anderson to direct-if Paul Anderson was a true fan of the games he would have turned the offer down. The fight scenes are over-cut; you don't see much fighting at all, and the Predators actually spend more time fighting the humans than the Aliens. The acting sucks(granted, I wasn't expecting great performances, but), and the attempts to make the audience feel empathy for the characters were laughable. The only Alien vs Predator competition in this movie is to see which one you would rather throw the director into a pit with.
Hey you`ll get no argument from me mate, I hate that bloody film. Like when Bishop goes to kill that Predator with a flare.....WTF?
10/10 Dr.No
Great Bond film even though it`s the first....pure greatness.

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