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Rate The Last Movie You Watched

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#51 BillyChaka

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Posted 30 March 2006 - 20:54

LOL Here's a review from a flash character of AvP:


Anyway, Cowboy Bebop the Movie


Fans'll love it. It's fun.

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Ion Cannon in IRC said:

[19:11] <+IonCannnon> Basically, billychaka is a heartless bastard.

#52 The_Hunter


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Posted 30 March 2006 - 21:16

Tremors 2 : The After Shock


awsome movie it was everything i expected it to be.
I saw the first movie when i was 12 never had a chance to see the second movie untill i realized that i could simply download it now that i have a good net connection :P
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#53 DerKrieger

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Posted 31 March 2006 - 02:39

Great film; I reccomend watching a few episodes of Firefly first before seeing the film if you haven't already; great extension to a great TV show...you can find it and the Firefly series on DVD; the Firefly series is probably one of the greatest and most original sci-fi series I have ever seen...similar to Cowboy Bebop in some ways.
A total waste of time...Bad script, plot direction, acting... nearly everything sucked in “Stealth”. If you have to watch this flick for some reason, you do at least get to see Jessica Biel in a swimsuit. She has an amazing body... buffed and sexy. Great ass. Seriously, one of the best in Hollywood. Everything else in the movie...they wanted to be the next Top Gun movie... was just flat out crappy. Thankfully, the DVD was borrowed, so I didn't waste my money.
Take The Matrix, Fahrenheit 451, and 1984, and mix them with a generous dash of Chow Yun Fat style Gun-Fu... Yeah, this movie takes some of all of these movies, but I think the results are something absolutely unique. Made with only 20 million dollars (which is chump change to Hollywood these days) but with a power house caste... it's an amazing example of film making and good story telling.
The Mummy:
What is The Mummy? Action? Comedy? Horror? This flick has it all. Cool characters, great lines… pure entertainment. And the only movie that I know of where the guy goes John Woo with a pair of .455 Webley hand cannons. And it has Beni. The two main chicks are so cute... and hot... you gotta love 'em. So shaggable. Now, when I say The Mummy, I mean both of them. It's all one story.
Hard Boiled.
The Mother of All Action Movies. John Woo and Chow Yun Fat… this is THE action movie that has inspired every other action flick since. If you haven't seen it - you have not seen a real action flick.
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."-- George S. Patton
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#54 Flying Tigers

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Posted 31 March 2006 - 10:02

Fun With Dick and Jane :P
It is "Jim Carrey at his best" 10 out of 10. Great movie
Go Go Go!
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Einstein had said it
"I don't know with what World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones"

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official at 21st January 2007

I don't know from where I got this one
"Revenge is a dish best served cold"

#55 General

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Posted 31 March 2006 - 17:37

Reign of Fire , I was watch it before too but I just watched it on TV again . 10/10 . Really impressive realistic dragons :wtfsign:

#56 BillyChaka

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Posted 31 March 2006 - 20:31

Holy f*ck. I saw a few of the movies you guys are talking about. I don't really agree with your ratings.

Equilibrium 6/10

Christian Bale's acting is simply robotic. And, although it was compared to the Matrix, the Matrix was friggn' way better. There were simply some unecessary parts of that movie. Too much unecessary killing. Even if there were battles, they were too one sided. Not a single stormtrooper (for lack of a better word) seemed to die. Except when they fought against the Cleric. But, to me, the only real "cool" part was the one-on-one gunbattle with the leader guy. That part was fun.

Reign of Fire


Yup. Dragons. Found by a little boy. And destroyed everything. And the Americans come in and "save the day". This should have been a western. Without dragons.

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Ion Cannon in IRC said:

[19:11] <+IonCannnon> Basically, billychaka is a heartless bastard.

#57 Baal-Zebub

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Posted 02 April 2006 - 03:02

Equilibrium: 2/10
The movie's bad, really bad. "What do you mean, I don't feel anything...." lol!
The Known is but a shadow of the Knowable.
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#58 BillyChaka

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Posted 02 April 2006 - 03:34

Castle in the Sky


Hayao Miyazaki is a freaking genius. I love his movies.



That guy from Capote and Robert De Niro. You can't go wrong. :D

And Windtalkiers


It lacked the intensity, realism, and drama (actually, it was very melodramatic) that something like Band of Brothers would deliver. And it was on a much smaller scale.

Edited by BillyChaka, 02 April 2006 - 04:19.

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Ion Cannon in IRC said:

[19:11] <+IonCannnon> Basically, billychaka is a heartless bastard.

#59 CodeCat

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Posted 03 April 2006 - 12:38

Legend_General, on 31 Mar 2006, 19:37, said:

Reign of Fire , I was watch it before too but I just watched it on TV again . 10/10 . Really impressive realistic dragons :wtf:

My uncle's in that one.

For about half a second anyway.

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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#60 Rayburn


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Posted 03 April 2006 - 15:44

Yesterday, Star Wars Episode 2 was on TV...It sucked! I knew it before, but it's the worst Star Wars EVER! It' so boooring, I hate it! It's the black sheep of the Star Wars series IMO


#61 Cattman2236

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Posted 03 April 2006 - 20:54

K-19 WidowMaker 7/10

I like the idea of making the film about this sub, But the film it self sucks big time.
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#62 Waris

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Posted 03 April 2006 - 20:55

Good point. Why does every sub Commander has to be Sean Connery. XD

#63 DerKrieger

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Posted 04 April 2006 - 05:46

MDW, on 3 Apr 2006, 15:44, said:

Yesterday, Star Wars Episode 2 was on TV...It sucked! I knew it before, but it's the worst Star Wars EVER! It' so boooring, I hate it! It's the black sheep of the Star Wars series IMO


Personally, I thought it was much better than The Phantom Menace- though still not so great :shudders:
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."-- George S. Patton
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#64 Cattman2236

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Posted 05 April 2006 - 15:39

Waris, on 3 Apr 2006, 20:55, said:

Good point. Why does every sub Commander has to be Sean Connery. XD

Lol but Sean Connery was in the Hunt for Red October, Harrison Ford was the captain in K-19....and liam neeson was a captain as well.....weird no?
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#65 Waris

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Posted 05 April 2006 - 15:43

Rofl I forgot about it XD

#66 BillyChaka

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Posted 07 April 2006 - 18:55

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe

I don't know if the movie did justice to the book (because I never read :)), but the movie was simply stunning. The CGI did look a little cheap sometimes. Also, the way the oldest brother, Peter, looked kind of cheesy. I also don't know why they gave this movie a "PG" rating. The battle scenes, to me, are too violent to get a rating that deceptive. It should at least have gotten a "PG-13" rating. It was a good movie, but nothing necessarily groundbreaking. I'll give it a final rating of


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Ion Cannon in IRC said:

[19:11] <+IonCannnon> Basically, billychaka is a heartless bastard.

#67 Sgt. Nuker

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Posted 07 April 2006 - 23:20

The movie of The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe (9/10):

This movie actually followed the book quite closely (although some small details were left out for an obvious reason). Bonus points for using Liam Neeson as the voice of Aslan and I agree that the CGI were stunning (dialogue wasn't too bad either).

The Hills Have Eyes (8/10):

I have never read any of Wes Craven's books, but from what I can tell, that man has a twisted mind. The movie itself starts with a little background, that in itself is pretty horrifying (331 nuclear tests from 1945-'92!!). The special FX were pretty gory, since you see the mutants being impailed, one guy loses his finger, and the gas attendent shoots his head off with a shotgun (which you see). Overall, the movie wasn't that bad, but I left the theatre with a buddy of mine scared crapless (I also had seen the 9:45 showing of the movie, which probably didn't make it any better).
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#68 BillyChaka

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Posted 08 April 2006 - 21:06

Lucky Number Slevin


The most well made movie I have ever seen. Incredible. Reminds me of Ocean's Eleven. Watch it. It's good for you.

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Ion Cannon in IRC said:

[19:11] <+IonCannnon> Basically, billychaka is a heartless bastard.

#69 Flying Tigers

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Posted 09 April 2006 - 12:53

Did anyone of you watch Running Scared? 10/10 Great thriller action movie with surprising ending. I almost wanted to cry when I see the part before the ending, but when I see the REAL ending, I said: Holy ****
Go Go Go!
Pick up your AK-47s
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Einstein had said it
"I don't know with what World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones"

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official at 21st January 2007

I don't know from where I got this one
"Revenge is a dish best served cold"

#70 Cattman2236

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Posted 09 April 2006 - 15:07

Lord of the rings: the two towers 10/10

i only love watchng that battle at the end of the film, tis fecking awsome
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#71 Flying Tigers

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Posted 10 April 2006 - 11:38

I watch all Lord of The rings as well and I like it so much
Go Go Go!
Pick up your AK-47s
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Einstein had said it
"I don't know with what World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones"

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official at 21st January 2007

I don't know from where I got this one
"Revenge is a dish best served cold"

#72 Baal-Zebub

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Posted 11 April 2006 - 07:13

U-571<-- a classic!
The Known is but a shadow of the Knowable.
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#73 Cattman2236

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Posted 11 April 2006 - 07:48

Chess Master-X, on 11 Apr 2006, 07:13, said:

U-571<-- a classic!

Is`nt that the film where the Americans get the inigma machine from the u-boat, When it was really a BRITISH raid done by the Royal navy.

Haha i also found this review about the film, Made me laugh:


This was one of the most frustrating movies I have ever seen. Generally because it was unbelievably boring and pathetic which was always going to happen with Bon Don Govi walking around while they were trying to film. Surely they could have asked him to leave the set while the cameras were rolling.

My frustration increased with the story which was portrayed as being true, yet was less accurate than a documentary suggesting Hitler was a nice guy who wanted the world to live in peace and harmony.

I can't go on. Please, please don't see it.

Edited by Cattman2236, 11 April 2006 - 07:53.

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#74 BillyChaka

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Posted 11 April 2006 - 13:29

Holy ****. That reviewer spelled John Bon Jovi wrong. Anyway, I just saw Tomb Raider 2 and boy did it suck. 4/10

Edited by BillyChaka, 11 April 2006 - 13:29.

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Ion Cannon in IRC said:

[19:11] <+IonCannnon> Basically, billychaka is a heartless bastard.

#75 Cattman2236

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Posted 11 April 2006 - 15:00

Das Boot 10/10

Now there`s a PROPER submarine film, and much more Acurate than U-751
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