Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Posted 13 April 2006 - 02:27
This movie of course takes the position that guns are evil and that if there were no guns, there would be no problems in the world... and that most everything about all of this is all America's fault. This film was done very well and by the end you come away feeling rather ill... this was the intention of the film makers. But lets look for a moment at the real truth of this.
This movie is based on some facts, that's true. However this film is also leaving out certain truths. For example, the scene when Cage's character Yuri is making a deal and his brother looks out over the tent village? What happens there? We see a woman and child try to run away. And what happens to these people? As they are running, a truck pulls up, a bunch of thugs jump out, each one holding a long machete, and they proceed to chop up the woman and child. This is the truth of the matter. This is the heart of the matter. And the movie makers only gloss over that bit to get to the gun bit.
The special edition of this movie comes with a second disk which contains a little documentary about the arms trade. They make it out that should this evil practice of making and selling weapons be put to an end, that there will be peace in the world and we will all live happily ever after... especially if Americans stop driving SUV's. Let me remind y'all that the Cold War was an extended second phase of World War II, which was of course a Sequel to and caused by the conditions after World War I. All of this happening pretty much before Americans started driving SUV's. World War I we did see the advent of such weapons as tanks and machine guns... even chemical warfare in the form of gasses as weapons. But long before the advent of these things, even firearms in general, the same ground was fought over using much simpler weapons. Arrows, Spears, Swords, Sharp Sticks, and Rocks. It doesn't matter at all what the tool of choice is. Because the weapon is just that, a tool. And if people are denied one sort of weapon, they will use another.
The situation in Africa is really and truly FUBAR. It is easy to say that the cause of all this is “Small Arms”. It's much harder so say that the cause is because evil people are in charge and there is nothing we can do about that, but bleeding heart liberals can just say “Its the fault of the gun”. The guns do not pick themselves up and pull their triggers. People do that because they choose to do that. If they didn't have a gun, they would use knives or clubs. If you want to stop the violence you have to get the people to decide that there is something better to do than to kill someone you disagree with. You have to take away that killing instinct and motive. This is much harder to do because it not only takes time in the form of generations, but it also takes coordinated efforts of millions of people.
Is such a thing even possible? Yeah, it's possible. We landed people on the moon, so of course this is possible. Realistically could this be done? No, I don't think so. Yes, you do have a continent that is extremely rich in all the natural resources that would be required. You even have a population of people who are strong willed and quite clever... if they really wanted, they could. But they don't really want to. They expect others to do all of this for them. They would rather fight each other over territorial disputes about who gets to sit on which pile of shit. They are so divided into gangs with no ambition other than sitting on top of the pile of shit that they don't see that they could be building cities. This is Africa by and large. Until they can picture themselves as something other than the biggest warlord sitting on the biggest pile of shit, then that's all they are going to have. And really, that's all they deserve to be honest. If your idea of bettering yourself is to kill everyone else around you that has a bigger pile of shit than you do... well, you reap what you sow.
I'm not even going to touch all the religious aspects of Africa. Moving on... To blame the US for winning the Cold War, or for the Ukraine and Russia for selling their overstock of arms... that's being both simple and narrow minded. Lord of War tells an interesting story... I just wish it told all of the story.

Posted 13 April 2006 - 03:24

Ion Cannon in IRC said:
Posted 13 April 2006 - 06:04
Pros: Cool idea- tried to put the myth in historical context (i.e. real King Arthur was a Roman-Celtic chieftain who lived in 5th century AD), cool battles, interesting that Arthur's knights were Sarmatian mercenaries (historically accurate)
Cons: Very historically inaccurate-Saxons depicted as invading Scotland (invaded England), Celts/Britons called Woads (Woad is the blue dye they put on their faces), Romans wearing anachronistic armor and weapons, movie seemed too short, very untrue to King Arthur legend.
Pros: Excellent battle scenes, hot chick playing Helen
Cons: Crappy acting, f'ed up the original story (OK they left the gods out, but they screwed up more)
Chronicles of Riddick:
I’m not going to recommend it unless you are already down with the Riddick character from Pitch Black. If you are, then the movie won’t disappoint. Riddick is hard core sci-fi, like Pitch Black was… but with some obvious flaws. If you have a planet that gets blow torched every 15 minutes to 700 degrees – how is there breathable air? Don’t think about it, just roll with the flow. The Riddick setting is Warhammer 40K-esque- good thing IMO. They used Bolters and Bolt Pistols, if you know what those are. If you don’t… don’t bother. Anyways, the movie rocked… and while predictable, was so in a creative and very cool way. I loved the Conan the Barbarian ending. Apparently there are to be two more sequels-great! The Riddick character is very slick… a hard cool that Diesel pulls off and owns. No one else could play this role. No one. It’s not Diesel’s best role… not his best acting (see A Man Apart) either. But it’s all about his presence, timing, and delivery that does it. I enjoyed the hell out of it. Good entertainment... good sci fi.

Posted 13 April 2006 - 15:04
This movie is awesome. Good acting done by all (Penelope Cruz and Matthew McConaughey). Basic plot is that there is supposedly an epidemic floating in the rivers of Africa that is killing the locals. Side story is that there is a Confederate ironclad somewhere in the African desert that is carrying Confederate gold dollar coins (which supposedly only 5 were ever made). Long story short, they find that the "epidemic" isn't an epidemic at all and the ironclad ship is found.
There was only one part in which I felt the acting could have been better which was when Matthew's character and Penelope Cruz's character exchange information about an ancient river (that is now underground). This part looked staged to me, but the rest of the movie was impecable.
Major Nuker
P.S. Bolters are the larger version of Bolt Pistols, which fire rocket propelled ammunition roughly the diameter of an egg. Heavy bolters are larger still and fire rounds the size of a soda can. Most commonly used by Space Marines/Chaos Marines.

Edited by Major Nuker, 14 April 2006 - 15:34.

Posted 14 April 2006 - 12:38
Brings grown men to tears.
Edited by Jermies, 14 April 2006 - 12:39.

Posted 14 April 2006 - 15:14

Posted 14 April 2006 - 15:23
I`m not really into this wizard and orc magic stuff, But this film is great.....mainly because of the battle scenes, we all love the battles.

Posted 14 April 2006 - 21:20

Posted 14 April 2006 - 21:21
William H. Macy is a great actor.

Ion Cannon in IRC said:
Posted 14 April 2006 - 21:28
i liked how it showed him getting bailed out by a top ranking military official
lotr battles rock
last movie i watched: kicking and screaming 5/10
the jokes were bad and over the top
the storyline was stupid
and who would be able to get a nfl superboal wining coach to coach a 13 year old soccar team?

Posted 14 April 2006 - 22:03
Based on the “Eaters of the Dead” and “Beowulf”, it’s a grisly story about some Viking types. Very cool if you like Vikings. I do. “Lo there do I see my father. Lo there do I see my mother, my sisters, and my brothers. Lo there do I see the line of my people, back to the beginning. Lo they do call me. They bid me take my place among them in the Halls of Valhalla. Where the brave may live forever.”
This is one of those inspirational movies with an epic story of man overcoming all odds and finding justice. Russell Crowe kicks ass in this new classic… Like Spartacus, but bigger and will a better soundtrack. Not very historically accurate, but fun nonetheless
Fist of Legend.
This is like THE martial arts flick. Most other martial arts movies made after this one has taken from it in part. This flick is a must see for the Martial Artist.
Seven Samurai.
This is one of those old school foreign films that has been rehashed by Hollywood, mercilessly. Watch the original. Appreciate the original.
Saving Private Ryan.
I love this movie. It's like a collage of many small stories from WWII rolled into one. Tom Hanks does a wonderful job here. The film making here makes it so real, you can smell the cordite and you'll want to duck for cover. A lot of guys want to know what it's like to be in a gunfight… this gives you an idea somewhat.
Black Hawk Down.
Like Band of Brothers, this movie documents a real event. Unfortunately this time it is the biggest military tragedy in American History since the Bay of Pigs. What makes this movie hard for me to see, is that a friend of mine's dad knows some of the guys that were actually there. Some of them didn't make it back alive. My anger rages against Somalia for this. I blame President Clinton.
A 3-hour, combat-laden, kick-ass movie about the greatest combat commander of WW2, the only one the friggin' Nazis were afraid of, who also happened to be among the most articulate users of profane language in history and was extraordinarily un-PC even in 1945, when the shithole concept hadn't even been invented? Damn, The opening scene alone would put that movie in the top 10, let alone combined with the scenes in Palermo where he upstaged Monty and the one near the end where he wanted to "kick the Mongoloid Russians back into Russia, where they belong!"
We Were Soldiers.
Mel Gibson plays the lead roll in a recreation of a true story about the first major battle between the US and the NVA in Viet-Nam.
Tora, Tora, Tora.
Watch this one instead of that POS called “Pearl Harbor”. Good in that it depicts both the Japanese and American sides of the conflict.
Blade Runner.
Classic hard core Sci-Fi. Others have tried to duplicate the look and feel, but no one has touched this classic. Harrison Ford's best role. There are two versions of this one. The Theatrical Release version and the “Directors Cut”. I prefer the original rather than the Directors Cut. I like the voice over narration. It explains the film and also gives the movie more of that 1940’s Private Eye Noir vibe that really makes this flick both different, and complete. By the way, that vibe also resonates with the clothing styles and Rachel’s hair style… and without it, it just comes off as weird.
This movie was ground breaking in it's own way. It is the first attempt at making a realistic representation of future military technology. Somebody wake up Hicks.
Big Trouble in Little China.
Jack Burton just kicks ass in a Mullet Trucker sort of way. Fun movie. Just don't try to take it seriously or ask any questions or the Three Storms will come for you.
Army of Darkness.
Cult Classic. You either get it or you don't. If you don't get it, I can't explain it to you.
Animal House
No one has done a movie like this as good as this one… but there has been plenty of attempts. This flick is righteous.

Posted 14 April 2006 - 22:14
Broken Lizard is the new National Lampoon.

Ion Cannon in IRC said:
Posted 14 April 2006 - 22:24
Gen. Patton, on 14 Apr 2006, 22:03, said:
Based on the “Eaters of the Dead” and “Beowulf”, it’s a grisly story about some Viking types. Very cool if you like Vikings. I do. “Lo there do I see my father. Lo there do I see my mother, my sisters, and my brothers. Lo there do I see the line of my people, back to the beginning. Lo they do call me. They bid me take my place among them in the Halls of Valhalla. Where the brave may live forever.”
This is one of those inspirational movies with an epic story of man overcoming all odds and finding justice. Russell Crowe kicks ass in this new classic… Like Spartacus, but bigger and will a better soundtrack. Not very historically accurate, but fun nonetheless
Fist of Legend.
This is like THE martial arts flick. Most other martial arts movies made after this one has taken from it in part. This flick is a must see for the Martial Artist.
Seven Samurai.
This is one of those old school foreign films that has been rehashed by Hollywood, mercilessly. Watch the original. Appreciate the original.
Saving Private Ryan.
I love this movie. It's like a collage of many small stories from WWII rolled into one. Tom Hanks does a wonderful job here. The film making here makes it so real, you can smell the cordite and you'll want to duck for cover. A lot of guys want to know what it's like to be in a gunfight… this gives you an idea somewhat.
Black Hawk Down.
Like Band of Brothers, this movie documents a real event. Unfortunately this time it is the biggest military tragedy in American History since the Bay of Pigs. What makes this movie hard for me to see, is that a friend of mine's dad knows some of the guys that were actually there. Some of them didn't make it back alive. My anger rages against Somalia for this. I blame President Clinton.
A 3-hour, combat-laden, kick-ass movie about the greatest combat commander of WW2, the only one the friggin' Nazis were afraid of, who also happened to be among the most articulate users of profane language in history and was extraordinarily un-PC even in 1945, when the shithole concept hadn't even been invented? Damn, The opening scene alone would put that movie in the top 10, let alone combined with the scenes in Palermo where he upstaged Monty and the one near the end where he wanted to "kick the Mongoloid Russians back into Russia, where they belong!"
We Were Soldiers.
Mel Gibson plays the lead roll in a recreation of a true story about the first major battle between the US and the NVA in Viet-Nam.
Tora, Tora, Tora.
Watch this one instead of that POS called “Pearl Harbor”. Good in that it depicts both the Japanese and American sides of the conflict.
Blade Runner.
Classic hard core Sci-Fi. Others have tried to duplicate the look and feel, but no one has touched this classic. Harrison Ford's best role. There are two versions of this one. The Theatrical Release version and the “Directors Cut”. I prefer the original rather than the Directors Cut. I like the voice over narration. It explains the film and also gives the movie more of that 1940’s Private Eye Noir vibe that really makes this flick both different, and complete. By the way, that vibe also resonates with the clothing styles and Rachel’s hair style… and without it, it just comes off as weird.
This movie was ground breaking in it's own way. It is the first attempt at making a realistic representation of future military technology. Somebody wake up Hicks.
Big Trouble in Little China.
Jack Burton just kicks ass in a Mullet Trucker sort of way. Fun movie. Just don't try to take it seriously or ask any questions or the Three Storms will come for you.
Army of Darkness.
Cult Classic. You either get it or you don't. If you don't get it, I can't explain it to you.
Animal House
No one has done a movie like this as good as this one… but there has been plenty of attempts. This flick is righteous.
I like you.
Any chance i can come round your pad mate

Hmmm maybe get PotP to send some woman round

Edited by Cattman2236, 14 April 2006 - 22:24.

Posted 15 April 2006 - 05:06
Don't forget Sean Connery film "the Rock" 10/10
Edited by Dark Star, 15 April 2006 - 05:16.
Pick up your AK-47s

Einstein had said it
"I don't know with what World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones"

official at 21st January 2007
I don't know from where I got this one
"Revenge is a dish best served cold"
Posted 15 April 2006 - 23:18

Posted 15 April 2006 - 23:26

And of course it's not for myself(i mean $50...for a movie ticket, I would rather buy a DVD instead if it was), I paid for my friends lol.
Edited by Swiss Knight, 15 April 2006 - 23:27.
Posted 21 April 2006 - 10:41
Pick up your AK-47s

Einstein had said it
"I don't know with what World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones"

official at 21st January 2007
I don't know from where I got this one
"Revenge is a dish best served cold"
Posted 21 April 2006 - 15:30
I want to be a big-fat-scary biker just like them in that lfilm when i`m older lol.
Great film if you love Harley motorbikes, Great soundtrack as well.
Edited by Cattman2236, 21 April 2006 - 15:30.

Posted 24 April 2006 - 00:41
Hollywood is slipping, and so is Steven Spielberg. Tom Cruise sucks in this role, and the kids they got to play his children sucked. Dakota Fanning, although she can act, plays a spoiled little brat and asks the stupidest questions (I can't stand stupidity). The plot was weak, and was never really revealed during the entire movie. Some of the stuff that happens isn't really believable (I know it's sci-fi, but at least some of the stuff that happened should have seemed real to a point). I regret watching this movie. The special FX and the unique ending are what kept me from rating this movie any lower.

Posted 24 April 2006 - 15:24
Great film, Love it how they turn Anakin to Vader, It`s very well done.....plus the special features disk that came with the DVD is cool as well.
Edited by Cattman2236, 24 April 2006 - 15:24.

Posted 24 April 2006 - 18:04
Ice Age 2
Hilarious movie

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