Network: C&C3 Stomp Network
Pass: kane lives
Be aware that I'm making this network with Comp Stomps in mind. Thank you.
Whether it be 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 or any sort of Game involving Computer Owning, this will be the Server for you.
C&C3SN Map-Pack 1.rar - MegaUpload FileFront
A River Runs Through It - 4P(2v2) Temperate/Urban Map.
Burning Rage - 6P(3v3) Desert/Temperate Map.
Coastal Conflict - 4P(2v2) Desert Map.
Flows of Corruption - 4P(2v2) Desert/Temperate Map.
Stormshield - 4P (2v2) Desert/Urban Map.
The Motherlode - 4P (2V2) Desert Map.
The Rift - 3P(FFA) Desert Map.
I take no responsibility for the creation of these Maps. They are a collection of Maps that have been agreed are well-made and suited for Stomps. Credit goes to the Map's Authors, not me. If you have any maps you'd reccomend for the next Map-Pack, send a PM to either myself or Warbz with a link. We appreciate the Community contributing to the Network as a whole.
By joining the Network, you agree to these rules and agree to use the Map-Packs provided.
-No slanderous comments towards other players.
-No racist/sexist/ageist or any sort of prejudice comments.
-No serious Team-Killing or hindering of any sort.
-No glitching/hacking/abusing in any shape or form.
Edited by Nexolate, 19 June 2007 - 10:13.