First off, this guide is only meant for those who get yellow dots in front of their names, so the others can directy connect to the network listed below...
-> Download Hamachi from and install it...
-> The Hamachi wizard should start automatically and will guide you trough all basic functions of this neat software.
-> if you get a yellow dot ( which means some sort of nat problem ) go in the "preferences" menu and then in the "System" submenu. Tick the " Magic Option " and set a port: i.e. 12976
-> Go into your firewall setup and forward the port you just set ( 12976 ). this is an UDP port, so set it as UDP.
You can use Port triggering too, alwasys with the same port.
If you need specific hints on how to configure hamachi with your Firewall / Router please visit
Remeber the routers are usually to be setup trough the internet connecting to the following adress :
This should usually solves the yellow dot problem and you will be able to play using the lan lobby, directly finding other SW players

If the problem should persist, just leave a post with more details on your problem and ill try to solve em...
The server for hamachi is:
Address: shockwave92
Pass: sw
Admin: Babylon
Sorry for my english, but im italian... i try my best...
Edited by prophet of the pimps, 02 May 2006 - 10:25.