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E-Studios quiz results

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#1 CodeCat

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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:11

Post the results you got in the quiz here if you like.

EDIT: Now closed, here are the statistics:


Quiz was taken a total of 555 times.
Average score was 47% correct.

37 people (6.7%) scored 'E-Studios newbie', below 15% correct.
173 people (31.2%) scored 'E-Studios wannabe', between 15% and 35% correct.
164 people (29.5%) scored 'E-Studios trainee', between 35% and 55% correct.
70 people (12.6%) scored 'E-Studios regular', between 55% and 70% correct.
40 people (7.2%) scored 'E-Studios expert', between 70% and 90% correct.
71 people (12.8%) scored 'E-Studios master', 90% or more correct.

50 people (9%) answered all questions correctly and scored 100%.

Answer stats

WEN SW 0.95?
A.D. 2101 - 29 people (5.2%)
22 December 2007 - 264 people (47.5%) [Correct answer]
When it's done. - 195 people (35.1%)
5 December 2007 - 19 people (3.4%)
Never, because it's imba. - 48 people (8.6%)
Explanation: ShockWave 0.95 was in fact released on 22 December 2007. 'WEN SW 0.95?' is a meme resulting from a member's rather uneducated postings.

Complete the phrase: 'ZOMG I SEE...'
APPLEZ - 31 people (5.5%)
NOOBZ - 174 people (31.3%)
HUNTERZ AFROZ - 60 people (10.8%)
COOKIEZ - 257 people (46.3%) [Correct answer]
REPLAYZ - 33 people (5.9%)
Explanation: ZOMG I SEE COOKIEZ was the text in a picture created for the cookies fad by CodeCat. (Link) Hunter's afro was a hint at a picture of The_Hunter himself, wearing a rather large orange afro wig. (Link)

What is Stinger's secret identity?
Lara Croft - 51 people (9.1%)
Chairman Rofl Mao - 84 people (15.1%)
Mailman - 67 people (12%)
Bond. James Bond. - 34 people (6.1%)
Gordon Freeman - 319 people (57.4%) [Correct answer]
Explanation: Stinger is often called Gordon Freeman due to his real-life resemblance to the Half-Life character. (Link)

Approximately how many members does E-Studios have?
None - 48 people (8.6%)
Under five hundred - 86 people (15.4%)
Three thousand - 224 people (40.3%) [Correct answer]
Five thousand - 47 people (8.4%)
Over nine thousand - 150 people (27%)
Explanation: E-Studios has 3088 as of this writing.

What is the capital of Assyria?
Tel Aviv - 45 people (8.1%)
A - 167 people (30%) [Correct answer]
Damascus - 105 people (18.9%)
I don't know that! - 209 people (37.6%)
Baghdad - 29 people (5.2%)
Explanation: This was a rather lame trick question. 'Assyria' starts with the capital letter A, therefore that is the capital of Assyria. Tel Aviv, Damascus and Baghdad however are all cities near the historical location of Assyria.

What is your quest?
To become a productive member of the E-Studios proletariat. - 222 people (40%) [Correct answer]
To get this stupid quiz done. - 178 people (32%)
To know the answer to life, the universe, and everything. - 65 people (11.7%)
Get on with it! - 52 people (9.3%)
To become a ShockWave beta tester / get banned. - 38 people (6.8%)
Explanation: A lot of people got this one wrong, but I guess it was more of a joke answer than anything.

What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
40 km/h (25 miles/h) - 53 people (9.5%)
315 km/h (197 miles/h) - 33 people (5.9%)
1337 km/h (n00b miles/h) - 53 people (9.5%)
-π km/h (-1.6 * π miles/h) - 20 people (3.6%)
An African or a European swallow? - 396 people (71.3%) [Correct answer]
Explanation: Any Monty Python fan knows this one, and it's no surprise that many of the forumers are big fans.

Who was the founder of E-Studios?
Chris - 67 people (12%)
The_Hunter - 156 people (28.1%)
Chrizz - 235 people (42.3%) [Correct answer]
Chyros - 20 people (3.6%)
CodeCat - 77 people (13.8%)
Explanation: E-Studios was founded as C&C Reneclips by ChrisV80 (later renamed Chrizz) in 2002.

In Rise of the Reds, which 2 factions are being added?
FOX NEWS and CNN. - 68 people (12.2%)
The Netherlands and the Philippines. - 22 people (3.9%)
Red ShockWave Army and MAJOR FILE. - 36 people (6.4%)
The Cookie General and Cookie Juhziz. - 25 people (4.5%)
None of the above. - 404 people (72.7%) [Correct answer]
Explanation: Some of the above answers are memes, but in fact none of them are actually being added in RotR.

When there is a hat in the hell, what should you do?
Buy a new hat. - 105 people (18.9%)
Go to hell, do not pass go, do not collect Comr4de. - 123 people (22.1%)
Fix your grammar. - 137 people (24.6%)
Buy a new keyboard. - 167 people (30%) [Correct answer]
Buy a new car. - 23 people (4.1%)
Explanation: This was in fact another meme, where Comr4de's keyboard was not working properly causing several letters to be missing. 'What in the hell' therefore came out as 'hat in the hell'.

What is the most popular forum on E-Studios?
Spammy Yummy Discussion - 146 people (26.3%)
General Discussion and Introductions - 36 people (6.4%)
C&C ShockWave - 313 people (56.3%) [Correct answer]
Serial Spammers - 39 people (7%)
Generals Classic - 21 people (3.7%)
Explanation: C&C ShockWave is the busiest forum with 119564 replies and 6552 topics. Spammy Yummy Discussion is second with 101171 replies and 2030 topics.

What is CodeCat's custom title?
Master of ELJGSCBD - 197 people (35.4%) [Correct answer]
Master of SPAM - 101 people (18.1%)
Master of GZMXPTLNR - 24 people (4.3%)
Master of BRZXMTLWEYHG - 46 people (8.2%)
Master of 1337 - 187 people (33.6%)
Explanation: ELJGSCBD, GZMXPTLNR and BRZXMTLWEYHG are all rather strange quotes from the webcomic Ozy and Millie, which CodeCat is a big fan of. They are a result of Millie visiting the eye doctor and reading out the letters on the chart.

Complete the phrase: 'StalinThe_Hunter...'
Panics. - 29 people (5.2%)
Mods. - 48 people (8.6%)
Approves. - 322 people (58%) [Correct answer]
Owns. - 120 people (21.6%)
Pimps. - 36 people (6.4%)
Explanation: The_Hunter often uses a particular image macro of Stalin with clenched hands when he is pleased with a result. Link

a with hat, euro, colon
... - 163 people (29.3%) [Correct answer]
??? - 51 people (9.1%)
… - 69 people (12.4%)
Wtf? - 146 people (26.3%)
â€: - 126 people (22.7%)
Explanation: 'a with hat, euro, colon', or simply …, is what Bob's buggy IRC client sees when the Unicode ellipsis character '...' is typed. This has since become a synonym for it, but 'a with hat, euro, colon' does in fact simply mean '...'

Who is known as the E-Studios 1337 haxor?
Prophet of the Pimps - 101 people (18.1%)
CodeCat - 313 people (56.3%) [Correct answer]
The_Hunter - 60 people (10.8%)
Wizard - 32 people (5.7%)
E.V.E. - 49 people (8.8%)
Explanation: An older joke that went around the forum, where CodeCat would hide random 'clues' in improbable locations on the forum to demonstrate 1337 haxing 'skill'.

'I never get tired of seeing this!' goes with 'This is...'
Sparta! - 227 people (40.9%)
Cheese! - 31 people (5.5%)
Madness! - 69 people (12.4%)
So cool! - 214 people (38.5%) [Correct answer]
Pretty! - 14 people (2.5%)
Explanation: Both quotes are uttered by the Blue Arrow Defender, which is a unit in ShockWave which is particularly known for its rather repetitive response voices.

Edited by CodeCat, 02 April 2008 - 00:50.


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Go dtiomsaítear do chód gan earráidí, is go gcríochnaítear do chláir go réidh. -Old Irish proverb

#2 Reaper94


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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:14



i got trainee


Edited by Hyuga Hinata, 31 March 2008 - 22:14.

View PostRaiDK, on 3 Jun 2009, 10:09, said:


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#3 Lizzie


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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:15


You got 10 out of 16 questions (62%) correct.
You are an E-Studios regular!

- E.A.B
My escape route goes through the enemy.
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#4 Soul

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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:15

I got 12 out of 16 right, so 75%.


You got 12 out of 16 questions (75%) correct.
You are an E-Studios expert!

You know the ins and outs of E-Studios and aren't afraid to show it. You post a lot and probably have quite a post count already. Just remember that there are other things than E-Studios out there. Hmm wait, who am I kidding?

Edited by Soul, 31 March 2008 - 22:16.

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View PostInsomniac!, on 16 Sep 2008, 20:12, said:

Soul you scare the hell out of me, more so than Lizzie.

I've been given a Bob coin from Mr. Bob, a life time supply of cookies from Blonde-Unknown, some Internet Chocolate from the Full Throttle mod team, and some Assorted Weapons from Høbbesy.

#5 Kichō


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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:16

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#6 Dauth

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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:17


You got 16 out of 16 questions (100%) correct.
You are an E-Studios master!

I don't need to tell you anything more, because you already know E-Studios is life. You know as much about E-Studios as its staff and admins, and chances are you're one of them. You've attained a level of inner spam that is only present in a true master in the art of E-Studios. Congratulations!

Oddly :P

#7 Strategia


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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:17

11, I think.

Also, wtf? Because of the quiz the forums swallowed my post!

#8 Umbrella Secrets


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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:17

I got 5/16, the quiz started to scare me, because if I don't get a certain number corret then I'll be kicked out. :admin:

Edited by S.O.PAtomicarmy, 31 March 2008 - 22:21.

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#9 UnderFlow


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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:18


And I'd say that Spammy Yummy Discussion is the most popular forum^^.

And much lulz, nice one ^^

#10 Kichō


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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:19

View PostStrategia, on 31 Mar 2008, 23:17, said:

Also, wtf? Because of the quiz the forums swallowed my post!

Happened to me too! D:
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#11 Libains

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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:20

Haha - i got 10/16 - much laughs to be had!
For there can be no death without life.

#12 E.V.E.

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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:20


Now, how could this happen?!

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- Kugashira

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#13 Jefferson


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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:20


You got 9 out of 16 questions (56%) correct.
You are an E-Studios regular!

You certainly know your way around E-Studios, and you're probably in the IRC channel and Spammy Yummy Discussion forum quite often. You can truly call yourself a community member, but there are some things you're not quite up to speed on. I guess real life is just a bit more interesting sometimes.

Its so true!

#14 Nid

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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:22

I went for some reaslly obvious incorrect answers...
I actually seleced the a with hat, euro, colon
Moar quiz!!!

Edited by Nidmeister, 31 March 2008 - 22:23.

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#15 Thez


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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:24

11/16, Only been here actively since February 2007 when I joined the ShW Team
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E.V.E.: The CD is like doing a Favor for me, playing with me should Entertain yourself

#16 AllStarZ

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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:26

56%. I went for the funneh ones.

#17 Reaper94


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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:29


You got 6 out of 16 questions (37%) correct.
You are an E-Studios trainee!

You're an interesting sort. You know enough about E-Studios to make you a regular, but not enough to actually fit in with the real community members. You probably have other things to do, but still enjoy the company of all the nutters roaming around the forums. Don't worry, one day you'll be one of them.

Edited by Hyuga Hinata, 31 March 2008 - 22:29.

View PostRaiDK, on 3 Jun 2009, 10:09, said:


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#18 Sgt. Rho

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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:39


#19 Waris

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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:39

I went for all the relevant answers :P

"WEN SW .95???"
"When it's done."


You got 13 out of 16 questions (81%) correct.
You are an E-Studios expert!

You know the ins and outs of E-Studios and aren't afraid to show it. You post a lot and probably have quite a post count already. Just remember that there are other things than E-Studios out there. Hmm wait, who am I kidding?

#20 Rich19

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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:40

56%. I picked the ones with the most luls.

#21 Archon

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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:46

This is really crazy.
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#22 Nid

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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:47

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#23 Chyros

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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:48

View Postrich19, on 31 Mar 2008, 22:40, said:

56%. I picked the ones with the most luls.
Exactly the same. Since I'm obviously the founder of E-Studios : :stickattack2:

Also Code: what's with the new name? :P

Edited by Chyros, 31 March 2008 - 22:49.


The brave hide behind technology. The stupid hide from it. The clever have technology, and hide it.
—The Book of Cataclysm

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#24 Wizard


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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:48

Hmmm, what did I get again......?

#25 Dauth

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Posted 31 March 2008 - 22:53

Well since only Code and myself have 100%, what did you get?

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