shader 2.0 dll
Posted 16 May 2008 - 14:05
Btw I made a .big from the files from the download
edit: found out: cant be used from a big file also, can be activated after the shellmap is loaded
Edited by pirate, 16 May 2008 - 14:31.
Posted 16 May 2008 - 14:10
You can activate the shaders (Shift + F12) ANYTIME during the game.
Posted 16 May 2008 - 16:50
here's a link to the download modern wars (i think) 486.35 MB
but some of the models are converted one wich are not in the mod and the mod uses very high poly models
Edited by namman2, 16 May 2008 - 16:52.
Posted 17 May 2008 - 07:04
there's a small greeb button that will be seen afte a short time click on it to download
Posted 25 April 2009 - 00:06
I have spent a while making a fine balance between the bloom and shader effects. The intensity of the shaders seem to vary due to the lighting diversity of all the different maps. I believe this may perhaps rival the C&C3 graphics a bit as I am still in shock about this breakthrough myself due to the fact that we are talking about the 6 year old Zero Hour game here. To my surprise lag is very limited on my machine which only has 1GB of RAM, 1.0ghz dual core processor, and a nVidia 7300 graphics card with 512mb Video RAM. I was also using 1200x1080 resolution.
This version of the Shader 2.0 Mod does not require the Shift+F12 setup... it is automatically activated when Worldbuilder or the Game itself is launched.
I have several screenshots available here and my websites...
Attached File(s)
sshot232.jpg (119.37K)
Number of downloads: 41 -
sshot230.jpg (257.34K)
Number of downloads: 50 -
sshot231.jpg (151.36K)
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sshot233.jpg (172.46K)
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sshot234.jpg (369.38K)
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sshot228.jpg (227.31K)
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sshot236.jpg (314.12K)
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sshot237.jpg (252.8K)
Number of downloads: 24 -
sshot239.jpg (125.62K)
Number of downloads: 20 -
sshot241.jpg (273.95K)
Number of downloads: 24
Edited by sgtmyers88, 25 April 2009 - 04:01.
Posted 25 April 2009 - 05:24
Attached File(s)
sshot229.jpg (307.58K)
Number of downloads: 33 -
sshot212.jpg (356.41K)
Number of downloads: 31 -
sshot226.jpg (168.24K)
Number of downloads: 17 -
sshot222.jpg (266.82K)
Number of downloads: 22 -
sshot218.jpg (234.56K)
Number of downloads: 18 -
sshot214.jpg (267.29K)
Number of downloads: 17 -
sshot217.jpg (162.37K)
Number of downloads: 20
Edited by sgtmyers88, 25 April 2009 - 05:24.
Posted 25 April 2009 - 07:00
Can you show us a screenshot with the ui enabled? I want to see how it is affected.

Posted 25 April 2009 - 08:23
Attached File(s)
tdrbloomandshader001.jpg (213.38K)
Number of downloads: 53 -
tdrbloomandshader002.jpg (304.79K)
Number of downloads: 55
Posted 25 April 2009 - 12:57
EDIT: Also, if I got it right, you guys edited the shader thing yourselves to make it look nice and work with the game without having to Shift+F12, or is it an update from the developer of this shader?
Edited by JJ, 25 April 2009 - 14:06.
Posted 25 April 2009 - 15:05
Edited by sgtmyers88, 26 April 2009 - 00:56.
Posted 25 April 2009 - 16:56
I would stop wasting my time with this.
Posted 26 April 2009 - 01:07
[PROXY] EnableProxyLibrary=0 InitProxyFunctions=0 ProxyLibrary= [GLOBAL] UseEffect=1 AlternativeDepth=1 AllowAntialias=1 BugFixMode=1 SkipShaderOptimization=1 [EFFECT] EnableBloom=1 EnableOcclusion=1 EnableReflection=1 EnableMotionBlur=1 EnableWater=1 EnableShadow=1 [INPUT] KeyUseEffect=12 KeyBloom=12 KeyOcclusion=12 KeyReflection=12 KeyCombination=16 KeyShadow=11 KeyWater=11 [REFLECTION] ReflectionPower=100 ChromePower=100 UseCurrentFrameReflection=1 ReflectionQuality=1 ReflectionSourceSpecular=100 ReflectionSourceTFactor=100 UseAdditiveReflection=0 ReflectionDepthBias=100 UseLowResReflection=0 [BLOOM] BloomPowerDay=18 BloomFadeTime=100000 BloomConstantDay=1 BloomQuality=0 BloomScreenLevelDay=1 BloomCurveDay=-10 BloomPowerNight=14 BloomConstantNight=1 BloomCurveNight=-10 BloomScreenLevelNight=1 BloomAdaptationScreenLevel=50 BloomAdaptationMultiplier=1 BloomAllowOversaturation=1 [SSAO] UseFilter=1 OcclusionQuality=1 FilterQuality=1 [COLORCORRECTION] DarkeningAmountDay=20 ScreenLevelDay=1 ScreenLevelNight=1 DarkeningAmountNight=-14 GammaCurveDay=-8 GammaCurveNight=-8 [PLUGIN] WeatherMod=1 [WATER] UseWaterDeep=1 WaterDeepness=20 WaterQuality=1 [SHADOW] ShadowFadeStart=60 ShadowFadeEnd=100 ShadowAmountDay=70 ShadowAmountNight=20 ShadowScreenLevelDay=7 ShadowScreenLevelNight=5 ShadowQuality=0 [ENGINE] ForceAnisotropicFiltering=0 MaxAnisotropy=8 ForceDisplayRefreshRate=0 DisplayRefreshRateHz=60
Edited by sgtmyers88, 26 April 2009 - 01:14.
Posted 26 April 2009 - 03:47
Edited by sgtmyers88, 26 April 2009 - 03:48.
Posted 26 April 2009 - 11:18
Which I must download? and, how to set the things up?
I'm very interested on this.

NProject Mod -- Recolonize -- Tidal Wars
Posted 26 April 2009 - 13:34

III HOUR Mod | Mod for Cnc Generals Zero Hour

Wait for Link to Download.
I search Beta Testers
Video Coming Soon.
Link for ModDb
Posted 26 April 2009 - 16:59
Posted 26 April 2009 - 17:47
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