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The Chubby Chasers

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#1 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 03 May 2008 - 18:07

In the year 2063, obesity has become a major problem. A report was written in the year 2057 by President and Fatass-hater Wesley Williams, alerting all about the problem of obesity. In 2058, he became president. As his first order of presidential business, he started a leigon of commandoes called the Chubby Chasers. The Chubby Chasers are assigned with one objective: Kill all obese people. In the year 2008, a now defunct magazine called MAD had an article in issue number 486 entitled "When the Morbidly Obese go Bad." 30% of the population of the third-world country know as The United States of America was offended by this, but the 11-year old Wesley Williams loved this article, and took it seriously. Now, the world goes hungry. New York Shitty (Used to be called New York City) is known as "Fatass capital of the world." This damning picture shows an average citizen of New York Shitty in 2058.
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So, that is why President Wesley Williams started the Chubby Chasers.
This story is probably going to offend lots of people, and I want to give an apology in advance to those who may be offended. But this story's purpose is to warn people to stop pigging out. By changing our ways today, we can make a better, thinner future.
Remember to Respond to and discuss my story. I will try to upload one chapter a day because I really like writing, but I can not guarantee that. But I wil try to.

Edited by General Wesley, 06 May 2008 - 09:50.

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#2 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 03 May 2008 - 22:16

The Background of a Chubby Chaser
Michael Sanchez, Holo-Journal Entry #449
5/3/2063 9:25 PM
My buddies and I are in Group Delta of the Lakota Legion of the Chubby Chasers, an army of supercommandoes started by President Williams in 2056. Now, it is 2063. The world is in chaos. Riots in the streets. Resistance groups and terror cells everywhere. They all are willing to stand up and fight for they're next meal. It's not surprising to me. But my mission is not to bring down all the terror cells and resistance groups, but to kill the cause of all the chaos: fatasses. Actually, there is one terror group that we have to fight. The Cult of Fatassism. They guard food supplies so that they can go to the fatasses and they screw up the global economy. They protect the morbidly obese and think we Chubby Chasers are Nazis. Also, they own the McDonald’s and Taco Bell chain of restaurants. If it wasn’t for the Cult, maybe people WOULDN’T be going crazy for McDonald’s ultra-fatty Scrotum McNuggets. Anyway, in times past, the term 'fatass' was considered offensive and rude. But not in 2063. You see, obesity is a problem that nobody can solve. We had several solutions to solve this problem, most of which were impossible. We could evacuate all people who are not morbidly obese to space stations, but we couldn’t do that because it was too expensive. We could’ve put all of the fatasses into sumo wrestling, but they are too fat to even walk. There are just too many people who are so incredibly obese that they can not exercise or diet their way to thinness. So, there is only one solution. Yeah, it is kind of sad. But I am a Chubby Chaser. I am elite, strong, and ready to kick some fat ass any day. And I have to live by The Chubby Chaser creed. Kill one fatass, save a thousand non-fatasses. Artificial Intelligences have calculated that 69.22% of the food in the world goes to these hogs. Every person, soldier and Artificial Intelligence Construct agrees that the fatasses must go. I joined in 2058, when the program started. I, myself, have always hated obese people, hate obese people, and always will hate obese people. That is why I joined. After a life of playing vintage, obsolete “video games," I have become accurate in shooting weapons. I was even allowed to bypass most of my weapons training because of playing video games all my life. I am a person who, well, does not have lots of balls. But thanks to the injection pump in my armor, I am fearless. The pump in my armor administers Aly-Nicholphobalsston #50, the most potent variant of the famous and common "fearlessness drug." When I completed my training, the computer assigned me to the Lakota Legion, the most elite Chubby Chaser Legion. As I tap this into my holo-journal, I am now sitting in my bunk in the barracks sector of the space station Boston. I have lots of friends in my squad, Group Delta. My best friend’s name is James Carl. He shares my same interests. Tomorrow is an important day. I have to get up at 0630 hours and receive my briefing from Lieutenant Heinlein. He's one real tough cookie. And, it's the most important mission yet, he says. Well, its 2130 hours now and I should, no, sorry, MUST go to bed by 2200 hours. Before, though, I'm going to play video games with Jim. It will be good training for the mission.
5/3/2063 9:32 P.M.

Edited by General Wesley, 22 June 2008 - 20:48.

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#3 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 04 May 2008 - 22:34

The Briefing
"ALL RIGHT MEN! RISE AND SHINE!" Yelled Lieutenant Heinlein. This woke up all of the Chubby Chasers sleeping in their bunks. The hologram clock on the wall read 6:30 AM. Lieutenant Heinlein was a 42-year-old man and had grey hair that was buzzed off right down the middle and only a few hairs were combed over. His face was covered with moles and had a moustache. Lieutenant Heinlein also enjoyed Cuban cigars. He hailed from sector EU-GER-1. In simple terms, he was from Germany. Michael and all of the other Chubby Chasers slinked into their bland, yellow-tan colored fatigues. Corporal Michael Sanchez was 28 years old, and a grandfather. He had a series of scars under his left eye and he had short brown hair. He always liked to wear a patrol cap. He also still had acne from his teenage years. Lieutenant Heinlein handed out their breakfasts to each of them. The meal was a simple meal: A small packet containing all the nourishment needed for an entire day. While walking down the hallway to the bridge, Mike noticed something. While looking at Earth out of Boston's window, he saw a small, nearly unnoticeable brown square in the Sahara Desert. Hmm, Michael thought to himself, maybe my HUD in my glasses isn't working.

Now, the Chubby Chasers proceeded into the bridge. There were men in the bridge wearing official-looking uniforms tapping at computer consoles and chatting quietly. An LCD display on the wall displayed scrolling text. The text was a quote from President Wesley Williams: “No person over 1,000 pounds should be allowed to live.” Most of the Chubby Chasers wondered how Lieutenant Heinlein got there so quick. They were talking to each other about what the mission would be. "ATTEN-SHUN!!!" The Chubby Chasers shuddered. "Now men," Lieutenant Heinlein said, "Today is a very important day. All of you are going to go on the most important mission yet. President Williams has been KIDNAPPED!" The soldiers were struck with awe. "We believe he is in the Sahara desert. Spy Satellites have scanned the sector, and have found a massive vehicle. Artificial Intelligences have come to the conclusion that there is a massively obese person is in that vehicle with the president." Michael thought to himself, it’s probably Jabba the Hutt. Jabba the Hutt was a horribly obese gangster in an old holo-movie Michael had watched in his childhood called Star Wars: Return of the Jedi. Lieutenant Heinlein continued, "This is the most dangerous mission yet. Only the Lakota Legion is put on this kind of mission.

“I will allow you one hour to communicate with your loved ones. After that, you must proceed to the armory sector, then the docking bay where your dropships await." Michael looked around and remembered that his parents had died. In the year 2045, when Mike had been just ten years old, his parents were rich. They could afford a trip to space. Then, an accident occurred on the spaceship. The engines exploded, and only Michael and a few others could make it to the escape pods in time. The tragedy was HIGHLY exploited on the evening hologram news program that night. There, on the escape pod, he met Jim. Jim helped console Michael through that difficult time in his life, and they became good friends. Jim's parents had been killed in the accident too. So, instead of talking to his parents in the time allowed, Michael and Jim decided to talk to each other instead. "So Jimbo, you pumped up for this mission?" Michael said. Jim responded, "Of course, L-124." Michael hated it when people referred to him by his service number. "If my injection pump works." Michael let out a brief, soft chuckle. Before long, the hour Lieutenant Heinlein had allowed for communications had been up. "All right leathernecks, you can talk all you want on the dropship! Let's go!" And, like robots, all of the Chubby Chasers responded, "Sir! Yes Sir!"

Edited by General Wesley, 22 June 2008 - 20:50.

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#4 Dr. Strangelove

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Posted 05 May 2008 - 06:02

This is funny!

BTW: Do you know what Chubby Chaser really means?
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#5 smooder

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Posted 05 May 2008 - 09:05

Pretty good so far. A few mistakes gramatically though.
Its funny how you've suggested that the meanings of words have changed. "the Fat Asses must go" HAHAHA :P

The chapters need to be much longer though IMO.

#6 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 05 May 2008 - 10:19

A Chubby Chaser is a person who only goes out with fat people, I know that.
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#7 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 05 May 2008 - 22:08

The Dropship
Under Lieutenant Heinlein's orders, the Chubby Chasers were now marching down the hallway to the Armory Sector of the Space Station Boston. All of the Chubby Chasers entered their armor. The always annoying voice saying "COMBAT SYSTEMS ONLINE" confirmed, well, that the Chubby Chasers' powered assault armor was online. The soldiers, clad in full armor, lined up single file and each grabbed their weapons. The Chubby Chasers had very advanced weapons: One D-12 Laser Rifle, a "Humbler" Electrically-Charged Bayonet, a G-45 Sidearm and a beacon for artillery bombardment from capital ships. Now, The Chubby Chasers were ready to rock and roll.

The troopers marched down the hallway out of the Armory Sector and they all entered an elevator. The elevator flew up the shaft. (The elevator kind of shaft! Jeez!) Lieutenant Heinlein finally spoke out, "Soldiers! Now is the time. The time to prove yourself to me, your country and yo momma! You ready to kick some fat ass?" "SIR! YES SIR!" The Chubby Chasers all responded. Now, the door to the elevator opened.

The PA system cackled, "ALL UNITS REPORT TO YOUR DROPSHIPS!" The Chubby Chasers looked at the hologram stating which dropship they would be riding. "Hmm..." Michael said. "Corporal Michael Sanchez, Dropship #338, Private James Carl, Dropship #338..." Michael read. Jim said to Michael, "Hey Mikey! Looks like we're on the same bird!" "I know, Jimbo. It's awesome!" exclaimed Mike. After a few minutes, Lieutenant Heinlein screamed, "ATTEN-SHUN!" The Chubby Chasers hated, HATED, HATED!!! When Lieutenant Heinlein did that. "Time for Roll Call! Service Number L-120!" "HERE!" The Roll Call continued until Michael was called. "Service Number L-124!" "PRESIDENT!" Michael thought to himself, Uh-Oh. He had made a horrible mistake. Instead of saying "HERE!" or "PRESENT!” Michael miss-spoke and said President. That was a no-no with Lieutenant Heinlein. Lieutenant Heinlein growled. "We will talk about this after the mission. That is, if you survive." Michael whispered secretly to Jim, "I was expecting more."

Then, The Chubby Chasers saw it. There it was. The Ironside Troop Transport. It was a familiar sight on the battlefield. It was essentially a flying wing. The Ironside could carry up to 40 troopers, 20,000 pounds of supplies and a walker. There were five of the Ironsides in the bay: #338, (The one Michael and Jim would be riding) #833, #383, #838 and #001. The Ironside's door opened, and the Chubby Chasers piled in.

Michael and Jim were talking. "Man, I don't even my pump can help me on this mission," said Michael sadly. Michael was feeling sick. His stomach ached and his heart was sinking. Then, Boston's PA system cackled again. "DROPSHIP TAKEOFF IN 5...4...3...2...1!" This is it, Michael thought. If I die, that's it. It's over. OVER. Thoughts were racing through Michael's head. Michael looked at his pump, and then said, "Phew. I'm all right. I'm all right." Michael looked out the window in the Ironside, and now saw Boston behind him. I can do this. I know I can.

Edited by General Wesley, 08 June 2008 - 18:42.

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#8 Cuppa


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Posted 05 May 2008 - 23:18

Seems clever. My only suggestion is to make paragraphs smaller, everything seems like a wall of text.
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#9 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 05 May 2008 - 23:33

All Righty.
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#10 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 06 May 2008 - 19:34

The Ride
As the Ironside left the Boston behind it, Jim and Michael were talking. "I fell like I have lots of balls," said Jim. "Nice. Like I needed to know that," said Michael in his I-don't-need-to-hear-that kind of voice. To entertain themselves on the long dropship ride, The Chubby Chasers had small chips in their ears that projected music. Michael had always liked an old band called "Green Day." Green Day was popular in the early 21st Century and played a genre of music now considered COMPLETELY LAME: Punk Rock Music. But, still a lot of people liked Green Day.

While looking out of the window at Earth, he wondered if fatasses actually gave a dead moose's last shit about anything besided their next meal of a bikini-clad prisoner. But then, Michael remembered the Chubby Chaser Creed: Fatasses are not people, but things. Vile things that must be pwned. In the ealry 21st century, the term pwn was only used by lethargic, malnourished people who did absolutely nothing but play games online. But now, in 2063, the term pwn was an everyday term.

Just then, Jim aked Michael, "Yo jarhead! What do think of our Lieutenant?" "He's a dildohead. I think he should be wearing a bikini and be the fatass' next meal," Michael responded quickly. Luckily, Lieutenant Heinlein was using the dropship ride as an opportunity to catch up on his sleep. "I could not agree with you more," said Jim in a very serious manner.

Hours passed. Then, Michael looked at the computer unit on his right arm. He tapped into the keypad the command MAP. He saw the dropship he had been riding on as an orange triangle with the number 338 on it. He saw the destination on his map screen as a brown turd symbol. The arm computer chirped, "LANDING IN 30 MINUTES" Michael thought to himself, Oh Great.

Lieutenant Heinlein woke up and, as usual, screamed out, "ATTEN-SHUN!!!!" It was becoming natural to the Chubby Chasers. "Men, you are going to be deployed in the Sahara Desert. I do not expect anyone of you peices of cannon fodder to be cheesedicking your way through this mission! It is now 1800 hours. Enable your headlamps when you get onto the field because there is a Category 4 sandstorm accompanied by thunder and lighting going on right now. Balls to the walls, leathernecks!" Lieutenant Heinlein said in a very official manner. Michael lined up single file with all the other Chubby Chasers as they picked up their helmets. A hologram falshed, displaying the HUD and then the helmet closed, covering Michael's face. Then, he grabbed his D-12 Laser Rifle from the rack. A hologram on his D-12 displayed the charge level. Micahel now thought, I am the soldier here. I have the balls. The Ironside's door opened and Michael jumped out.

Edited by General Wesley, 06 May 2008 - 21:02.

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#11 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 08 May 2008 - 01:37

The Assault
Michael was standing on Ironside Dropship #338. Michael stood waiting for the door to open. The door opened, letting in sand and dust in from the Category 4 sandstorm. He jumped out. The jump jets on his Powered Assault Armor activated, increasing Michael's air resistance, thus slowing him down as he jumped. He landed on the ground and looked at his arm computer. The map showed up, and his destination was marked as a brown turd symbol.

He heard over his ear chip the words "INCOMING TRANSMISSION." Lieutenant Heinlein's voice cackled over his ear chip, "Listen up, soldier. What you are gonna do is to run forward with the rest of the troops until you find the massive vehicle housing the fatass and President Williams. It's defended heavily with troops supporting the Cult of Fatassism. Kill every troop you see that comes near you, because you don't want to be wearing a bikini and a fatman's meal. GIT-R-DUUN, SOLDIER!" The message was forwarded to every Chubby Chaser on the field. Lieutenant Heilein was leading the Chubby Chaser brigade to the vehicle, which the Chubby Chasers called F.S.H., or Fatass's Stationary Home.

Just then, an Ironside came swooping in, and three more accompanied that. They were carrying Titan Mk. III UCP's. The Titan was a support walker that had twin cannons. The Titan was about 17 feet tall. The Ironside Dropsips dropped off the Titan UCP's, and their voice synthesizers shouted in their omnimous-but-familiar voice "WAITING FOR YOUR ORDER!" The soldiers and Titan Mechs were now sprinting towards an imaginary target. Then, the first man came. He was a scout sent by the Fatassism Army Command to find prisoners. Michael spotted him. He shouted over his COM system, "Enemy sighted! Fire at will!" He was wearing a blue hazmat suit and was carrying a pathetic weapon. It was an AK-47 Assault Rifle, and was over one hundred years old. Michael placed the first shot. He looked in his scope and in his scope HUD, he saw the word CROTCH. The scope on his D-12 Laser Rifle recognized body parts. Psheew! The laser penetrated through the scout's hazmat suit, and probably burned his scrotum off. The 1200 degree heat from the laser killed him for sure.

Michael and the Chubby Chasers (plus the Titan UCP's) were running for hours, shooting the occasional enemy and then, finally, they found it. A massive vehicle, well over 90 feet tall. The Titans fired and blasted holes into the armor of the vehicle. "CHAAAARGGE!!!!" Lieutenant Heinlein screamed over the COM. There were yells everywhere. All of the Chubby Chasers poured into the hole. There were more men in blue hazmat suits with AK-47's. Michael thought to himself THIS is why I joined! Over the PA system of the vehicle, there was an omnimous voice that repeated the words "DEFENSIVE VECTOR ALPHA!" accompanied by sirens.

Lord ******, one of the fatass's many eunuchs, entered the lair. "Great Fatass" he said. "I have bad news. Invaders have raided our citadel. We must do everything in our power to hold them off." The fatass didn't respond, but let out a massive fart. You see, if one becomes obese enough, fat eats their brains and they become mentally retarded. President Williams was dangling in chains in the lair wearing a pink bikini. He screamed, "YOU FATASS! MY CHUBBY CHASERS ARE GONNA GET YOU AND TEABAG YOUR ROTTING CORPSE! YEAH, YOU LIKE THAT, FATASS! THERE'S MORE WHERE THAT CAME FROM!!"
To be Continued...

Edited by General Wesley, 08 May 2008 - 23:03.

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#12 The Wandering Jew


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Posted 08 May 2008 - 04:51

View PostGeneral Wesley, on 8 May 2008, 9:37, said:

The Assault
Michael was standing on Ironside Dropship #338. Michael stood waiting for the door to open. The door opened, letting in sand and dust in from the Category 4 sandstorm. He jumped out. The jump jets on his Powered Assault Armor activated, increasing Michael's air resistance, thus slowing him down as he jumped. He landed on the ground and looked at his arm computer. The map showed up, and his destination was marked as a brown turd symbol.

He heard over his ear chip the words "INCOMING TRANSMISSION." Lieutenant Heinlein's voice cackled over his ear chip, "Listen up, soldier. What you are gonna do is to run forward with the rest of the troops until you find the massive vehicle housing the fatass and President Williams. It's defended heavily with troops supporting the Cult of Fatassism. Kill every troop you see that comes near you, because you don't want to be wearing a bikini and a fatman's meal. GIT-R-DUUN, SOLDIER!" The message was forwarded to every Chubby Chaser on the field. Lieutenant Heilein was leading the Chubby Chaser brigade to the vehicle, which the Chubby Chasers called F.S.H., or Fatass' Stationary Home.

Just then, an Ironside came swooping in, and three more accompanied that. They were carrying Titan Mk. III UCP's. The Titan was a support walker that had twin cannons. The Titan was about 17 feet tall. The soldiers and Titan Mechs were sprinting towards an imaginary target. Then, the first man came. He was a scout sent by the Fatassism Army Command to find prisoners. Michael spotted him. He shouted over his COM system, "Enemy sighted! Fire at will!" He was wearing a blue hazmat suit and was carrying a pathetic weapon. It was an AK-47 Assault Rifle, and was over one hundred years old. Michael placed the first shot. He looked in his scope and in his scope HUD, he saw the word CROTCH. The scope on his D-12 Laser Rifle recognized body parts. Pseew! The laser penetrated through the scout's hazmat suit, and burned his scrotum off. The 1200 degree heat from the laser killed him for sure.

Michael and the Chubby Chasers (plus the Titan UPC's) were running for hours, shooting the occasional enemy and then, finally, they found it. A massive vehicle, well over 90 feet tall. The Titans fired and blasted holes into the armor of the vehicle. "CHAAAARGGE!!!!" Lieutenant Heinlein screamed over the COM. There were yells everywhere. All of the Chubby Chasers poured into the hole. There were more men in blue hazmat suits with AK-47's. Michael thought to himself THIS is why I joined! Over the PA system of the vehicle, there was an omnimous voice that repeated the words "DEFENSIVE VECTOR ALPHA!" accompanied by sirens.

Lord ****** entered the lair. "Great ****," he said. "I have bad news. Invaders have raided our citadel. We must do everything in our power to hold them off." The fatass didn't respond, but let out a massive fart. You see, if one becomes obese enough, fat eats their brains and they become mentally retarded. President Williams was hanging in chains in the lair wearing a pink bikini. He screamed, "YOU FATASS! MY CHUBBY CHASER'S ARE GONNA GET YOU AND TEABAG YOUR ROTUND BODY!!"
To be Continued...

>>Good story. But let me correct you on your sig. It should not be "obese people" but rather GLUTTONOUS people. (correct my English)
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"Once upon a time in 1700's, Imperial Britain had its share of terrorists...And they were called Americans."

#13 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 08 May 2008 - 10:05

They're obese as a result of the gluttony.
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#14 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 10 May 2008 - 00:40

The Lair of the Fatass!
A wave of troops wearing blue hazmat suits and carrying AK-47's were rushing toward the squad of Chubby Chasers. Michael was blasting away at them with his D-12 Laser Rifle and burning scrotums off while doing so. Jim was carrying his FFGM-420 Grenade Launcher and lobbing grenades at the coutless teams of troops. After about a half an hour of fighting, Lieutenant Leinlein spoke over the COM sytem, "That's it! We killed all of them. Now, it is time to go into the belly of the beast, Jarheads! TIME TO KICK SOME FAT ASS!!!!" The Chubby Chasers were yelling "THIS IS SPARTA!!!" which was a popular prase among soldiers. Nobody knew the phrase's origins.

Anyway, so Michael was looking at the video monitors on the walls. They were spewing Cult of Fatassism propaganda. Crazy stuff like "We don't need food!". Some drones were buzzing above the Chubby Chasers, their motion sensors were scanning for threats. Then, after a while of running through hallways of the Fatass's vehicle, they found a large door. There was a hand scanner for security reasons. A slumped over, bloody corpse of an eunuch was nearby. Michael dragged the eunuch's corpse to the hand scanner and pressed his hand on the scanner. "This is probably the fatass's diaper change room," Michael said in a snide fasion. The other Chubby Chasers snickered over their COMs.

The massive door opened, and there were the sounds of fans going on and fart gas filled the air. An orchestra of pianos, strings and electric guitars were screaming in Michael's head. There it was. The fatass. Michael's scrotum was about to explode, or implode. He didn't know which. "THIS IS WHERE WE FIGHT!!!! THIS IS WHERE IT DIES!!!!!" Lieutenant Heinlein screamed at the top of his voice over his COM. Then, Jim whispered over the COM, Don't fire 'till you can see the whites of the eunuchs eyes. The fatass must have been the one and only cause to all of the staration in the world, he was so fat. There were turds everywhere. A horrible smell was in the air. The fatass was wearing a diaper. Finally, after all of the Chubby Chasers had their opportunity to study the fatass, Lieutenant Heinlein gave permission to fire. They all aimed their D-12 laser rifles at the fatass. First, they switched to "Overcharge" mode on their D-12s. They let their rifles charge their beams for a whole minute. The longest minute of Michael's life. Finally, on a count of three, the Chubby Chasers all fired simultaneously.

The fatass was dead. Gone. Michael first said something over the COM: "He's not dead until he craps.... Oh SHIT!!!!!" Another minute passed. The Chubby Chasers knew that they had to run away, but their feet would not move. Michael ran and jump-jetted up to a platform in the lair. The bikini-clad President Williams was screaming in pain. He was shouting stuff like, "OWWWW! MY MOBY DICK!!!" Michael said, "Calm down, President, we're gonna get you out of here!" He grabbed President Williams in his arms and activated his jump jets. He flew down to the surface and then, shit started creeping out from under the fatass's body. The Chubby Chasers knew what to do. RUUUUUUN!!!!!!!!!

They were running at about 20 miles per hour, the maximum their armor suits will allow. They found the holes blasted into the vehicle's shell by the Titans and jumped out. Michael shouted over his COM system, "Call for tarnsport! Requesting immediate Ironside evacuation! We have the President!!" An Ironside dropship came swooping in, and The Chubby Chasers and President Williams jumped in. The door closed. Lieutenant Heinlein said, while taking off his helmet, "The Sahara Desert is going to be flooded with shit, but good thing we won't be there to see it." "Or smell it," Jim added.

Edited by General Wesley, 17 May 2008 - 01:44.

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#15 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 16 May 2008 - 22:12

The Crash
The Chubby Chasers and President Wesley Williams were aboard an Ironside troop transport, escorted by unmanned UB-98 DragonHawk gunships. They were flying out of the Sahara desert, which was now flooded with shit from the slain fatass. President Williams looked out the window and said, "And I thought sand was yellow. Now it's brown, at least in this sector. Hey, look over there! It's a Titan! It must've gone haywire. But it's only a prototype." Corporal Michael Sanchez said, "That fatass was just awful. He didn't retalliate. He didn't give us the Missionary Position, he didn't grab us and eat us, and he didn't even fart. What a retard." "Hey man, I was about become the fattest person in the world's snack, and you saved me. I can not thank you enough," said the President while coughing. "It was nothing. We do this kinda shit all the ti--"

The recording boomed over the speaker. Sirens and red lights flashed inside the Ironside's cabin. Michael ran to the door at the back of the dropship. "OPEN SESAME!!!" he screamed. Normally, the door opened without voice commands. But, the door didn't open. Private James Carl yelled out, "THIS IS BUUUUUULLL SHIT!!!" Lieutenant Heinlein was singing Kumbayah. "KUM BA YAH MY LOOORD, KUM BA YA-HAH! KUM B--" Michael grabbed Lieutenant Heinlein's face, thus stifiling his awful singing. Michael did not think of, nor could fathom the punishment for such an offense. He would be hitched to the back of an Ironside, or he would be given a shot of "Stein's Famous Terror Drug." Michael took a look at his arm computer. The Iroside was about 2000 feet from the ground and falling at 500 miles per hour. Michael dashed to the window, and saw that they were falling tword a base of the Cult of Fatassism. Michael saw that the Cult stole lots of equipment and vehicles and "tweaked" them. For example, they stole Titan UCP's and reverse-engineered their motherboards. Michael then ran to his seat and shouted, "Everyone! Put on your seatbelts! It's gonna be a bumpy landing!" Around three minutes passed, and the Chubby Chasers felt a jolt. The Ironside crashed into the ground. "HOLY SHIT!" all of the Chubby Chasers yelled.

"Lieutenant! Wake up! Well, let me remove his armor so that we know for sure." Michael took a few minutes in removing his armor and his boxers. He turned Lieutenant Heinlein's boxers inside-out and it was streaked with feces. "Yep! He's dead! My arm computer said that he died of shock from the crash." The Chubby Chasers cheered. Jim then stated, "But who will lead us now that our Lieutenant is dead?" "I will," proclaimed Michael. "And besides, I have the highest rank of anyone here, now that Heinlein is dead. All right Chubby Chasers, we need to sneak around and scout the area. Take you D-12's and shoot any troopers that come near you. Use the cheek-to-knuckle method (if your D-12 is the non-scoped model) to blast any drivers of vehicles. Let's rock and roll, troopers!" "But what about me?" said the President in a glum manner. "Here's a D-12 laser rifle. Put on the Lieutenant's armor. Hope you don't mind that there's crusty shit in it. All right! Chubby Chasers, you must protect the President at ALL COSTS! Get ready to load and lock and roll and rock. LET'S KICK SOME CULT MEMBERS IN THE BALLS!"
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#16 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 05 June 2008 - 20:55

The Capital Ship
President Williams slipped the armor of the now-dead Lieutenant Heinlein. “At least the enemy won’t see my embarrassing thong,” he said. The Chubby Chasers laughed snidely. “It’s not every day we get entertainment like this!” said James. Michael announced, “Everyone! Move to the Ironside’s driver cabin!” He placed a charge on the back door of the Ironside. He then ran to the back and kicked the door open. All of the Chubby Chasers, the pilots and President Williams were in the cabin. Michael said, “President, put on the Lieutenant’s helmet. You don’t want the charge to blast your head off.” President Williams took the helmet and placed it on his head. A hologram flashed and the helmet unfolded and clicked. BOOM! “Move it, troopers!” commanded Michael. The Chubby Chasers and the President ran out.

Michael zoomed in with the scope of his D-12 laser rifle. “Hmm. It looks like the Cult has occupied the town of Greenburg.” Jim questioned, “There is no way in hell we are going to destroy that whole town.” “Oh yes there is. I stole the Lieutenant’s beacon. If I just shoot it out of my rifle, I can radio in support,” Michael responded. He placed the beacon in his D-12 rifle. It shot out and hit on of the holo-projectors displaying an ad for the new film Son of Jackass. “Radio for the Capital Bombardment Ship Madrid,” Michael stated over the COM system. “This is the Capital Bombardment Ship Madrid. Now pointing laser over target,” boomed the voice synthesizers for the ship’s A.I. BUSTER. A red laser hit the town’s highest building. A large, looming, black figure entered the atmosphere. The Madrid was a Redeye-Class bombardment ship. The very first spaceship ever meant for space-based tactical bombardment of targets. It was called a Redeye-Class ship because of the large, single red window at the front of it. The window had the freaky, ominous face of BUSTER’s avatar.

A loud, prolonged crackle filled the air. The shell was speeding at 5,000 miles per hour. It hit the town like a meteor of Armageddon. A large nuclear explosion could be seen all the way from space.

Meanwhile, on the space station Los Angeles, Space Station Coordinator Isaac Clive Davis looked out the large window. He saw over Africa a mushroom cloud. “I always loved nuclear warfare,” he said very calmly. He let out a long sigh.

On the field, several Titan Mark III U.C.P.s were walking toward the squad. Their cannons boomed and hit one of the soldiers. Michael knew of the Cult of Fatassism’s practice of stealing Titan Mechs and reverse-engineering their motherboards. “They got Wang!” shouted Michael. Private Seymour Wang was always insulted because of his double-entendre of a name. “THREAT ELIMINATED!” The Titan’s voice synthesizers boomed. “Not bad for a prototype!” one of the Cult members congratulated. Just then, BUSTER saw what Cult was doing to the Chubby Chasers. Four UB-98 DragonHawk gunships flew in and blasted each of the Titans attacking the Chubby Chasers with their advanced Gauss guns and then made a run for it. Michael shot at the Cult troopers and they fell to the ground like flies. “Sector secure!” yelled Michael over the COM.

Edited by General Wesley, 05 June 2008 - 20:56.

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#17 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 13 June 2008 - 21:46

The Extraction
“Requesting for dropship. Location is outside town of Greenburg, Sector AF-CH-32.” Squad Commander Michael Sanchez was radioing for support. A dropship came flying in. This time, it wasn’t an Ironside. Instead, the dropship was the heaviest dropship deployed in military history, the Planet-Lifter Class. While it could not actually lift a planet, its purpose was to lift the corpses of fatasses killed by the Chubby Chasers and drop them off at a crematorium complex on the moon. It also had very heavy armor. BUSTER knew that the Ironside had light armor, and was vulnerable to anti-air attacks. The Planet-Lifter landed on a building with a holo-sign on it that said “Chubby Chaser Recruitment Station.” The Chubby Chasers and President Wesley Williams ran through the building and up the stairs to the roof. The dropship was waiting for them. Forward Battle Commander Henry “Puke” Goldenberg was sitting on the bench. He announced, “Listen up, Chubby Chasers. I am your new commander.” Michael’s jaw dropped. “No! As of 0300 hours on May 5th, 2063, I am the commander!” “Yeah, you were the temporary commander. Now, I’d recommend that you all shut your gobs. We’re gonna be flying to the Madrid. Enjoy the ride, you little pieces of shite.”

Michael had heard about Puke. The door shut with a click. During his training, Puke was his drill sergeant. Puke was very mean to the Chubby Chasers. He made threats to castrate the Chubby Chasers-in-training with pliers, an antique tool used to cut wires. In the past, humans used to do construction work. Then, one night, Michael and the other trainees carried out a plan to put emetics and laxatives into Puke’s coffee. This made Puke, well, guess what. The laxative drugs operated differently than expected, and made Puke vomit watery feces. This happened in Puke’s sleep, so he could not react. This was a turning point in Michael’s life. Michael reminisced on it and one of his holo-journal entries, and he described it as just “priceless.”

The Planet-Lifter dropship groaned as it took off. Within 30 minutes, Michael saw Earth out the window, far behind them. “I’ve got balls of steel. And if you get on my nerves, I’m gonna rip your fuckin’ shiny metal dicks off and ram ‘em up your mother’s dickhole. You hear me, you dipshites?” warned the Commander. Michael initiated communications with James. “Man, this guy is as much of a dick as our old commander.” “Oh yeah. Lieutenant Heinlein was God compared to Puke,” responded James over his COM system. “Congratulations, you spics. You’re dead.” “OH SHIT!” yelled James and Michael simultaneously. Michael had forgotten that Forward Battle Commanders had the ability to monitor private COM conversations within the squad. “Listen up, one-testicle! My purpose as a Chubby Chaser is to kill all of the shockingly obese people, not to be bossed around by a postal commander! EAT SHIT AND DIE!!!” Michael finally screamed out. He ripped his standard-issue G-45 pistol out of its holster. Its correct name was the G-45 Mass Driver Hand Weapons System. The G-45 was a very formidable weapon, even though it was just a pistol. It had a mass driver which propelled its aluminum-cased bullets at very high speeds toward targets. The laser pointer was centered on Puke’s forehead. BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! A bloody mist covered the Planet-Lifter’s cabin. All of this happened over the course of four seconds. The Chubby Chasers all cheered. This was the second extreme transgression Michael had made in the last twenty-four hours. The first one was grabbing Lieutenant Heinlein’s face and the second was the murder of Puke. Michael then shot at the security camera filming the whole incident, thus destroying it. The tape fell out, and Michael jumped on it repeatedly.

The dropship made the loud groaning sound again. “I assume command of this Group Delta again. Time for the good old fatass-killing that Chubby Chasers were meant to do, not being bossed around by Mister Dickhead Commander,” blabbed Michael. The door opened. The dropship was now docked with the Madrid. “When the dropship leaves and we all are on the Madrid, we are doing to throw Puke’s corpse out the airlock. Is that clear, men?” The Chubby Chasers all responded, “Sir, yes, sir!” President Williams said, “I will gladly help you with your bitchy commander’s corpse.”
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#18 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 22 June 2008 - 16:41

Aboard The Madrid
“All right,” said Michael. “Our plan is to throw Puke’s corpse out the airlock.” “Hey, I got an idea. I’m going to go take on of the blankets in the stack over there, wrap a blanket around the cadaver, and stick some holo-projectors on it. It will display a hologram of a painting, and we’ll say that we found a painting and that we want to throw it away because it’s really shitty. How does that roll with you guys?” President Wesley suggested. All of the Chubby Chasers seemed to agree. James ran over to the stack of sheets and grabbed one. He laid it out on the bench, then lifted Puke’s corpse onto the blanket and wrapped him in it. President Wesley took out a jar of Mikey’s Magic Glue from a compartment on Lieutenant Heinlein’s armor.

Mikey’s Magic Glue was a popular commercial product ever since 2012. It was white and sticky, but tasted like milk. It could be used as glue, toothpaste, bleach, antidepressant medication, skin moisturizer and fertilizer for certain plants. It came in small jars. Also, some people could be allergic to Mikey’s Magic Glue. To this day, the recipe for Mikey’s Magic Glue is an extremely heavily guarded secret. So, President Wesley took four mini-holo-projectors out of one of the compartments in Lieutenant Heinlein’s armor and applied Mikey’s Magic Glue on to the projectors. The holo-projectors displayed text that said, “SELECT IMAGE” Michael said, “The Founding of the Chubby Chasers.” The Founding of the Chubby Chasers was a painting of the original founders of Chubby Chasers celebrating the killing of a fatass the size of a whale. Wesley Williams was teabagging the fatass and shit was streaming out of his anus, with his pants around his ankles. Nathan Townsend was doing some sort of victory dance. Michael Leahy (The creator of Mikey’s Magic Glue) was jumping on the slain fatass’ chode with his spiked boots. Jack Shafter was still shooting at the fatass. That was back in 2024. It was not the official founding of the Chubby Chasers, but before that Wesley Williams liked to go with his buddies to kill fatasses as a hobby, just as how fine Englishmen killed tigers in the early 1800’s as “a good day’s sport.”

The hologram popped up and the Puke’s corpse was now invisible. Four Chubby Chasers carried the painting and proceeded out the dropship’s door. They were now in the fighter bay of the Madrid. General Hurligan yelled out to the troopers, “Chubby Chasers! What do you got there?” “It’s a shitty painting that we found in the fatass’ lair. We want to throw it away,” James responded. The air lock door opened and the four Chubby Chasers threw it into the airlock. The corpse would not fall into the shaft, so President Wesley decided to hump the corpse so that it would budge. Just like on Code Monkeys. “There ya go!” President Wesley yelled. The other Chubby Chasers laughed loudly. “Chubby Chasers, go to your bunks! President Williams, go to your private quarters!” commanded General Hurligan.

Michael was staring at himself in the hologram mirror. “¡Usted es completamente posiblemente el HOMBRE MÁS GORDO EN EL MUNDO! Usted es un elefante, un mastadon. ¿Oye, cuál es la diferencia entre usted y el suspensorio de Michael Vick? ¡NADA! Ustedes ambos camino un billón de libras, usted es tanto lleno de la mierda, como ustedes ambos olor como la mierda. ¡¿Sabe hasta usted POR QUÉ usted es así fuckin' grasa?! ¡Usted come el Escroto de McDonald McNuggets para CADA COMIDA DE MIERDA! Belive ello o no, usted drena el suministro de alimento del mundo entero. ¡Yo de la mañana VINIENDO PARA USTED! ¡GOLPEARÉ SU ASNO CON PESIMISMO OBESO!” “What was that?” Jim questioned. “I’m brushin’ up on my Espanol,” Michael responded. “I know that Spanish is considered the language spoken the most retards on the planet. So, since all fatasses are mentally retarded, well, there ya go,” Michael added.

Meanwhile, in President Wesley’s quarters, he was looking through a memory box of his. The song “Blow Me Away” by the band Breaking Benjamin was playing on his iPod. iPods were old music listening devices from President Wesley’s childhood. The used the MP3 file format for music. But now, there were no file formats. Everything came from specific databases and sub-databases. The world was bound together with “The System.” It was a replacement for the internet after the internet permanently crashed in 2012. For example, if you wanted to watch an episode of South Park, you would go to the TV database, then cartoons, then Early Computer Age, then Comedy Central, and finally South Park, then select the episode. He took out a very old book from the year 2008. He dusted it off, and looked through. The book was his yearbook from 6th grade. He looked at the back of the book in the 8th grade section. He saw Michael Leahy’s photograph. It was awfully strange for President Wesley to look at text that was not a hologram. Anyway, over Michael Leahy’s picture, he had scrawled in marker, “The kid who had sex.” In 2007, Michael Leahy told Wesley a very perverted secret of his. This disgusted Wesley. Michael Leahy was only 14 when this happened. Anyway, Wesley flipped to the 6th grade section of the yearbook. He found Nathan Townsend, a good kid who was a twin with Stephen Townsend. Nathan always mentioned “The Fattest Man in the World” to Wesley, which often provoked him to put his fingers in his ears and yell out, “SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP!” Apparently, when people brought the fattest man in the world, he snapped. Now, he had an army of supercommandoes actually killing fat people. He had overcome his fear of fat people, and actually hated them. Finally, the Madrid’s PA system cackled. “THIS IS CAPTAIN SPEAKING! ALL CHUBBY CHASER UNITS REPORT TO THE DOCKING BAY IMMEDIATLEY!”

Edited by General Wesley, 13 July 2008 - 00:34.

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#19 Shirou

    Humble darkspawn

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Posted 22 June 2008 - 20:27

The rather innocence of this.. chubby chasing amuses me :/ Though errors do put me off here and there.

View PostCuppa, on 6 May 2008, 1:18, said:

make paragraphs smaller, everything seems like a wall of text.

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#20 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 22 June 2008 - 20:31

A mission in the game Hitman: Contracts inspired this story.

P.S. What errors? Tell me so that I can correct them.

Edited by General Wesley, 26 June 2008 - 14:06.

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#21 Suvorov


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Posted 29 June 2008 - 19:13

This story..... is so strangely..... addicting.....:D
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#22 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 29 June 2008 - 19:43

Thank you. It's gonna get way more awesome.

P.S. Try to translate the part that is spanish. It's funny.

Edited by General Wesley, 29 June 2008 - 19:44.

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#23 Suvorov


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Posted 30 June 2008 - 17:42

You're right. It is funny. :cool:
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#24 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 07 July 2008 - 18:20

All right guys, to whet your appetites even more I am writing a prolouge to this story where President Wesley Williams (ME) Gives his adress and enables the Chubby Chaser act of 2057.

Also, is it acceptable if a person includes himself as a character, even if the story is fictional?
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#25 Rayburn


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Posted 07 July 2008 - 18:40

Well, it's perfectly legit since the author can write whatever he wants but try to make it subtle. You don't want your Wesley character too stand out too much, do you? His traits, personality and abilities should fit the overall theme so he does not overshadow the other characters. I'm saying this because it's a common mistake made by authors who want to include characters based on themselves. You may want to read this to get a better idea of what I mean.


Mary Sue, sometimes shortened simply to Sue, is a pejorative term used to describe a fictional character who plays a major role in the plot on such a scale that suspension of disbelief fails due to the character's traits, skills and abilities being tenuously or inadequately justified. Such a character is particularly characterized by overly idealized and clichéd mannerisms, lacking noteworthy flaws, and primarily functioning as wish-fulfillment fantasies for their authors. Perhaps the single underlying feature of all characters described as "Mary Sues" is that they are too ostentatious for the audience's taste, or that the author seems to favor the character too highly. The author may seem to push how exceptional and wonderful the "Mary Sue" character is on his or her audience, sometimes leading the audience to dislike or even resent the character fairly quickly - kind of an "author's pet" effect.

Alternatively, watch the latest episode of Zero Punctuation. A part of it deals with the same thing in webcomics.

Edited by Rayburn, 07 July 2008 - 18:47.

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