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The Chubby Chasers

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#26 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 07 July 2008 - 18:50

Well, you see, President Wesley Williams completley matches me. He is the President of the United States of America as of 2056. He is just a supporting character in the overall Chubby Chaser Story, he serves a breif stint as a soldier when the Chubby Chasers rescue him and fly back to the Madrid. What I am saying is that Wesley Williams completely matches me (but is older because this story is set in the 50's and 60's, you know what I mean) but is not the main character, Michael the soldier is.

Also, President Williams is serving his second term of office during the Chubby Chaser story.

Edited by General Wesley, 07 July 2008 - 18:54.

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#27 Rayburn


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Posted 07 July 2008 - 19:08

There's nothing wrong with Wesley being the president. Just make sure that the way you characterise him isn't too different from the way you describe the other figures. There are many aspects you have to consider in order to "make him fit". Basically, you have to make sure that he does not become some kind of omnipotent superhero who's always cool and smart, even when all hell breaks lose around him. He should have weaknesses like all the other characters and his strenghts should be believable. Here's an exaggerated example to make it clear: You say that there'll be a sequence in which he has to fight. In this situation, a Mary Sue character would be invincible, dodge bullets like the guys in Matrix and be a crack marksman who never misses. Everyone else breaks into panic but he's a cool wisecracker who doesn't break a sweat. That would be the wrong way. Instead, characterise him realistically, like an actual human being. He may be the president, perfectly all right, that doesn't make him a Sue yet. It's what you make of his actual personality, his character, his attitude and his skills which decides whether he becomes an interesting figure or not. He needs feelings and emotions, show the reader that even though Wes is the president, someone who is supposed to be a mighty leader, can be aimless and scared when in danger. I know, fear is considered a negative emotion which you might not want to associate with a character who is supposed to represent yourself but that way, you make him appear more like a normal down to earth man, more believable, more approachable, more likeable. Also, if a mighty president shows signs of fear, the reader gets the impression that the situation is much more grave which makes it more exciting, tense and urgent.

Edited by Rayburn, 07 July 2008 - 19:31.

#28 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 08 July 2008 - 18:08

I see.

All of the characters have strengths and weaknesses, and they all have a background. The President Me Myself and I (Wesley Williams) is NOT the main character of the story, nor is he a superhuman. He is the Prez, though.
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#29 Rayburn


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Posted 08 July 2008 - 18:39

All right then, I just wanted to make sure that you see what I mean because the quality of your work stands or falls by the way you characterise your figures.
It seems you're well aware of this though, so I wish you good luck with your writing endeavours.

#30 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 13 July 2008 - 00:33

The Next Mission
While the Chubby Chasers ran to the docking bay, President Williams received a text message on his NEXUS communications device. The NEXUS was a pad that displayed a hologram for a screen and there were buttons on it for functions. It was a replacement for cellular phones of the early 21st century. Cell phones were overpriced vanity items used that ABSOLUTELY EVERBODY owned. In the 2020s, Phone numbers were put out of use worldwide and were replaced with Phone Addresses. It works like this: The first person to have a Phone Address in the world had the Phone Address 0000000001. In the 2030s, there were no more cell phones and the NEXUS was introduced. The text message read:
You are taking VTOL One to the White House.
The President had his own craft as a replacement for Marine One. Helicopters were no more because now, aircraft used turbofans to propel themselves.

President Wesley was already aboard VTOL One. The Chubby Chasers were in two lines side by side facing General Hurligan. “You did excellent on the last mission. But men, we have a new problem. In New York City, on Manhattan Island, there is an underground bunker that was an old HAB Complex which now holds the FATTEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!! We know that because we sent a drone into the bunker and it provided about 2 seconds of footage before it was destroyed. That footage showed a man so FUCKING FAT! We haven’t seen any target more obese than this one. You can get the idea that it is VERY heavily guarded with members of the Cult of Fatassism. So, I am going to give you all a new weapon.” General Hurligan pushed a button on his NEXUS which was triggered to open a small door. The door opened slowly, and the Chubby Chasers saw a large, long-barreled weapon.

“Behold,” General Hurligan said. “The S-267 Gauss Rifle. It can propel bullets at Mach 8. It also has a laser sight to assist in targeting. In addition, the S-267 has an under-slug grenade launcher. The bullets this baby shoots can penetrate fat layers of up to 200 feet. Also, the bullets contain ten trillion nanoparticles each which contain a drug which was created in a laboratory called Xadren. The bullet heats when it comes in contact with fat. It melts the fat and then it goes into the bloodstream and releases nanoparticles that burst and release the Xadren. Xadren is an EXTREMELY potent laxative, emetic, orgasm-of-pain-inducing drug that in some forms makes the host have lingering thoughts of absolute terror. In fact, in some prison executions, Xadren has been used as a lethal injection. There are going to be tanks supporting you and members of the Dakota and Nakota legions will be going on this raid as well. So, you ready to kick some fat ass?!” “SIR YES SIR!”

While the other Chubby Chasers proceeded to the Fighter Bay, General Hurligan kept Commander Michael Sanchez behind. “Michael,” General Hurligan said. “You gotta jump down these guys throats once in a while. You are the commander, and you have control. Don’t run these troops into the ground. They’re your troops.” “Yeah, whatever,” Michael said while smiling and nodding. He walked away thinking to himself, That was the gayest little speech I’ve EVER heard.

The Chubby Chasers continued with the usual routine: Put on the armor, listen to the annoying voice, and pick up weapons. General Hurligan spoke to the Chubby Chasers over the COM system. “You are gonna get in to the fighters awaiting you in the bay. You aren’t taking the dropship this time because dropships don’t have weapons, and we just can’t risk our Chubby Chasers dying due to anti-air. Tap in the sector code NA-USA-NY-1-5 in the autopilot function if you want. You will land at the old LaGuardia Spaceport. If you see any anti-air batteries, be sure to fire those laser cannons at ‘em. Good luck, Maverick.” The message was forwarded to all Chubby Chasers. They jumped into their X-35 “GunWing” Fighter VTOL Crafts. “Takeoff in 5…4…3…2…1!” 42 fighters blasted out of the Madrid. Michael looked out of the cockpit window and saw Earth. He thought to himself, Just how the HELL did we get here? Earth is polluted, trashed, starving, morbidly obese, overpopulated and things are so desperate that the President had to put a band of Nazis to take care of things. I wish we had known! FUCK!
3 or 4 hours later, the 42 fighters landed on the 50 VTOL pads at the LaGuardia Spaceport. New York City was occupied by the Cult of Fatassism, and they were gonna stay. All of New York Shitty was quiet, save for a few flying cars with some tanks patrolling in the street. New York City is so shitty in 2063, that people just call it “New York Shitty.” Also, a few drones were hovering above the streets scanning for Chubby Chasers. The Statue of Liberty was overlooking the harbor. Lady Liberty was rebuilt in 2020 after the China Crisis of 2019. This Statue of Liberty, however, was naked and giving carrying a dildo in her hand to “satisfy the needs of the many dirty perverts in New York”. (I must say, the Statue of Liberty has quite a bush. It’s like a haunted house with shrubbery.) China had invaded New York because they thought the USA had too much power and was producing too many consumer items. China believed that no nation should have more than $1 trillion in the treasury. (Except their own, naturally.)

“All right, now. Move inside the spaceport and check for threats. Target every hostile you see and blast the shit out of them. Make them cry. Make them BLEED!” General Hurligan ordered over the COM system. Michael now said, “Time to kick some seriously, morbidly, shockingly obese, should-be-on-TV ass!”

Edited by General Wesley, 13 July 2008 - 20:10.

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#31 Suvorov


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Posted 13 July 2008 - 19:48

I like the S-267.:P
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#32 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 13 July 2008 - 20:08

Yeah, I was sort of inspired by the GD-10 from Tiberium and the pistol from Judge Dredd.
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#33 Suvorov


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Posted 18 July 2008 - 01:35

It does kind of remind me of that.
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#34 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 22 August 2008 - 22:44

The Spaceport
“OK, troopers! You heard the Hurligan! We ain’t getting’ paid by the hour here!” Michael commanded over the COM. Private First Class Walter Hudson (Callsign: ASSKICKER) placed a charge on LaGuardia Spaceport’s door. BOOM! “Nice work Asskicker!” congratulated James over the COM system. The Spaceport had blocks of seats tipped over to supply cover. Michael’s HUD detected munitions in the trash cans. What once were holograms displaying weather passengers would take the Green Light #1246 to the brand new Saturn Orbital Colonial Installation #02 or the Royal Sovereign to the Boston now displayed Cult propaganda. “Ba ba ba ba ba, I’M LOVIN’ IT!!!!” Michael’s motion tracker sensed movement Sector 6, Corridor 9. “Ladies! We have movement in Sector Six! Let’s move out!” “Roger, commander,” one of the squad leaders said over his COM system. A laser tripper triggered a hologram to flash, displaying an advertisement. “LaGuardia Spaceport. The ticket to the future! With flights leaving daily for locales all across Sol and outlying systems, you know your credits will be well spent. Wanna see the curvature of the Earth? Take a flight to one of our Space Installations. Flights start at 100000 credits for a slow Earth orbit on one of our shuttles. (EDITORS NOTE: Credits are the form of currency in the future. They are used everywhere in the world. One credit is equal to one cent, so 100000 credits is $1,000.) Fly today!” The Chubby Chasers passed the ad without even looking. Just then, a man popped out of the shadows wielding two katanas. He was wearing some specialized plastiflex combat armor which looked a lot like a ninja’s garb. Asskicker decided to fight fire with fire. He stuck his Humbler stun bayonet on his S-267. “Don’t! He’s gonna fuckin’ kill you!” frantically screamed James over the COM system. “I’m taking care of this!”

The ninja was standing like a bee laying in wait for the unsuspecting child. “I’m gonna fucking show you! RRRRAAAAAGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!” Walter charged for the ninja, taking his challenge. The bayonet pierced through the ninja’s plastiflex armor and shocked him, but that was nothing. The ninja’s katana made a swing for Walter’s arm, but Asskicker’s advanced armor panels just flashed red around the sight of the hit. He enabled his jump-jets and flew into the air. Asskicker landed on a large pipe near the ceiling of the corridor. “Activate grenade!” The S-267 confirmed by saying, “GRENADE SETTING ACTIVATED.” Hologram arrows flashed from the S-267 which displayed the trajectory. The ninja was attempting to cut the Chubby Chasers below into sushi, but to no avail. Some troopers were trying to shoot the ninja, but the bullets exploded 2 feet away from him. He must have enabled a special bubble shield around him for protection from small arms. One Chubby Chaser was setting up a UAV armed with a high-power laser to go through advanced shielding. The drone was mobile within a minute. The soldier’s neural interface could uplink to the drone and, therefore, the soldier could operate the UAV with his brain. Its beeped three very high-pitched tones within one second confirming that it was within range of the target. The UAV fired its main weapon and blasted straight at the ninja’s head. The beam penetrated his plastiflex helmet and went straight through his skull, thus frying his brains. Asskicker jump-jetted down from the utility pipe. He stood by the ninja’s motionless body and preformed a function on his arm computer. SCANNING*****SCAN COMPLETE. “Hmm.” Walter began. “Looks like this guy’s a cyborg. I looked at his medical record through The System, and it states he had cybernetic chips attached to his brain. That’s why he put up such a fight. Also, he’s a virgin.” The other Chubby Chasers laughed over the radio. Michael then said, “Joke’s over. Let’s move out!”

The brigade was now near the entrance hall of the spaceport. Asskicker leaned against a wall and launched a grenade blindly into the room. This was just to make sure if any Cult members were in there. A squad emerged from cover wielding a more advanced version of the AK-47, the AKR-426. “Enemy sighted! You know the drill.” The Cult members’ AKR-426’s armor piercing rounds mowed down two men. But the Chubby Chaser brigade’s S-267’s blasted through the rebels’ cloaks and the Xadren poured into their blood streams and killed them within seconds. More enemies popped out from under overturned seat blocks. “WANT SOME MORE! YEAH, YOU WANT SOMOA DEEZ!” screamed out James. He unleashed a wave of suppressive fire on the room. Walter jumped in to aid James. He blasted some grenades from his S-267 so that they hit behind each of the seat blocks. They detonated all at the same time, like fireworks on the 4th of July. “All right. Looks like the Spaceport is clear, General. Heading for HAB Complex,” confirmed Michael over his COM.

The Chubby Chaser brigade led by Michael moved out of the spaceport. Over 300 troopers from the Nakota and Dakota Legions and 40 “Anchor” Autonomous Main Battle Tanks were waiting in the parking lot. The Anchor is a powerful tank that can be controlled in a command center or can be completely autonomous. Aided by powerful GPS systems and scanners, this 70 ton behemoth packs a massive gun. That gun is a rail gun which lobs depleted antimatter shells and two shots per second. There are storage areas all over the tank which can hold bullets, guns, or any other crap you can pick up. Also, there is a very special added feature. At the back of the tank, there is space for a “pod.” A pod can be a shipping container, a troop pod or a gun platform. 33 of the tanks would be carrying troop pods which could contain 6 troopers each. That’s one squad per tank. 7 others would have a gun platform equipped with CV-78-G Plasma Projectors. The plasma that these guns ejaculate can not only melt steel, it can make it go up in a puff of gas.

All of the troopers were in their vehicles within 2 minutes. Michael and the 9 other commanders were inside two Anchors. Michael initiated communications with his brigade. “Ladies, this ain’t no ice cream social! This is for REAL. If you DARE cease fire, I will make a request for Brass to poison your next meal! Of course, none of you ladies would stop fighting, would you? Would you? The tanks are inbound for the abandoned HAB Complex Number Six. It is a known Cult stronghold and is a factory which produces robots to staff McDonald’s 24/7. Based on Intel acquired from the field, these bots are capable of kicking SERIOUS ass. Take caution, men. F.B.C. out.” Given that Michael was now the Forward Battle Commander, his radio Callsign was F.B.C. However, in the field, he was always referred to as simply “Commander.” Anyway, HAB Complex #6 was at the other end of the city. So, it would take a long time for the tanks to reach the objective. After about 20 minutes, General Hurligan was online. “Soldiers, I am going to provide additional support. I am deploying a Stealth Blimp from Brooklyn AFB to flank your position. The blimp will soften up the HAB complex’s defenses. Good luck men! Hurligan Out.” Hurligan killed the link. I have a bad feeling about this. Michael thought to himself.
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#35 Admiral Wesley


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Posted 31 August 2008 - 21:16

Hi everyone! I want you guys to do something for me. I want you guys to make what you think the logo for the Chubby Chasers should be. Submit them to this thread, or my email adress at wesley222www@yahoo.com.

This isn't a contest, but I just would like to see the creative side of you guys. And I know that a lot of you are intrigued by my story, and are forming your own ideas for the story in your minds. I don't have any regulations for your submissions, but just send it. Of course, it has to be something militaristic. No naked ladies! I don't care if it is hand drawn or computer-made, just submit what YOU think the Chubby Chaser logo looks like. And BTW, you would REALLY make my day if you made a movie with the logo in it. Like a turnaround. If you don't know what I mean, please follow this link:


Again, my email address is wesley222www@yahoo.com.
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