E.V.E., on 24 May 2008, 4:03, said:
I am going to Sydney, Australia - that's my Vacation Target for the next Week.

So I hope you all be nice to eachother and continue to Spam and keep this Place alive.
In the meanwhile I will go to the Beach, probably get a Sun burn if I don't watch out ( I heard over there it's realy hot and sunny ) and stuff myself with Australian Food because I am very lazy and Hungry when I'm on Vacations ...

So yeah, I might check from time to time the Forums, also when my Laptop is charged up again I might be sometime on MSN, but otherwise I won't be around for 1 Week.
The Journey begins tonight, Midnight - so in 4 Hours.
Thanks for reading, wish me luck and see you all soon.
- E.V.E.
OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG OMFG YAY YAY YAY YAY. EVE IS COMING TO MY CITY OMFG OPMFG OMFG !!!!!!@!@!@@!@!!!!!!!111 OMFG OMFG, YOU CAN SOO STAY IN MY ROOM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111