Fuel trucks dock here and get the fuel stored in it. Then they bring it back to the players' HQ. Essential for a running economy.

Cargo port.
A Civillian port, where cargo ships dock. Capturing this is crucial for the success of every operation,because from here every new single unit is brough to the battlefield.

Striker 250 caliber heavy cannon emplacement.
The Striker can be found arround important, and only arround important, locations. It fires 250mm HE shells over tremendous distances, tearing appart everything it hits.

"Big boy" Surface to Space Railgun.
These 4000mm, 45 meter hight railcannons are usually placed in clusters of 40 all over Human controlled planets. Anything that comes out of slipstream and is confirmed as hostile, gets nailed by these behemoths within a matter of seconds. a single cluster can put about 240 round per minute into orbit. They however, are defenseless against anything below 80km, unless it flies right above it.
(note: This appears only in the campaing!!!)

Edited by Sgt. Rho, 01 January 2009 - 19:50.