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ROTR Recruitment N34: Round 2

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#1051 Dr. Strangelove

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Posted 26 August 2008 - 11:20

View PostCommanderJB, on 26 Aug 2008, 10:33, said:

View PostDr. Strangelove, on 26 Aug 2008, 16:28, said:

Unfortnately, ultimenra's helicopter was caught in the explosion, downing the copper. He survived with only minor bruises, and now all factions are engaged in extensive recovery operations.

I suppose this is somewhat pointless given that it's now part of the thread, but can I point out how utterly asinine that is? You use a cruise missile for an intelligence operation to trail an attack helicopter close enough for a missile with a warhead with only a few dozen metre blast radius to take it down accidentally. Never mind the fact that the missile travels about three to five times as fast, has no appreciable sensor suite other than a TV camera and a GPS unit, a range of only a couple of hundred kilometres that wouldn't take it too far beyond the coast, and certainly not to Ukraine if your launch platform is anywhere near the rest of your naval assets in Italy. As to the recovery operations - this is next to Moscow! For god's sakes, you can't say you have Resistance there, and you're sure as heck not going to fly a CIA team all the way across occupied Europe to there and have a snowball's chance in hell of not getting shot down within the first hundred Ks.

Well just how plausible is buiding cold fusion reactors in the middle of a warzone, when such technology isn't even physically possible? Or firing patriot missies at infantry ten yards away? Or nuclear weapons of 0.00001 kilotons when the explosion created by the minimum possible supercritcal mass is far larger? CnC is supremely ridiculously asinine, but noone cares, because it's a game.
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#1052 Jazzie Spurs


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Posted 26 August 2008 - 11:39

I'll patrol Cadiz's area if we see a Ruskie, we will take them.

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#1053 Crazykenny

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Posted 26 August 2008 - 13:47

Is that Solar Blast cannon ready yet?!
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#1054 Jazzie Spurs


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Posted 26 August 2008 - 13:54

Give us 10 post General.

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#1055 Crazykenny

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Posted 26 August 2008 - 13:59

Lol, I asked about its construction 2 pages ago :cry:
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#1056 Jazzie Spurs


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Posted 26 August 2008 - 14:09

8 Remaining :cry:

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#1057 Crazykenny

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Posted 26 August 2008 - 14:12

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#1058 ultimentra


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Posted 26 August 2008 - 14:56

*Ksh* *sends message to JB and suvorov* Comrades! Why haven't you come for me yet? I am running low on food. I also can't help but think the ECA might be looking for survivors. Please! Send help soon! *ksh*
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#1059 Jazzie Spurs


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Posted 26 August 2008 - 15:30

*Communications Jammer Activated*
Post of Ultimentra is invalid.
I want him Alive.
5 Post to have the SB

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#1060 V.Metalic

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Posted 26 August 2008 - 15:34

*The Resistance scout group walk throught forest. The forest end 50 meters from them. When they leave forest, they ran to wrackage of the destroyed Mi-28 Havoc.*
Man 1: "Look sir, there is a survivor." *Squad leader looked on man with harmed leg.*
Leader: "No, it isnt Ultimetra, but this must be pilot. And he is alive. Give him first aid and take him to our camp and give him to guards."
Man 2: "Yes sir." *3 men take pilot from cockpit and in minute thei were gone.
Leader: "Ok, this Havoc was shoted in several hours. Ultimetra must be nearby. Split up to 2-men groups and search for him. He may be in some hidenouts so be careful."
All men: "Yes sir."

Edited by Volen Metalic, 26 August 2008 - 15:35.

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Also I am fan of fan-made Transformers Legacy. Even its fan-made, its really nice work. If you want to check it out, come here.

#1061 Kamikazi

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Posted 26 August 2008 - 17:32

"I havent seen anything from the Russians in the past few days..."
"Captain, send out a recon squad to recon the area to spot Russians forces"

"Yes, sir! The recon squad will be send out in 5 minutes"
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#1062 Admiral FCS


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Posted 26 August 2008 - 18:57

*Refuelling Aircraft*

I want some A-10s at Cadiz ASAP.

*A-10 Squadron going to Netherlands*
*A-10 Squadron going to Cadiz, Spain*

*2 F-22 Squadrons return to France*

2 posts remaining for Solar Blast.

#1063 ultimentra


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Posted 26 August 2008 - 22:56

*As I eat my last ration and take a swig of water from my canteen I wonder if anyone will come for me. Or if I will have to die. I guess I shouldn't be too hopeful, because it might be the ECA instead of my comrades that come for me. They would destroy me for sure if they found me here. I slowly drift off to sleep thinking about the girlfriend in Novokubansk, my home that I may never see again.*
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#1064 Jok3r

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Posted 26 August 2008 - 23:01

US Helo lands, a squad of soldiers capturing Ultimentra (Having seen his rescue beacon). The Helo flies back to the UK, so Ultimentra can be interrogated.
kinda, sorta alive.

#1065 CommanderJB

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Posted 27 August 2008 - 02:34

Oh for pity's sake, his position was next to the most highly protected air defence zone IN THE ENTIRE WORLD, thousands of kilometres behind enemy lines. By the same logic I could fly a helicopter to London, extract him and remain completely and utterly unscathed. So that's what I'm going to do if you don't mind. Or at least a variant.

*A submarine lands a team of elite Spetznaz commandos on the U.K. coast. Cooperating with agents inside the government, and with the latest intelligence from the satellites that had tracked the magical stealth rescue helicopter, they adopt disguises and storm the secret camp where he was being held. Under heavy fire, they retreat, but with him. Unfortunately he is badly wounded, but will live, given a few posts to recover. Also there is no knowing what if anything the enemy may have extracted from him in the time he was captured. They make it back to shore and extract, and Ultimentra is evacuated across the Arctic Circle to Murmansk by Beriev Be-200 amphibious jet after the submarine has been underway for roughly a week, and finally got out of range of American fighters. Unfortunately enemy ASW units catch up with the submarine soon afterward and sink it. So much for trying that again.*

Sorry, but if you can, I can.

Edited by CommanderJB, 27 August 2008 - 02:35.


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#1066 ultimentra


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Posted 27 August 2008 - 03:19

It appears you have saved my life again comrade, hopefully this time it won't be temporary. While I was there I got the usual fare: a jail cell, questioning, starvation and simulated drowning. I said nothing. I have been debriefed by command. It was not what I thought it was, a welcome back and a medal. Rather it was much the opposite. For my failure in Poland I have been stripped of my rank, they said that if it was not for my loyalty and positive records I would have been counting trees in Siberia. Hopefully I will be stationed under your command comrade JB. For I am still in your debt, and I plan to see it paid off.
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#1067 Admiral FCS


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Posted 27 August 2008 - 04:03

Polish/Urkanian border is the most concentrated AA Area in the world? Might be Moscow, but not there. However English Channel is one of the most concentrated ASW Area in the world.

#1068 CommanderJB

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Posted 27 August 2008 - 04:13

If he was two hours out of Moscow, like he said, then the U.S. choppers would have been well within range of its long-range missiles, and nowhere near Poland. Not to even mention how they got enough fuel to last that distance, evaded integrated air defence systems and fighter patrols or somehow just failed to appear on every radar in Europe, and landed undetected on his exact location despite the fact that it had been stated he had no rescue beacon. So fair's fair I think.
@Ultimentra, I hope not to give you a chance, but thankyou nonetheless. Now, to Europe. Once you're rested and ready, could you possibly support the siege on the Netherlands? I have intelligence which says they may be close to cracking. One last push by your division should free up considerable numbers of troops for anti-Resistance COIN - though we can tolerate their pestilence a little longer if we have to - and other operations.


"Working together, we can build a world in which the rule of law — not the rule of force — governs relations between states. A world in which leaders respect the rights of their people, and nations seek peace, not destruction or domination. And neither we nor anyone else should live in fear ever again." - Wesley Clark

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#1069 ultimentra


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Posted 27 August 2008 - 07:03

Ill put in a request to command to have me shipped out to the Netherlands under your Siege Divisions once my R&R period is over. They should be sending you an application. Once I arrive I will report to you and do whatever you require of me.
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#1070 Jok3r

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Posted 27 August 2008 - 11:06

I'm sorry, we had a little mis-understanding there. The Helo was flying out of FRANCE, were he had been covertly captured and transported to by Major J. Kid...
kinda, sorta alive.

#1071 Crazykenny

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Posted 27 August 2008 - 11:52

Alright man, Solar Blast Cannon is ready to fire.

*aquiring targeting intializiation*

Alrighty then, any target for my to pummel into oblivion?
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#1072 CommanderJB

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Posted 27 August 2008 - 12:13

View PostSwimmer, on 27 Aug 2008, 21:06, said:

I'm sorry, we had a little mis-understanding there. The Helo was flying out of FRANCE, were he had been covertly captured and transported to by Major J. Kid...

Well that might make sense, were it not for the fact that he actually hadn't been according to the thread, and it's not like that was a natural next step - especially seeing as Kid's last reported position was Italy, not Ukraine. And you did specifically say 'lands and captures'. But never mind, I hope we can agree that the whole situation was daft and unrealistic, and that the thread is better off without it. If not, I'll argue it if I have to, but I'd really rather not.

Edited by CommanderJB, 27 August 2008 - 12:30.


"Working together, we can build a world in which the rule of law — not the rule of force — governs relations between states. A world in which leaders respect the rights of their people, and nations seek peace, not destruction or domination. And neither we nor anyone else should live in fear ever again." - Wesley Clark

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#1073 Jazzie Spurs


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Posted 27 August 2008 - 12:31

I is in Italy :P

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#1074 CommanderJB

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Posted 27 August 2008 - 12:46

My point exactly. Anyhow, in other news, we've been picking up worrying readings from ECA 'Defence' Satellite Solaris. It appears that they may have finally regained an uplink to it and are bringing its systems back online - and if they do this may mean disaster for the Motherland. Request permission to activate the Tremor AGAS network in response?

Edited by CommanderJB, 27 August 2008 - 12:53.


"Working together, we can build a world in which the rule of law — not the rule of force — governs relations between states. A world in which leaders respect the rights of their people, and nations seek peace, not destruction or domination. And neither we nor anyone else should live in fear ever again." - Wesley Clark

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#1075 Jazzie Spurs


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Posted 27 August 2008 - 12:51

Locate ultrimenta. Fry Him at Dom's orders!
I want him Fried.

Edited by Sergeant Major J. Kid, 27 August 2008 - 14:04.

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