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ROTR Recruitment N34: Round 2

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#601 Crazykenny

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Posted 20 July 2008 - 13:50

FIRE THE TOPOLS! Leave nothing behind. I wanna smell the ashes of DC when I get back.
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#602 DerKrieger

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Posted 20 July 2008 - 16:51

View PostRebel, on 20 Jul 2008, 4:07, said:

One more thing- lets play some AC/DC... just to freak 'em out. Back in Black anyone?

Excellent idea sir- but I think "Thunderstruck" or "Big Gun" might be better choices.

We did manage to take out many of the Topol-M missiles that were threatening Western Europe and the eastern US with a cruise missile strike.
Alright, so we have the USS Harry S Truman carrier group in the Mediterranean and the USS Nimitz carrier group in the North Sea. They'll be helpful in blockading Russian ports and in giving fire support to our forces.
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."-- George S. Patton
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#603 Crazykenny

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Posted 20 July 2008 - 16:54

Its a shame my good sir you didnt destroy them earlier. Neithless to say, we already have a great deal of missiles in the air, before your little nuisance arrived.
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#604 V.Metalic

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Posted 20 July 2008 - 20:40

View PostCrazykenny, on 20 Jul 2008, 17:54, said:

Its a shame my good sir you didnt destroy them earlier. Neithless to say, we already have a great deal of missiles in the air, before your little nuisance arrived.

My view and thinkign about this as independent spectator:
I dont know a max range of Topols, but when theoraticly they have range to hit Washington D.C., US will know it nearly imidiatly after launch and destroy them with their anti-rocket umbrella weapons from Alaska and from several rocket ships in Atlantic. So there is a little chance to hit Washington and do heavy looses. Also by this Russians will uncover their Topols and US Air Forces can destroy them with F-22, F-35, B-52 or B2.

Dont reply on this!!!
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Also I am fan of fan-made Transformers Legacy. Even its fan-made, its really nice work. If you want to check it out, come here.

#605 Dauth

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Posted 20 July 2008 - 20:42

I'll only ask this once, back to the roleplay.

#606 BeefJeRKy

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Posted 20 July 2008 - 20:52

Ok I'm switching to Russia since I didnt read the rules :stickattack3:

View PostScopejim, on 19 Jul 2008, 1:04, said:

I am joining this thread as GLA... Muahaha

-Meanwhile, in a secret underground bunker somewhere under the desert between Syria and Iraq

General Sulaymaan: I am telling you my friend that all these fancy chemicals and toxins are not to my liking. They take far too much time to kill my adversaries. I prefer to slaughter the infidels the old fashioned way. What's wrong with a few good old tanks and artillery pieces?
General Ibrahiim: Bah, our foes armor is superior to most of our own. But no amount of armor can save them from some nerve gas. And if you prefer a bit more of a bang, I can always use some thermite.
General Sulaymaan: I'd much rather blow them up with some -
Mysterious GLA General: Stop your useless bickering you two! No amount of chemicals or armor will be able to help us achieve our current objective! To level the balance in this conflict, we must take a page out of Prince Kassad's book. We must be cunning like the fennec of the desert to ensure that this conflict remains heated so that we may proceed to aid our African brethren. This is the plan...

-One week later...

Achmed sat in the TOPOL M launch vehicle at the entrance of the Russian military's secret missile base near Kursk waiting for the clearance to be given to the convoy of TOPOL launchers being wheeled into the base for use against European positions. The hijacker and terrorist had been preparing for this assignment rigorously over the past month and knew he most likely wouldn't survive this ordeal, but his act of martyrdom would be a swift act of retribution for all the brothers that the Russians had butchered in Africa. Finally the gates to the base slid open and Achmed shifted into first gear and wheeled into the base. He parked his launch vehicle in between the four other TOPOl launchers and began silently praying for mercy from his God. His mind at peace finally, Achmed opened up a panel under the launch and controls and changed around the wiring to ensure the 550 kiloton warhead could be armed. He noticed that some of the watchmen eyed him suspiciously becuase unlike the other drivers he remained inside the cabin. The terrorist flicked a pair of switches and the missile tube slowly erected into launch position however it remained sealed. The guards started shouting at him to get out and began to open fire at the cabin. Achmed opened his window and shouted out "For the cause!" before pushing the red launch button.

An immense blast vaporizes the entire base and its regiment of about 400 troops.

-Back in the secret bunker
Mysterious General: The deed is done.
Corporal Scopejim awoke suddenly and shouted. He looks around and realizes he must have been dreaming.
"Holy shit that was one freaky nightmare!" he thought to himself.
He looks out side the window and notices the TOPOL launchers were indeed blown up but apparently by an airstrike and not their own nuke.
"Better get back to duty."
Picks up the short-wave radio.
"Sergeant JB. It seems an American airstrike has destroyed our TOPOL launchers right after the missiles fired. The warheads have not yet been intercepted by US SDI and are on target for D.C. Now awaiting further orders."

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#607 CommanderJB

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Posted 21 July 2008 - 00:46

Acknowledged, missiles in flight. Tracking - no launch alerts from GBI farm at Fort Greely, Alaska - separation complete, anti-ballistic missile counters deployed. Warheads beginning re-entry now.
*Red lights flash on the status board*
Alert! We've picked up a US satellite moving into position above the cluster headed for Washington, DC! It's - it's engaging with kinetic kill-vehicles! Tracking - tracking - impact in 3, 2, 1 - we've lost contact with half of the missiles.
Remaining warheads on descent. American PAC-3 & SM-3 systems engaging - PAC-3 missiles missed, three warheads destroyed by SM-3 interceptors. Aand -
*Phone rings*
"Hello? Yes, Sergeant First Class CommanderJB of the VKS here. What? What do you mean, no detonation? Yes - yes, I see. Very well."
*Places phone gently back on cradle*
Grave news, comrades - It appears that the missile cluster headed for Washington, D.C. has been deactivated and destroyed by American SDI systems at the last moment. However, we have multiple detonations from the warheads targeted at Denmark and central France. It will likely take ECA forces in these areas some time to regroup, though an American Avenger unit may have survived by intercepting a warhead destined for their city.

I think it's time to send in troops to clean up the mess. Recommend immediate mobilisation of NBC-hardened VDV units to the areas in question.


"Working together, we can build a world in which the rule of law — not the rule of force — governs relations between states. A world in which leaders respect the rights of their people, and nations seek peace, not destruction or domination. And neither we nor anyone else should live in fear ever again." - Wesley Clark

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#608 Centric

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Posted 21 July 2008 - 03:36

Those American Raptors stand no chance against our new Low Band Surveillance Radars.

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#609 Admiral FCS


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Posted 21 July 2008 - 04:42

We need more ECA... :unsure:

#610 Crazykenny

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Posted 21 July 2008 - 05:30

Alright, fire the next batch of TOPOL's to major cities in Europe. I also wanna see if we can defend our missiles against those anti ballistic missile systems the yanks have, they've become more then a nuinsance these days.
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#611 Kamikazi

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Posted 21 July 2008 - 10:22

Way to much Russians =o ECA needs more people :unsure:
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#612 Suvorov


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Posted 21 July 2008 - 14:56

Comrade JB, my eleite 76th VDV Air Assault division would be perfect for what you're preposing. We have ample NBC protection(see post #593). We will be in the air in less than an hour.


Edited by Suvorov, 21 July 2008 - 14:57.

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#613 V.Metalic

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Posted 21 July 2008 - 19:23

I think I am confused by several things. How simple Sergeant could have several divisions/brigades etc.? When ECA and USA played it firstly, there were something like list of the groups, their commanders and status so couldnt you Russians do something like that?

Edited by Volen Metalic, 21 July 2008 - 19:23.

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Also I am fan of fan-made Transformers Legacy. Even its fan-made, its really nice work. If you want to check it out, come here.

#614 Crazykenny

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Posted 22 July 2008 - 08:33

You mean that I assign everyone to one Squadron that they cant leave?
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#615 Rayburn


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Posted 22 July 2008 - 08:53

That's what we did in the old thread and it worked pretty well if you want my opinion.
Every officer was in charge of one combat group and received orders from the higher-ups.

#616 Crazykenny

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Posted 22 July 2008 - 09:22

Right, I'll see to it that my Russian troops get assigned in groups.
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#617 Suvorov


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Posted 22 July 2008 - 13:15

Sounds good to me. The only reason I control a division is because the generals aren't always on, and for the rest of us, a few squads of anything can't do too much (except Sentinels).
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#618 Crazykenny

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Posted 22 July 2008 - 13:48

Suvorov, 112th Mixed Armored Squadron.

Speciality: Armored Units:
Special Unit: Topol M

Strong versus: Vehicles and Buildings
Weak versus: AT Infantry and Air

Edited by Dominator, 22 July 2008 - 13:50.

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#619 Suvorov


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Posted 22 July 2008 - 14:26

Thank You, Comrade General. My Kodiaks will crush the enemy!
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#620 Crazykenny

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Posted 22 July 2008 - 14:45

One more thing, the Topol M, replaces your Sentinel. You cant attack with Sentinels.
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#621 V.Metalic

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Posted 22 July 2008 - 19:52

View PostDominator, on 22 Jul 2008, 14:48, said:

Suvorov, 112th Mixed Armored Squadron.

Speciality: Armored Units:
Special Unit: Topol M

Strong versus: Vehicles and Buildings
Weak versus: AT Infantry and Air

eh, for beginning it is good, if i remember right, we dont had speciality, special unit, strong and weak, but good idea
i finally find our old lists:

---74th Leopard division---
Commander: Volen Metalic
Status: Building and defending the airfield.
Localitation: Somewhere in Germany.
---24th Tiger AAD---
Commander: -Drag-
Status: Idle
Localitation: Somewhere in Germany.
---33th Manticore Division---
Commander: None
Status: Waiting
Localitation: Paris, Italy.
---Red Fénix---
Commander: None
Status: Fighting in Berlin.
Localitation: Berlin, Germany.

And one mine about none-existing unit

Name: 115th Fox Squadron
Commander: Lance-corporal Gerhart Jeeger (KIA)
Arnament: 6 Tiger gunship (3 destroyed, 2 damaged), 4 Harrier fighter (3 destroyed, 1 damaged)
Location: Fifty kilometers north-east from Berlin

so i think that your new lists would be like this:

Name (can had a nickname):
Commander (with rank):
Most preferred unit:
Arnament (in full numbers):
Strong against:
Weak Against:

Did you understand?

EDIT: Also Rayburn sometimes create a current map of situations, but it isnt neceasary.

Edited by Volen Metalic, 22 July 2008 - 19:54.

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Also I am fan of fan-made Transformers Legacy. Even its fan-made, its really nice work. If you want to check it out, come here.

#622 Rayburn


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Posted 22 July 2008 - 19:55

That should put some order into the Russian units...so they can beat the shit out of us more efficiently 8|

#623 Crazykenny

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Posted 22 July 2008 - 20:02

Love the list Volon, but I'm not gonna write down entire divisions, so Armament is probably scrapped.
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#624 Admiral FCS


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Posted 22 July 2008 - 20:05

---ECA Intelligence Corps---
Commander: Lieutenant Chopper
Status: Top Secret
Localitation: Top Secret

IIRC Dutch is in charge of some troops.

Also, do Italy has a Paris? 8|

#625 Jok3r

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Posted 22 July 2008 - 20:36

I believe there is a place called Paris in Italy... why? Also, the Twenty-First "Black Jack" Airborne is here. In full force. They're offering additional fire support to my current first EFF. Now all we need is a couple companies of armor, and we'll be set to start smashing the russians. I'm glad to say my forces are in position currently, awaiting the russians to advance. Prepare yourselves for battle, men.
kinda, sorta alive.

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