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ROTR Recruitment N34: Round 2

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#626 Code Monkey

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Posted 22 July 2008 - 20:42

View PostVolen Metalic, on 21 Jul 2008, 14:23, said:

I think I am confused by several things. How simple Sergeant could have several divisions/brigades etc.? When ECA and USA played it firstly, there were something like list of the groups, their commanders and status so couldnt you Russians do something like that?

What the hell does it matter? Weren't you prohibited from posting in this thread anyway?

View PostOverdose, on 7 Jun 2008, 19:17, said:

You've crossed the line for the last time, Volen. You are no longer allowed to post here. I'll be deleting every post you make here from now on.

"A bullet sounds the same in every language, so if you can't communicate with your enemy, use your gun to translate."

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#627 Centric

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Posted 22 July 2008 - 21:58

Generals ready to be reassigned to my duties !(btw pick carefully as I will only be aloud to make pictures of my units)

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#628 Crazykenny

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Posted 22 July 2008 - 22:03

View PostCode Monkey, on 22 Jul 2008, 20:42, said:

View PostVolen Metalic, on 21 Jul 2008, 14:23, said:

I think I am confused by several things. How simple Sergeant could have several divisions/brigades etc.? When ECA and USA played it firstly, there were something like list of the groups, their commanders and status so couldnt you Russians do something like that?

What the hell does it matter? Weren't you prohibited from posting in this thread anyway?

View PostOverdose, on 7 Jun 2008, 19:17, said:

You've crossed the line for the last time, Volen. You are no longer allowed to post here. I'll be deleting every post you make here from now on.

Hey, back off he's just helping.
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#629 Kamikazi

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Posted 22 July 2008 - 23:12

I really dont get it why isnt allowed to post here anymore :S
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#630 Admiral FCS


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Posted 22 July 2008 - 23:13

View PostKamikazi, on 22 Jul 2008, 16:12, said:

I really dont get it why isnt allowed to post here anymore :S

?? I can't understand what are you saying.

#631 Libains

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Posted 22 July 2008 - 23:37

Whoa - all calm down chill etc. Volen did nothing wrong and simply was wondering as to why the heck the Russians weren't seemingly a bit more organised. To be honest though, this roleplay has come to the end of it's life more or less, (but I'm hoping people will prove me wrong). Simply said, there is nothing for us Russians to fight anymore as there are no ECA defenders left to shore up the gaps, sadly. It's a pity, but the ECA has gone to the dogs, and without it, the USA has no real stand either.

That being said, Frogfoot squadron, in the air and standing by for your orders general - what is our next target comrade?

For there can be no death without life.

#632 CommanderJB

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Posted 22 July 2008 - 23:50

View PostCode Monkey, on 23 Jul 2008, 6:42, said:

View PostVolen Metalic, on 21 Jul 2008, 14:23, said:

I think I am confused by several things. How simple Sergeant could have several divisions/brigades etc.? When ECA and USA played it firstly, there were something like list of the groups, their commanders and status so couldnt you Russians do something like that?

What the hell does it matter? Weren't you prohibited from posting in this thread anyway?

View PostOverdose, on 7 Jun 2008, 19:17, said:

You've crossed the line for the last time, Volen. You are no longer allowed to post here. I'll be deleting every post you make here from now on.

Hmm... given that the deletion is obviously not occurring, and this was said at the beginning of this month, and hasn't been acted upon since, I think it'd be safe to say that it's lapsed. Which is just as well given the few ECA players.

Also, not meaning to sound rude, but you actually do have (at least) Volen Metalic, General FCS, Kamikazi and Rebel all on your side, but if I may say so some of you really seem to continually point out how few in number you are rather than actually contributing to the roleplay for a good proportion of the time. I understand you may not want to, and then of course this thread may have reached the end of its life (at least until we get moderator posts announcing new developments, upon which point I would expect to see some life being breathed back in), but all the same it could be a lot more interesting if people kept on-topic, in-universe and focused and continually contributed to the thread.
The new organisation system sounds like a great idea, I'd just ask not to be put in a tank division or something, because the VKS are just so much more interesting...

And to fulfil my own request, now back to RP.

Comrade General Dominator, our Topol missiles have successfully attacked various locations in Europe including the Netherlands border, though we don't know what the effects are yet. The 76th VDV regiment has been dispatched to the area to secure the border, and hopefully from there we'll begin a sweep up through the Nordic countries and destroy them from the North and South fronts simultaneously.
However, cursed American cruise missiles, which we believe were submarine-launched, have severely damaged the majority of our Topol launch sites, meaning that it will be at least another week before we can even consider getting a limited volley in the air as missile squadrons will have to be repaired, re-organised and re-housed. However, I believe the Tremor AGAS is undamaged - there are simply too many stations in the network for anyone to consider taking down enough to remove our capabilities.

Unfortunately we have missed our opportunity to damage the American forces landing in Bordeaux and other areas of Southern France, and satellite recon has picked up significant activity at French airbases and on the local highways. It looks like they're preparing one of their airborne divisions for a strike mission - request immediate doubling of CAS missions by the VVS, and also the relocation of one of our armoured units and associated AAA to the German front. Otherwise we may find ourselves with a new and unwanted annoyance on a totally unexpected front...

Edited by CommanderJB, 23 July 2008 - 00:06.


"Working together, we can build a world in which the rule of law — not the rule of force — governs relations between states. A world in which leaders respect the rights of their people, and nations seek peace, not destruction or domination. And neither we nor anyone else should live in fear ever again." - Wesley Clark

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#633 Admiral FCS


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Posted 23 July 2008 - 01:54

Since Intelligence operations can't really turn tide of this battle, I decided to do something that can help our forces. I do think some of you never knew I learned how to fly aircraft 8| .

---USAF 4th Close Air Support Regiment---
Callsign: Chopper
Ranking: Squadron Leader
Status: Standing By
Localitation: Somewhere in France
Job: Close Air Support for ECA/USA Ground Division
Weapons: A-10 "Thunderbolt", AH-66 Comanche and FB-22 Raptor.
Strong vs: Infantry, Vehicles, Tanks, Buildings
Weak vs: Portable Anti-Air Weaponary, Stationary AA Battery

Chopper out, greetings to USAF and no sun tomorrow for Russia.

#634 Alias

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Posted 23 July 2008 - 02:13

View PostGeneral FCS, on 23 Jul 2008, 11:54, said:

Chopper out, greetings to USAF and no sun tomorrow for Russia.
Then we shall fight in the shade!


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#635 V.Metalic

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Posted 23 July 2008 - 07:42

Allright, so I will a little modify, here is v2:

Name (can had a nickname):
Commander (with rank):
Most preferred unit:
Arnament (onyl list of known units):
Strong against:
Weak Against:

Here is for example one unit:

Name : 15th Guard Tank Army
Commander: Polkóvnik Dmitri "Hammer" Boroliev
Speciality: Heavy armor
Most preferred unit: Kodiak tank
Arnament: Kodiak tank, Sentinel heavy tank, BMP-3, MSTA-S
Status: Waiting for orders
Location: Warsaw, Poland
Strong against: Tanks, defensive constructions, artillery
Weak Against: Aircrafts, anti-tank infantry

If you dont want to create real name, just past here your forum name.

Code Monkey: I dont interupt to RP, but I only talk about it so if you If behind by state, so squeal on me, if you think that is better.

CommanderJB: *looking around and search* I dont see myself like I play this anymore, if you know that I was killed for reason that you will must find. For now there are only 2 ECA and 1-2 USA and 4-5 Russians. And (by me) true reason why nearly all ECAs leave RP for two reasons: First because they want leave it and second remaining were "cleaned up". But main reason why no ECA/USA players dint want play is RotR Team. Because they said that ECA must only defend, no counterattacks. And when you cant do anything, why play RP-like-this and leave it, if these 2 thinks are the same?
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Also I am fan of fan-made Transformers Legacy. Even its fan-made, its really nice work. If you want to check it out, come here.

#636 Crazykenny

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Posted 23 July 2008 - 09:14

Alright then, everyone should make one for themselfs.

Name : 5th Specialized Air Squadron
Commander: Ken Dmitri "Dominator" Surulov
Speciality: Air Superiority, ICBM's.
Most preferred unit: Su-47 "Berkut", Topol M.
Arnament: Su-47, Su-25, Kodiak, Topol M, Sentinel Super Heavy Tank.
Status: In command.
Location: Novaya Zembla, Russia
Strong against: Tanks, defensive constructions, buildings.
Weak Against: Anti-Air
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#637 Jazzie Spurs


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Posted 23 July 2008 - 20:11

Name: James J. "Kid".
Rank: Sergeant Major.
Commander: General Wolfgang.
Speciality: Tank Assault.
Most preferred unit: Jagmammut.
Arnament: Leopard 3 ECA's AA unit. Posted Image
Status: In alert.
Location: Somewhere in the Netherlands.
Strong against: Tanks, Buildings.
Weak Against: Infantry with Missiles, Air Units.

Edited by HeartBreak1, 23 July 2008 - 20:45.

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#638 Admiral FCS


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Posted 23 July 2008 - 20:37

----USAF 4th CAS Regiment----
Name: Alexander D. Marshal "Chopper"
Rank: Squadron Leader, Captain
Speciality: Close Air Support
Most Perferred Unit: A-10E 'Thunderbolt'
Armamanet: A-10E 'Thunderbolt', FB-22E 'Raptor', AH-66E 'Comanche'
Status: Standing By.
Location: France, Europe
Strong vs: Infantry, Tanks, Vehicles, Buildings
Weak vs: Anti-Air Defence
----USAF 4th CAS Regiment----

#639 V.Metalic

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Posted 23 July 2008 - 20:53

So Kid coming back. Hmm.... intersting. Now ECA had one of their leaders in lead and greater chance to stop Russian invasion.
And also "Chopper" is "back" on the side of the USA. Also intersting.
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Also I am fan of fan-made Transformers Legacy. Even its fan-made, its really nice work. If you want to check it out, come here.

#640 Admiral FCS


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Posted 23 July 2008 - 23:17

I wonder... Is this permitted?


#641 CommanderJB

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Posted 23 July 2008 - 23:54

If it's alright with you, Comrade General, here are the details of my new unit:

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Name: Vozdushnye Kosmos Sily (VKS) 3rd Missile-Space Defence & Reconnaissance Army
Commander: Polkóvnik Sergei Kasprov
Speciality: Orbital weaponry, orbital reconnaissance and missile launch, targeting, defence, alerting & coordination
Most preferred unit: Kosmos recon satellites, GLONASS targeting & positional satellites, Topol-M ICBMs (currently inactive), Soyuz-U & Angara heavy-lift launch vehicles
Armament: IS-MU Anti-Satellite/ABM kill-vehicles, others (classified)
Status: Partially active, some sections awaiting deployment
Location: Solnechogorsk, Moscow region, Russia
Strong against: Stealth units, fixed positions
Weak Against: Anti-satellite weaponry, SDI systems

Edit: [Off topic]

View PostVolen Metalic, on 23 Jul 2008, 17:42, said:

CommanderJB: *looking around and search* I dont see myself like I play this anymore, if you know that I was killed for reason that you will must find. For now there are only 2 ECA and 1-2 USA and 4-5 Russians. And (by me) true reason why nearly all ECAs leave RP for two reasons: First because they want leave it and second remaining were "cleaned up". But main reason why no ECA/USA players dint want play is RotR Team. Because they said that ECA must only defend, no counterattacks. And when you cant do anything, why play RP-like-this and leave it, if these 2 thinks are the same?

If I'm understanding you correctly, you're saying you were 'killed off' earlier in the thread, right? So you're now commentating on the progress of the thread? That would make sense. And I also understand your reasoning behind people leaving your side - hopefully we'll get some restrictions lifted in a future thread, because that really must be pretty boring for you guys. At least a couple of new people have joined your side now. [/Off-topic]

Edited by CommanderJB, 24 July 2008 - 00:15.


"Working together, we can build a world in which the rule of law — not the rule of force — governs relations between states. A world in which leaders respect the rights of their people, and nations seek peace, not destruction or domination. And neither we nor anyone else should live in fear ever again." - Wesley Clark

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#642 Libains

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Posted 24 July 2008 - 00:01

I'll reveal some info on myself... fear me.... :rolleyes:

Name: 21st Aerial Intelligence and Assault Station
Commander: Sergeant Major Alexandre Odintsova
Speciality: Airborne assaults, recon and tactical planning for ground assaults, specialist in siege scenarios.
Preferred Weaponsystem: Frogfoots and my own custom-made Werewolf
Armament: Fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft, and special officer Boris.
Status: Active.
Location: The Netherlands, northern border
Strong against: Ground targets not reinforced to prevent airborne damage.
Weak Against: Anti-air and anti-missile systems

Edited by AjPod, 24 July 2008 - 00:03.

For there can be no death without life.

#643 V.Metalic

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Posted 24 July 2008 - 07:52

View PostCommanderJB, on 24 Jul 2008, 0:54, said:

Posted Image
Name: Vozdushnye Kosmos Sily (VKS) 3rd Missile-Space Defence & Reconnaissance Army
Commander: Polkóvnik Sergei Kasprov
Speciality: Orbital weaponry, orbital reconnaissance and missile launch, targeting, defence, alerting & coordination
Most preferred unit: Kosmos recon satellites, GLONASS targeting & positional satellites, Topol-M ICBMs (currently inactive), Soyuz-U & Angara heavy-lift launch vehicles
Armament: IS-MU Anti-Satellite/ABM kill-vehicles, others (classified)
Status: Partially active, some sections awaiting deployment
Location: Solnechogorsk, Moscow region, Russia
Strong against: Stealth units, fixed positions
Weak Against: Anti-satellite weaponry, SDI systems

Edit: [Off topic]
If I'm understanding you correctly, you're saying you were 'killed off' earlier in the thread, right? So you're now commentating on the progress of the thread? That would make sense. And I also understand your reasoning behind people leaving your side - hopefully we'll get some restrictions lifted in a future thread, because that really must be pretty boring for you guys. At least a couple of new people have joined your side now. [/Off-topic]

Ummm..... u again named units that there maybe will not be, I dont talk about Kosmos or GLONASS, but about Soyuz launcher, how u know that there will be? Cant u stay with known RotR units?

EDIT: And I will dont say that Kid and Chopper are new players. Kid is almost the first and Chopper is one of the greatest ECA players like me from good times.

Edited by Volen Metalic, 24 July 2008 - 07:58.

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Also I am fan of fan-made Transformers Legacy. Even its fan-made, its really nice work. If you want to check it out, come here.

#644 Crazykenny

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Posted 24 July 2008 - 09:19

Thanks for the hand Volen :rolleyes:

*prepares Russian airforce*

Edited by Dominator, 24 July 2008 - 09:20.

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#645 V.Metalic

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Posted 24 July 2008 - 13:02

View PostDominator, on 24 Jul 2008, 10:19, said:

Thanks for the hand Volen |8

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Also I am fan of fan-made Transformers Legacy. Even its fan-made, its really nice work. If you want to check it out, come here.

#646 Jazzie Spurs


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Posted 24 July 2008 - 13:11

I was the First ECA Soldier That's why I was an officer :3
I r waitin mah troops :3

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#647 CommanderJB

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Posted 24 July 2008 - 14:04

View PostVolen Metalic, on 24 Jul 2008, 17:52, said:

Ummm..... u again named units that there maybe will not be, I dont talk about Kosmos or GLONASS, but about Soyuz launcher, how u know that there will be? Cant u stay with known RotR units?

EDIT: And I will dont say that Kid and Chopper are new players. Kid is almost the first and Chopper is one of the greatest ECA players like me from good times.

For goodness sakes, the Soyuz is in RotR. You have played Old Glory, the RotR 1.0 Russian 'campaign' mission, right? Because at the American base there just so happen to be four very important launch pads upon which sit four stonking great Soyuz Missiles, so I think we can safely say Russia possesses Soyuz-derived launch vehicle (which includes Soyuz-U and Onega, and Angara also utilises much of the same technology) capability in the RotR timeline. And the rest of it isn't in RotR, no, and never will be in an update either, I'm sure, but it's been assumed in this thread earlier that the nations have navies, which aren't 'official' units either but make sense, so this is following precisely the same logic by assuming that these things exist, which timeline-specific evidence (Old Glory) supports.

The things I specify aren't even going to have a direct outcome on the course of the war anyway, so I really don't think it matters. The only things which actually do directly affect the progress of the roleplay are the Topol-Ms, which of course are understood by everyone to be perfectly acceptable.

Also, re the 'new' thing, it was basically just me saying that you now have more people on your side as there are now people who have not posted for some considerable time, making them 'new' to the current situation. I understand that they have a considerable history in the rest of the thread however.


"Working together, we can build a world in which the rule of law — not the rule of force — governs relations between states. A world in which leaders respect the rights of their people, and nations seek peace, not destruction or domination. And neither we nor anyone else should live in fear ever again." - Wesley Clark

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#648 Kamikazi

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Posted 24 July 2008 - 14:51

Name : 4th Frontline Battalion
Commander: Kevin "Kamikazi" van Haaren
Speciality: Defence
Most preferred unit: Tiger MK2
Arnament: Leopard tank, Lynx, Tiger MK2
Status: Defending Dutch border
Location: Nijmegen, Easter Border, The Netherlands
Strong against: Tanks, infantry, buildings
Weak Against: Anti-Air, Heavy tanks

"We need to set up some defences here! Those Russians can be here any moment! Come men!"

Im setting up a forward supply camp in Nijmegen (and I use Beuningen as my toilet XD)

Edited by Kamikazi, 24 July 2008 - 15:27.

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#649 Suvorov


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Posted 24 July 2008 - 15:03

General, if this is allowed, then these are my forces.

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Name: 51st parachute landing regiment, 106th Guards airborne division
Commander: Segei Suvorov
Specialty: rapid insertion, infantry
Most perfered unit: BMD-3
Armament: Some fixed wing aircraft(transports, ground attack), APC's, Tunguska AA
Status: active
Location: The Netherlands, Eastern Border
Strong Against: ground attack aircraft, fixed defences, light armor
Weak Against: heavy armor, AA, artillery, garrisoning an area for extended periods

Sir! My troops are awaiting orders!

Edited by Suvorov, 24 July 2008 - 15:14.

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#650 Kamikazi

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Posted 24 July 2008 - 15:26

Lol, how can you be IN the Netherlands? |8
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