C. Boidy, on 6 Jun 2008, 2:58, said:
To address point #1:
Again, if the staff are entirely capable of their positions, things won't get out of hand. Members don't second guess those they trust. The current administration does have a reasonable amount of trust in it. I and those that agree with me do not trust the authority of the administration though, thus this topic. I wouldn't second guess them if they didn't give me reason to do so, and I can point out examples as to why I have reasons to second guess them.
The Admins (yes, capital letter now) selected the Staff not (primarily) because of public trust, but because of the fact that they'd make good Staffers, and probably because of any number of other reasons they won't share with us. And ultimately it's the Admins who run this forum, and who sign off on the Staffers' actions. The general population might not trust some of the Staffers, and second-guess their decisions, but at the end of the day (or night, depending on your timezone

) it's the Admins that have the right to decide who is right and who isn't, and their decision generally falls in favour of the Staffers. It's like second-guessing your office manager, it just won't work.
To address points #2
You took the wrong meaning from that point: Chris deserves more of a pardon given his position. He should be favored because he is a mod leader and hs his mod to look after, he has aided a number of mods here as mentioned (and I don't mean just beta tested), and he is a veteran, of which the latter can work both ways as you've pointed out. He does deserve negative sanctions, perhaps, but a two week ban? For someone who can most certainly adjust in far less time with far more efficient means?
And I say again this is precisely why he
should be punished. He knows the consequences better than new members - I repeat what I said about giving repeat offenders reduced sentences.
And yes, he did pile up inflammatory posts, but so has everyone here. The staff simply caught onto his and warned him about it. But again, others have done worse and slipped by under the RADAR. Chris's were just seen more openly. And I've already discredited half of the "inflammatory posts" that were pointed out.
#3 was addressed above.
So you're saying Chris should be unbanned because others have gotten away with more?
I propose that Chris be put on a strict parole that he cannot break for two weeks. If he makes an inflammatory post, then fine, he's had his warning, but what was done to him just recently isn't right. He had no warning that what he was doing was wrong, form what I can tell, barring his previous warning, which was issued too long ago to have any merit. So his "inflammatory" posts didn't seem bad to him as he wasn't warned on them.
His first warning
was his "parole". He knew the consequences, and he
still kept making inflammatory posts. And two refer back to "
For someone who can most certainly adjust in far less time with far more efficient means?", these two weeks might just be what he needs to adjust. Punishment is there for a reason.
In his case, I feel that the warn system was indeed partially to blame. Perhaps it should be looked at.
The two-week ban was not just a consequence of the warn system, but also a conscious choice of the Staffers involved. Temp ban on second warning, perma-ban on third sounds pretty reasonable considering the fact that warn level can be reduced at the Staffers' discretion.
[color="#FFF000"]That aside, Again, some do deserve special treatment. You were given special treatment in that you are a staff member and see more than most see going on behind the scenes. Don't use "everyone deserves equal treatment" as an argument when you and I both know that to be false. Some are just more worthy than others.
And the reason Chris deserves special treatment is because he works on multiple mods? Yes, Staffers have special treatment and know what's going on behind the scenes - that's what they're for, just like the FBI and CIA, to take a few real-world examples. Indeed, "everyone" does not deserve equal treatment, but why should that disparity lay between Members, Staffers and Project Team/Leader when it is (and, IMO, should be) between Members at large and Staffers?
Edited by Strategia™©, 06 June 2008 - 01:24.